These days, I power up my Playstation 3 on a daily basis. But it's not to play video games. I use it to watch TV shows on Netflix.
There was a time in my life... when video games and sports cards competed against each other for my attention. They both entered my life at about the same time: early 80's. But there's no denying that my Atari 2600 reigned supreme for the first few years. Then I started to play sports and with that my interest in collecting cardboard grew. This epic battle continued into my early 30's.
Some years, I preferred collecting cardboard... other years, I chose to pick up a controller and sit in front of the television.
1987 was a big year for me. That's when the war really heated up. If there was a pinnacle point in my "nerdhood"... this was it. It was the year I began buying cards as an investment.
That year, I also received my Nintendo Entertainment System for Christmas.
Unfamiliar with the NES system? It's an 8 bit console that set the standard for many future gaming systems. A few years ago, IGN named the NES the #1 console in the history of video games. Nintendo sold over 60 million consoles from its release date in 1985 until they officially discontinued it in 1995. As of 2009, over 500 million NES games have been sold.
Over the years, I've slowly built a small collection of games. And two weeks ago, it doubled in size after my buddy donated his system & games to me.
Unfortunately, I have everything a gamer needs to set this system up... except for one thing: SPACE. Maybe one day, I'll own my dream home with the cool mancave.
Which is why my NES is tucked away in my garage with all of the other clutter.
Okay... contest time. Here's today's question.
Outside of the sports memorabilia genre, is there anything else you collect?
If "yes", describe your collection. How long have you collected it? What's your favorite piece?
If "no", then describe one of your friends or family member's collections.
As usual...
1 Point - Leave your response below.
2 Points - Share one of your previous blog posts. Leave the link below.
4 Points - Answer the question above in a new blog post and leave the link below, so others can enjoy it.
I look forward to reading your responses and will accept your contest entries until Thursday at 9pm (PST).
FYI: The Guess The Graphs mini-contest is still on like Donkey Kong. Click here if you haven't submitted your guesses yet.
Happy Tuesday everyone and sayonara!
You have a power pad! That is awesome!
Yes, I'm trying to collect the whole Coldplay Collection on Vinyl and CD. I'm also into Lego as that's a big part of my life.
I USED to collect:
A) matchbox cards
B) stamps
C) bottle caps
D) Dodger yearbooks
I did all of this when I was 13 and younger. When I got older, I decided I didn't need a lot of clutter. Then I got back into card collecting and THEN I decided I didn't need a lot of clutter ASIDE from baseball cards.
And that's the way it's been.
I've mentioned this on my blog several times. Also, I don't have any family members or friends anymore who truly collect anything (why do you think I started a blog -- to find people like me).
Heh. Not what you were looking for, eh?
Um ... sooooo ... here are my posts where I mention my past habits of collecting stamps and bottle caps, just so I don't get docked like 7500 points for this response.
Oh man, that's so sad your games are packed away! I've been getting back into video games lately and I couldn't dream having them packed away right now! Unfortunately I barely played NES as I was young enough that the SNES was the big system of my childhood. But I Played a lot of SNES and an unholy amount of N64 so I understand video games winning over cards for spurts!
As for collections...I dabbled for a while in collecting movies, especially when VHS got real cheap (I guess they're super cheap now haha). A friend and myself bought a bunch of rare VHS from a store in our college town that was going out of business, and though some of those were later sold (for nice coin too!), I still have a bunch of weird random VHS at my parent's house.
I also want to collect a semi-comprehensive list of video game systems someday with game highlights for each system. I've watched every AVGN video ever and it's interesting to see the differences between different systems, especially the ones that were AWFUL! Right now I just have a PS2, an N64, a Wii, an SNES, and a Dreamcast, but someday I hope to add a few more unique systems to the bunch including definitely a NES!
Aside from compliments, dust, and bad habits, I also collect antique tools. "Collect" is used loosely to mean I inherited a collection. I've posted a couple:
I've also collected a number of VT items. I know some of it qualifies as sports memorabilia, but really my collection is open to anything with a VT logo on it. My VT room is pretty solid evidence of that:
Outside of cards, I don't really collect anything else. I played video games for a while, but I haven't used my old Xbox in years.
