My love for acetate doesn't stop with sports cards. I came across this 2002 Filmcardz autograph of Stan Lee on eBay a few months back and knew it had to be a part of my collection. I'm not a comic book expert, but I don't think you have to be to have heard of Mr. Lee. He co-created some of the comic book titles: Spider-Man, the X-Men, Hulk, Iron Man, the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four.
I never put a face to his name until I watched Kevin Smith's Mallrats in the mid 90's. Stan Lee plays himself in the movie, but since then has made cameos in almost every major Marvel movie in the last 10 years.
If you're looking to add a Stan Lee autograph to your collection, he has a bunch to choose from. However... this is by far my favorite one of the bunch. Seriously... what's not to like? It features:
a. one of my favorite comic book characters: Spider-Man
b. an amazing card design the incorporates acetate (one of my favorite card technologies)
c. an on-card autograph of one of the most famous people in the comic book industry
Now... for the question of the day: Who is your favorite comic book character?
Good night!
Good night!
Never really a big comic book fan, but I like Superman, the reason all other super heroes become super, IE Peter Parker becomes Spider Man, however Superman becomes Clark Kent.
And I love the kryptonite condom dialogue from mallrats!
Tough one/ I used to really like Venom, just because he was really cool in the comics I read, but then Spider Man 3 game out and...eh.
I might go Gambit of X-Men fame. Dude throws cards. So cool.
My favorite would have to be Captain America. It was the first comic that I remember owning. It was a compilation of a bunch of old Tales of Suspense stories written by Stan Lee and drawn by Jack Kirby. Two of my comic creator heroes. Nice pickup on the Stan the Man auto!
Great card.
I love the Punisher. No super powers, just a bunch of guns. Too bad the movies all sucked. I think Punisher would work best as a series on HBO or Showtime.
Oh yeah, love me some Wolverine and Deadpool too.
No question, Wolverine. I loved the X-Men cartoon of the 90's when I was younger.
Otherwise, Mystique from the movies!!!
I had two favourites when I was kid.
Captain America - A superhero fighting Nazis, cant get better than that!
Thor - I like Norse mythology and Thor has some cool powers and weapons.
Both Thor and Captain have movies coming out soon and from what I've seen so far I think Captain America is going to be as good as The Dark Knight.
As long as they are better than the awful Spiderman and XMen films I'll be happy.
Martyn - Mallrats is one of the greatest movies from the 90's... loved Clerks too.
SpastikMooss & dodgerbobble - Between Spidey, Venom, and Carnage... those three are tops on my list. However... Deadpool is also another classic. Can't wait until his movie comes out.
Jeremy & Tony Mc - No doubt... Captain America is another favorite of mine.
Charles - I just bought some of those bootlegged dvds of x-men from the 90's... those were awesome!
Sweet card first of all. Very nice.
And greatest superhero ever is Colossus from the X-Men. He's like the Hulk, but remains intelligent when he changes.
That's a fantastic card right there.
My favorite has always been the Silver Surfer, but the past couple of years I've been reading Green Lantern. I think I lean more towards the sci-fi space type stuff.
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