Less than a week ago... I wrote a post about The Daily Dimwit and the amazing contest I won over at his blog. If you missed it... click here. Anyways... our paths quickly crossed again... this time it involved an amazing trade.
One of the things that makes collecting sports cards enjoyable at my age is the same thing that made it fun when I was 8 years old: TRADING.
I've been in the hobby for over thirty years and although my collecting wants/needs have changed dramatically over the years... the fact is... I still love to trade cards. Well... last Saturday I saw this post over at the The Daily Dimwit and knew I wanted the 2011 Topps Gary Carter memorabilia card for my Expos PC.
A day later... we worked out a trade... but not just any trade. It's the best kind of trade. What kind of trade is that... you ask? It's the kind where both parties are picking up cards for their PC's. Neither one of us was looking to upgrade our tradebait... or trade for something we were planning on selling. Nope... The Daily Dimwit collects Houston Astros cards and I collect A's, Padres, and Expos.
Don't get the wrong idea... as long as both parties are happy... then that should be considered a great trade. I'm just tired of dealing with people who want my HOF memorabilia cards for their memorabilia cards of thirty-six year old prospects. If you're going to offer these kinds of trades... at least trade in my favor... since that's what I'm willing to do if the roles are reversed. Anyways... enough complaining... it's time to celebrate... because this was an awesome trade.
This card is sweet... it's going to look great next to my Carter autograph. All I need now is his 1975 Topps rookie card... and I'll have a trifecta.
Khalil was the Padres 1st round draft pick in 2002 and was second in voting for the NL ROY award in 2003. He played six solid seasons for the Padres, before being traded to the Cardinals. This is my fourth memorabilia card of Greene... and was an added bonus from The Daily Dimwit.

Last... but not least were these four A's cards. I'm stoked to have received the Ken Holtzman on-card autograph, since he's one of the key reasons the A's reached the World Series three years in a row during the 70's. It's my first autograph of his... and my second of Sal Bando. Which by the way... is horrendous. What the heck was TriStar thinking when they produced Signa Cuts? Finally... I added two more memorabilia cards of pitchers no longer with the Athletics: Harden & Haren.
Thanks again Samuel for the great trade. If I get anymore Astros cards... I'll definitely contact you. Keep up the great blog!
Everyone else... if you have some Astros you'd like to trade... I encourage you to head over to his blog: The Daily Dimwit. Maybe you guys can pull off... the perfect trade... where both of you add to your PC's.
So... today's question is:
What's your definition of a great trade?
One more day until the weekend... I hope everyone has a happy Friday. Sayonara!
Fuji, it was a pleasure to trade with you, glad you enjoy the cards and that they have found a good home in your collection! I agree, a perfect trade is one where both sides feel they got the better end of the deal... and I get the feeling this is one of those trades!
I have a similar feeling, but a little different. I think the perfect trade is where both participants feel they shorted the other. Not because I think it is good to feel like you slighted someone, but because it means both parties got cards they wanted for cards that meant nothing to them.
Harden is actually back with the A's.
I take Astros cards as well, so me and Sam can fight over them.
The Dimwit - Awesome trade... thanks again... I'm sure we'll work out another one in the future.
hiflew - interesting point of view... I think that the way I traded for most of my life... but since I started trading with students a few years ago... my philosophy has changed. I'm often trading in their favor, so they get pumped about the hobby. No... I'm still not giving up $100 autos for commons... but I'll definitely throw in extra cards to help them out.
However... if we're talking about trading with strangers on SCF... you're 100% right. I still like to walk away with that great feeling that I got rid of junk for gold.
cubsfan731 - How the heck did I miss that? I guess I would have figured it out sooner than later since I've got tickets to a few games in the upcoming weeks. I guess baseball takes a backseat during the offseason to football, hockey, and basketball. Thanks for the update!
Baseball Cards Rule - I still have a couple of washed out prospect cards The Dimwit didn't want... ;-)
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