I still believe my "collecting DNA" comes from my dad, who is an avid vinyl collector. He has stacks upon stacks of albums, which might be where my desire to collect comes from.
I also collect old bottles.
I had the NES as well and agree that in it's day it was the king of video games. I am still a "gamer" and a still have a PS2 that I fire up once in a while. I was also in the business as I worked in the coin operated area 20 or so years ago doing service on pinball machines, video arcade games, juke boxes, pool tables, etc.
Cardboard has taken most of my collecting time for the last several years but I also have a collection of CD's (I had to sell my 2000+ record collection a few years ago due to space issues)and DVD's that I still add to as well as a pin collection I have added to on and off for the last 8 years or so.
I've had/restored wood cabinet radios since the mid 1980s. I have a real soft spot for the design of the late 1930s. I have an ancient site here that lists a bunch of them: http://home.ican.net/~24858/radpg2.htm
I've also had three different '65 Corvairs - is that a collection? :)
There will be no blog post to link to, but I should explain, I come from a long line of pack rats. Not exactly as bad as the people on that show Hoarders, but pretty bad. The fact that I was able to keep my collection of baseball cards from completely taking over my life is pretty impressive. I still fight to keep it small and manageable.
A few years ago, I was at an art show with an ex of mine and I saw this adorable piggy bank. I was all round and fat and handmade and it just had such personality. On a whim, I decided to buy it. About a month later, the same gf saw a similar piggy bank in terms of personality and decided to buy it for me. The next thing I know, my mother bought me a fat adorable piggy bank. Three pigs in less than 2 months. Now, baseball cards take up a lot of space, but piggy banks? They are unwieldy and demand a lot of room to be displayed. I looked over my three fat little banks and said "OK, enough! I love these three and that's it. No more banks." I had kept the collection at, appropriately, three little pigs. I still keep them on a shelf in my house as a reminder that although I like to collect things, it is in my nature to collect ALL the things. Those three banks keep me grounded.
I collected video games for a number of years. I also worked at a Gamestop so that helped fuel that collection quite nicely. At one point I was up to at least 20+ different systems including handheld systems. NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Playstation, PS2, Atari 2600, Xbox, Vectrex (a very obscure but great little system, very old), Dreamcast, Sega Genesis and many Game Boy variations. I can go on and on! Being that I had so many, you'd think I played in the hours I wasn't working but really I seemed to collect more than actually play things.
I have some of my collection left, like most all of the Legend of Zelda games (both US and Japanese copies) and some Catlevania games too. Maybe one day I'll highlight what I have for games on the blog someday.
nice NES... I still have mine. Good thing I can repair electronics. My wife and I play Mario every once in awhile....
as far as collecting, the past two years I've really got into autographs. Planning out who you want, preparing, finding the right photo, tracking down the address, playing the waiting game, then success in the mail.
So far my best piece is a twelve member Star Trek: The Next Generation 16x24 hand signed photo.
I used to have one of those original NES systems (that's redundant to say since NES is the acronym for Nintendo Entertainment System) anyway I had bought the basic setup (I forget if I bought it with the zapper or got the zapper seperately) I worked at a toy store at the time so I got a 10% (0r was it 15%?) discount on the already discounted set. This was when the set was about 2 years old, and I got the set for about $70 at the time when they were going for $100 or more (they started at over $200) The store was a discount toy store after all, I eventaully also bought the "advantage" joystick, the "Genie" cheats attachment, and had 20-25 games.
Then about 10 years later in the late 90s I sold my set up and all the games to a used toy store for about $50-$60. Sometimes I wish I still had the system and some of the games, not all of them but some of them.
At the time I had all "3" of the Mario games this was before mario cart and the Nintendo 64 and Super Nintendo etc... plus the original Zelda, Rollergames, Batman, The Hogan's Alley game (a Zapper shooting game), Back to the Future, the Dirtbike game, Spy Hunter, Marble Madness and a few other games I have since forgotten.
