Now that state testing and my friend's surgery are in the rear view window, I can start focusing on a few other things like dental work, end of the year field trips, grades and graduation, and of course summer break.
The dental thing is a work in process and won't be complete any time soon. I have a few old fillings that need to be replaced, but the main thing involves getting an implant to replace the tooth I had extracted a few weeks ago.
I'm also scheduled to go on two field trips in the next two weeks. They'll be the first end of the year field trips for our students in three years.
I'm excited about going to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, but am trying my best to get out of chaperoning the Raging Waters field trip. As for grades and graduation, they're part of the job. Things will be a little hectic around the classroom the last few weeks of school.
However at the end of the tunnel, summer break will be waiting for me. I have a few quick road trips to Oregon and Southern California as well as a handful of baseball games planned. Plus my buddy is promoting a card show at the Santa Clara Convention Center in August, so I'll be setting up again as a dealer.
In the meantime, I have plenty of cards to write about on the blog. I literally have a stack of care packages piling up in my office. Lack of time is the issue. That being said... seeing them brings a smile to my face. It's like looking at a bunch of presents sitting under the tree at Christmas.
I apologize to those of you who sent me these packages and are waiting for a blog post. The good news is I started chipping away at the stack this weekend. I decided to go with the oldest one, which was a PWE that Elliptical Man sent to me back on April 12th. It contained these six cards...
2022 Topps Opening Day Mascots #M-16
I was lucky enough to pull this card out of one of the blasters I opened last month, so this is a duplicate. That being said... duplicate or not... I will happily accept any and all trading cards featuring Stomper.
Next up are four Shinjo cards for my Japanese PC...
Tsuyoshi's MLB career wasn't very eventful, but a quick peek at his Wikipedia page shows that he had an awesome NPB career as a player. Last October he accepted the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters managerial position.
The final card in the six pack was this heavily creased mid 80's football card...

1986 Topps #195
Minniefield was a 4x Pro Bowler during the 80's... and was a member of the NFL 1980's All-Decade Team. He's also the latest member to join my Damaged Card HOF binder.
Thank you Elliptical Man for another generous PWE. Sorry it took so long to tear into it and scan the cards.
Chris: The 2012 Topps cards are yours. Just need some time to get it packaged up. If you see this post, please email me your address.
Bo: Haven't gone through the 2018 Topps and compared it to your wantlist, but I will. Maybe this weekend?
As for the rest of you...
Any fun summer plans?
Happy Wednesday and sayonara!
Coincidentally I also have an appointment for some complicated dental work coming up next week. Good luck with yours!
I am hoping for higher humidity this summer (so I can breathe). Low humidity keeps me sick, which keeps my back awry. I like it 80-100%, make me sweat baby, lol.
Hopefully a card show or two up your way.
Great to hear your students are going on field trips again. My girls just had a couple of their own, including a minor league baseball game :)
I'll email you about the 2012 Topps cards. Enjoy the end of school year festivities.
No Portland trip!?!?! Sounds like a good summer.
Miguel Cabrera 500 HR Bobblehead night is two weeks away, hoping yo be able to go, possibly meet up with Dennis of Too Many Verlanders, maybe at a card show as well.
You have a lot to look forward to (minus the dental work). Summer for me will be work, a couple beach trips (NJ shore and Delaware shore), and my son's travel baseball games.
Best of luck on the life stuff.
No rush at all on my cards! I have a couple of damaged HOFs waiting for you. Incidentally, I've had that Minnifield card since '86. Not sure what shape it is in, my eye tends to go right over creases like that.
If all goes well, I'll be back out on the West Coast again at the end of July. This time to go see family that were too far away when we met up last year. So I won't be close enough for another shop trip...
Oh man I'm doing the same dental thing as you. Had an extraction a month ago. Now in the long wait for the bone graft to solidify enough for an implant. Thankfully it never hurt. And thankfully it'll be so long that I can ding insurance over two years.
Summer plans you say? Finaly getting to CA to see the family for the first time in 3 years. I'd love to know the details on the card show since I have a chance of making it to that. Will also be taking the boys to Hawaii for the first time to see my family there and let me mom have a chance to show them where she grew up. Kind of torn on that since we really shouldn't be going but also my mom isn't getting any younger.
Life always comes first!
Good luck with everything on your schedule, Fuji ;) My summer will be spent working, mowing my lawn and spending time with my daughter and grandkid.
It appears that the high gas prices are going to prevent me from doing most of the things that I had planned on doing this summer.
sean - hope your trip to the dentist was a success. i've got my next appointment the week after next.
johnnys trading spot - i'm a low humidity/cool temperature kind of guy. i've heard florida is pretty humid, so hope that keeps you healthy and happy throughout the summer
sumomenkoman - can't wait buddy. hope we finds some nice additions for our collection
chris - a field trip to a baseball game sounds awesome. i tried to talk my principal into letting us go to a san jose giants game. it didn't happen this year, but maybe next year
the diamond king - not this summer. maybe next?
john sharp - hope you get that miggy bobblehead and get to meet up with dennis. hanging out with fellow collectors and bloggers at a card show is awesome
the lost collector - yeah, not looking forward to the dental work. but i am looking forward to the rest. have fun to the jersey and delaware shores
bo - cards should have shipped out today. that's cool that you've kept that card around for over three decades. i'll give it a good home
gca - hope you have a good trip to cali. bummer we won't be able to hang out and talk cards. hopefully one day
nick vossbrink - i'm in the same process. gotta wait another month or two before they can put the rod in. then let it heal a few more months before they put the actual new tooth in. ugh. hate the long process. there are a few shows to choose from. my buddy's show is 8/6 and 8/7 at the santa clara convention center. have a safe trip to hawaii. i'd love to get back there myself one day.
matt - sadly... yes.
big tone - enjoy your summer with your daughter and grandkid.
jon - yeah, these gas prices are insane. just paid $6.99 per gallon on tuesday.
Fuji, love this blog. I reread and also caught up with your posts and spent about 2 hours reading your work last night. Everything was going so smooth until I misread the part where you took the kids on a ROGER WATERS field trip. Don’t know what that would entail, but it reminded me that I’m no speed reader.
The Reader from Van Meter
james cashman - thanks for checking out the blog. been busy with work, so i haven't had much time to write. as for roger waters... i'm willing to bet less than 5 of my 150+ students knows his name. That being said... I know several of my students have Pink Floyd shirts. They just don't listen to their music.
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