Wednesday, July 30, 2014


It's official.  My two and a half week summer break has arrived.  What does that mean?  Well... it means I get a chance to do the following:

1.  Relax and sleep in.

2.  Finish sorting the remainder of those 5,000ct. boxes.

3.  Take my niece and nephew down to San Luis Obisbo.

4.  Finally build and ship out the four "prize packages".

5.  Get both of my cars washed.

6.  Wrap up a few trades I'm involved in.

7.  Catch up on Game of Thrones, Orphan Black, Hell on Wheels, and The Walking Dead.

8.  Write and schedule a bunch of blog posts in advance.

9.  Prepare for the two new subjects I'll be teaching next year.

10.  And maybe... just maybe hit up a flea market.

In the meantime... I though I'd share the first card that came to mind when I thought of summer:

I'm pretty sure it's the first autograph I ever pulled from a pack.  It's from a set produced back in 1992 called Beach Sports.  It's primarily a beach volleyball set with surfing, windsurfing, and skateboarding sprinkled in.  Back then beach volleyball was huge... well at least among my friends. We'd head over to Santa Cruz and play on a regular basis.

Anyways... that's pretty much why I ended up busting a few packs of this stuff when it arrived at the card shop.  At the time, Michael Irvin was coming off of his first Pro Bowl season and the Cowboys were finally turning things around.  So you can imagine how excited I was when I pulled it from the pack.  My boss at the card shop wanted me to sell it to him, but I decided to hold onto it.  Huge mistake.  These days you can pick up this autograph on eBay for under $40.  Oh well.  It's a piece of my collecting history and one of the handful of cards I decided to keep over the past twenty-something years.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.  Happy Wedneday and sayonara!


Ana Lu said...

Have a nice summertime ^_-

Mark Hoyle said...

Enjoy the time off

Play at the Plate said...

Those all sound like good ideas. Especially the sleeping in one. I'm sooo tired.

Tony L. said...

Enjoy your time off. Strangely, here in Georgia, the first day of school for Atlanta Public Schools is NEXT MONDAY. I don't know why they start so early, but they do.

Man said...

Have a great time-it sounds like you may need a vacation after your vacation. I look forward to reading some highlights.

BobWalkthePlank said...

Enjoy the time off!

Daniel Wilson said...

And here I was hoping that summer was almost over. My kids start school on Monday and it's just so hot here in AZ. Hope you have a nice summer break!

The Junior Junkie said...

Those 5k count boxes scared the crap out of me.

Fuji said...


Fuji said...

Day 1 was pretty productive... two car washes, some grocery shopping, a quick trip to the flea market, and some yard work.

Fuji said...

I tried this morning... but failed. But tomorrow is another day ;-)

Fuji said...

Maybe you guys get out in late May. Our school year starts mid/late August and ends mid July.

Fuji said...

Thanks Brady. How's the weather in your part of Cali? I'm dying of heat exhaustion in SJ.

Fuji said...

Thanks Matthew!

Fuji said...

Stay cool. I know I have no room to complain... but I'm frying here in SJ too. My sister lives in Scottsdale and I remember visiting her during the summer a few years ago. I'll never do that again.

Fuji said...

I hear ya. After a pretty productive day... I had planned on tackling another 5k box, but I just didn't have it in me. Tomorrow's a new day.