If I saw a list of titles with a brief description and maybe a screen shot I would instantly recall many of the other titles I had.
other stuff I collect? DVDS, Books espeically sci-fi Doctor who, Music and CDs (not as much anymore)
Oh also Mike Tysons Punch-Out, donkey kong, and Joust (one of my faves)
I used to buy a lot of CDs in the 90s. Tuesday was release day for new albums and I would try to pick one up. I have a box of CDs that luckily my laptop plays and I could still rock out to Nirvana,Green Day and Rancid.
Do I collect anything other than cards?No. My sister is an avid collector of bears,not the rip your arm off and eat you type but Teddy bears.She has over 500 different bears.She has a number of limited edition Steiff bears which are valued at over $500 each.Where ever you sit in my Sisters home you are being stared at by hundreds of beady little Teddy eyes.
Fuji - Here is a link to my post for this. Thanks, Dion
I'm a collector, I couldn't leave it if I tried
I collect a couple of non-sports related things. On a small scale I collect vinyl records. I used to have hundreds but now, after a large (and possibly marriage-saving) purge I'm down to just a few dozen. Mostly original Beatles and 60's era stuff. I also collect (maybe 'save' is a better word) books on Abraham Lincoln and LBJ. I don't know if that's collecting or just the inability to throw out a book I find interesting.
My actual active non-sports related collecting is presidential campaign pins and buttons. I don't have a huge collection but I pick some up whenever I'm at an 'antique flea market' in Houston and on eBay when the mood strikes. My favorites are Johnson, Goldwater Kennedy and Nixon pins from the 60's.
I'll post a few when I get a chance.
I have an unhealthy amount of Pearl Jam related items; All the albums on CD/Cassette/Vynal, posters, shirts, ticketstubs, etc.
All righty then:
2 Points - Share one of your previous blog posts. Leave the link below.
Do comments count? (http://cardsbeyondoceans.blogspot.com/2012/02/wow-our-little-contest-is-really.html)
4 Points - Answer the question above in a new blog post and leave the link below, so others can enjoy it.
and for the blog post: (warning: LOTS of pictures in this one)
thanks for more Blogging subjects there Fuji!
I have a ton of ticket stubs from games I've been to. I think that still cohnts as sports memorabilia.
My mom collects Roseville pottery. She has hundreds of pieces, even after all the ones I broke playing ball in the house like Peter Brady. Some of them are incredibly valuable. If someone ever gives you crap about how much baseball cards sell for, go check out Roseville pottery.
Not really, per se. I have a bunch of "funny" t-shirts. I don't collect them but I love humorous t-shirts and have enough where it looks like I'm collecting them.
I also tried to complete that state quarters map back when they released state-specific quarters. Still a few short....
LEGO. LEGO Star Wars to be specific.
Been playing with it since before I knew what baseball was. Still collect new sets on a yearly basis. Unlike baseball cards new SW sets only come out twice every year. But unfortunatly LEGO & Bowman release both release products in June which is why I can never pay for karaoke or movies or anything during summer break.
These contests are a good kick in the butt for posts that I've been thinking of doing but haven't gotten around to yet.
I've collected a number of things like coins, stamps, and radio station bumper stickers (which I something I'll definitely post about when I find my "collection"). You could say I collect comics, but I really just buy and read the comics, and then hang on to the ones I like; I don't consider it collecting because I almost never go looking for back issues.
My most significant collection other than my cards are my vinyl albums and singles... I made a recent acquisition that I'm very happy about, and here's the story of that:
I am the love child of Pawn Stars and Hoarders.
Warning: filthy guava and '70s paperback boobs.
I couldn't come up with any real collections I have that aren't sports related. My dad collected matchbooks for awhile, which seemed kind of odd when I was a kid but now that you can't smoke in most places I think logoed matchbooks are increasingly rare. Also all the ones he had displayed when I was a kid are 25 years older and somehow cooler.
I couldn't come up with any non-sports collections of mine, though I'm sure at various times I had some. As far as a family member's collection, my dad has a cool matchbook collection, which seemed kind of odd as a kid, but now that you can't smoke in public most places, I think logoed matchbooks are probably becoming less common. Also, a lot of those matchbooks were old when I was a kid, and are now 25 years older, which somehow makes them that much cooler.
