While growing up in the Bay Area, every afternoon I could turn on the television to KBHK channel 44 and chances are... the Brady Bunch was on. I'm sure it's not true, but if feels like I watched 2 or 3 episodes a day. And I didn't care if they were reruns or not... it's like Seinfeld... I never grew tired of the show.
Then sometime in the 90's there was an offer in a sports card magazine to get a lithograph signed by the Brady kids. I have no idea how much I paid for it, but I remember that I sent for it and it took over a year to arrive at my door. The Brady kids were signing at some sort of show and one of them didn't show up. So according to the explanation letter, they had to wait and obtain the last autograph.
My lithograph is somewhere at my parent's house, but I was able to find a scan on the internet:
I'll be headed to my parents house for the holidays. Hopefully, I remember to grab this piece... because it would look sweet hanging up in my office.
A few year later, I started working at a card shop that was across the street from the school I taught at. And one of the perks was that I got discounts on products. I originally started working there so I could get a discount on Pokemon cards, but here's a piece I picked up for myself:
It's a 1997 Matchbox card of the Brady station wagon. I'm not a big die-cast car collector, but I thought this car was pretty sweet. Up until a few days ago, it was hanging on my classroom wall, behind my desk. I brought it home to take a picture of it, but it's going back up in the classroom tomorrow, so the kids can enjoy it.
Speaking of kids... the next piece was a gift from a few of my students.
Usually, my students buy me porcelain animals or boxes of chocolate for Christmas. But every once in awhile, I get something I'd actually consider buying myself. This is one of those gifts. So far, I've watched the first two seasons. The other two are still in their wrapping. I usually only get a chance to watch them when my niece and nephew stay over for the weekend. They'll be watched eventually... trust me.
Last... but not least is the newest item to my Brady Bunch collection:
It's a Barry Williams autograph from Razor's Pop Century product. I picked it up for $2.50 (+ $1.75 shipping) off of eBay. I'm currently hunting down the Christopher Knight's autograph from this product to add to my PC.
So today's question of the day is Brady based:
What was your favorite Brady Bunch episode?
or if you didn't watch the Brady Bunch...
What was your favorite TV show when you were a little kid?
Oh... almost forgot... I joined Wicked Ortega's 19 box group break a few weeks ago... and here are some of the highlights:

It was a unique break... in the sense that all of the products were from the "junk wax" era. I chose the Padres in hopes of adding a couple of Gwynns to the PC. My personal favorites are the 1986 and 1987 Fleer Mini team sets.
Well... that's all folks. I hope everyone enjoys the remaining hours of their weekend. Sayonara!
Well, the Brady Bunch was right in my era so I should know my favorite episodes:
1. Bradys go to Hawaii
2. Marcia gets hit in the nose by a football "Oh, my nose!"
3. Bad dude tries to claim he hurt his neck in accident with Mrs. Brady and Mr. Brady comes to rescue in court with a well-timed drop of his briefcase.
the glee club episode with rosie greer and the don drysdale episode are my two faves.
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