I have a post scheduled for 9:01 PM EST tonight (7/19) detailing my collections. In short: Legos, Magic, Coins, Tools, Electronics, Video Games, and Original Ginter (just to name a few) have all, at one point or another, been "collections" of mine. I can't link to the post though since it's not yet active (and I won't be near the computer at 9 tonight, hopefully that's not too much of a penalty)!
33/3's & 45's
Well, living on a small farm out in the country, along with being a terribly soft touch, I also (along with my wife) have quite the collection of animals.
hey fuji - i collect items with the rolling stones' tongue logo. any item will do. t-shirts, water bottles, patches and so on. actually, most of my collection has been enabled by my students. usually its stuff from their mother counties and that adds an extra coolness factor for me.
as a matter of fact, i'm waiting for an ex-student to bring some bottles of rolling stones beer -exclusive to japan - in the next couple of weeks. i cant wait !
here's a link to my a post from the past. it was a tour around my (former) office. if you look closely, you can see abottle of wine with a japanese rising sun tongue, a japanese cloth with hanging RS flowers, and my RS concert poster.
Okay, just in time (I hope):
I continue to wish I had been better at cataloging the stuff in my collection before I left Georgia (and for that matter, San Francisco too). I made an effort at one point, but eventually stuff was just tossed (lovingly and carefully) into boxes. Oh, how I wish I could do so much more.
Great question! I don't even know what the contest is even about...I just wanted to chime in because it was right up my ally. Anyhow here is my post:
Very jealous...great job on the Trek photo!
Nice pics of the old NES. I still have mine all boxed up. I've had a bunch of mini collections growing up. Staring Line-Up and Star Trek figures, non-sport cards like Star Trek, Star Wars, and X-Files. Working part-time in retail allows me make purchases of clearance PS2, GameCube (when they were sold), and Wii games. I have a bunch of games, but don't have time to play them.
The main collection outside of sports cards is Transformers. Kept the collection intact since 1985 (starting with Ironhide). The part-time job keeps the collection alive with the occasional purchase when the toys go on clearance.
darn. I'm probably going to miss this because I am up against the deadline. No worries. don't want special consideration. The short answer is no,. I don't collect outside of sports memorabilia/cards unless you count entertainment/non-sport cards as something different.
I got my non-sports collection post up. It's right here.
Thank for all of the responses. I've been really busy this week, so I haven't had a chance to respond to them, nor have I had the chance to write up a new blog post.
I'll try to have one up by tomorrow. By the way... contest entries for this post are officially closed.
But there is still time left to "Guess the Graphs".
I know I missed the official deadline, but I still wanted to post. I got distracted by my Yu Darvish auto!!
Dang, missed it by under an hour. That will teach me to travel for work! :-)
Even though i get no points, i do collect us postage stamps.
I figured out something else I collect (or collected). It's too late for the contest, but I enjoyed writing it anyway.
I used to collect stamps and coins as well as sports card... but they're for geeks! Sports cards are for the cool kids! I collect non-sport hard-signed auto cards too. And board games. And clever t-shirts. And McFarlanes. And I still have my Colecovision from the mid-80s... it still works... as does my Commodore 64, my Sega Genesis, and my N64.
I used to collect vinyl myself... and if I ever have kids, I'm sure Legos will be a part of their life.
7500 points? Nah... I'd only take 10... maybe 20.
Great posts... thanks for sharing! I'll have to look for one of those Hires Root Beer cards.
My whole video game collection is packed away in the garage except my PS3 & Wii (the only game I own for Wii is Wii Sports). My NES, Super NES, N64, Sega Genesis, Dreamcast, Atari 2600, Play Station, and PS2 are shelved until I can buy my dream house.
A. I remember your "tools" post... great collection.
B. That VT room is pretty awesome!
Thanks for sharing.
I'm not sure where my collecting dna comes from... neither of my parents collect anything. Although... my mom dabbled in beanie babies 10 years ago.
You need to show this collection off... would love to see them.
2000 records? Wow... I can only imagine the amount of space that took up. Just curious... how do you display your pins?
Those radios are cool... and yup, three Corvairs = a collection.
It's almost painful to watch Hoarders... because I see a little bit of me in each of them.
Love how those piggies keep you grounded. Sounds like I need to find something like that to help me keep things in check.
I'm like you... the systems I own are more of a collection, than a source of entertainment. I hope you decide to one day highlight your collection on your blog.
I'd love to check that 16x24 out. I just started watching the TNG series again on Netflix. I'm on episode 4 of the first season.
I was a huge fan of Excitebike, Spy Hunter, and Zelda. I too sold a bunch of my games and wish I had kept them.
Joust = Awesome... actually, I love all three of those games.
Thanks for reminding me. When I wasn't collecting cards or video games... I too collected CDs. I sold most of them at the flea market years ago, but I kept about 200 of my favorites.
Awesome... one of my ex-girlfriends collected teddy bears too, so I'm familiar with Steiff bears. She had a spare bedroom dedicated to those bears. I teased her all the time... but she'd say I was worse, because I collected dolls (Kenner SLU's).
I'd love to see a picture of that autographed Vision Quest album!
I promise not to tell your wife :-)
I sure am having trouble with figuring out comments lately...
The "collection" - the Three Little Pigs.
I think you bring up an excellent point. I'm not sure if collecting and the inability to throw things out are the same. I have a ton of VHS tapes that I keep, because I can't sell them for anything and I don't want to throw them out.
I figured it was sort of a collection... but since I don't actively go out and add new ones... it brings up an interesting topic.
Pearl Jam rules... do you have a favorite song?
Wow... you have pretty impressive collection of EVERYTHING! Great post... extra credit for your effort & the time it took to load all of those photos.
Damn... my mom should have invested her money into Roseville pottery, instead of Beanie Babies.
I was considering the hunt for the 50 state quarters myself. So far, I have about 20.
If I ever have children... I'll make sure that we collect SW Legos (even if I have to bribe them).
Can't wait to see what autographed album you found ;-)
Damn you... I'm off to find one of your items, but it's not guava stamps or 70's paperback porn.
Never thought about the declining usage of matchbooks. Could this be my newest PC?
I look forward to scrolling down and finding a link.
Huge fan of album art... I collect vinyl too.
Huge fan of pets. I've owned dogs, guinea pigs, hamsters, fish, and even a bearded dragon. Unfortunately, don't have the time or space for what I truly want: a Bernese Mountain Dog.
That bottle of wine is pretty sweet. Thanks for sharing!
Cool collections... thanks for sharing!
You had me at Transformers. Thanks for joining the contest.
Love me some Transformers and of course SLU's.
you're in!
Thanks for sharing... those pins are awesome!
That Lincoln book is awesome. Btw... you're in.
I'm late on commenting... so you're in.
great post... huge fan of vinyl. extra credit for effort!
Colecovision? Now that's a console, I'd like to add to my collection.
You rock Fuji!
One of the happiest dogs I've ever met was a Bernie! His name is Reggie, he would run around greeting everybody and everything at the dog park until he couldn't run anymore, flopping down where ever he was, totally exhausted, resting for just long enough to gain the energy to go at it again! He is 1 crazy dog. I love Bernies, they are truly awesome, great, fun loving pooches. GReat looking dogs too. There's just something about the tri-colored coat that impresses me. Truth be known though, I love all the big dogs, Bernies, Newfies, Bernards, Danes, Mastiffs... the list goes on...
Wow, apparently, I also collect "views"!! My blog posts rarely generate many views, most of them don't even come close to the 83 followers I currently have. Don't get me wrong, I'm writing my blog for me and I'm very happy that there are a few people out there in the world that read my posts even on a semi-regular basis. Any of my posts containing the word contest tend to draw more view than the rest. Most of my posts top out at about 25-35 views. My answer to this question (http://dawgbonesaphilliesphan.blogspot.com/2012/07/latest-bat-round-ala-fuji-aka-mega-post.html) topped 300+ views in the first two days after posting and has since climbed to 540! I must have hit the right combination of "porn" words or something!!
Thanks for the subject on this one Fuji!
That's awesome! Lol... I just checked to see how many views this Nintendo post had and it barely cleared 150. Looks like I'm going to start adding "porn" to my key words ;-)
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