30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

State of the Office

Like Billy Ocean once sang... when the going gets tough, the tough get going.  Sadly I'm as soft as a marshmallow.  With each passing day, more stuff continues to pile on my plate and card related items are not exempt.

Last week, I wrapped up sorting the collection I purchased in September and focused on care packages.  Then on Friday, my Sportlots order, which contained set needs started arriving.  So I paused on the care packages for the umpteenth time to get the set situation under control.

On Saturday, I spent the day at the card show... which resulted in a few more stacks of cards that needed to be sorted and cataloged.  Plus standing up and sitting down didn't do my sore back any favors.

Then on Sunday, the news of Kobe Bryant broke and an emotional component was added to the formula.  In short, I'm physically and mentally burnt out.

I know most collectors look forward to sitting down with their cards, but when I came home yesterday from work... the last thing I wanted to do was open the door to my office and see stacks of cards laying all over the place.  My body and mind told me to lay down on the floor and listen to episodes of The Office or a podcast.  And that's exactly what I did for an hour or so.  Then I went upstairs and continued the process of scanning, cataloging, and sorting for another hour or so.

Collecting is suppose to be fun.  My office is suppose to be my Fortress of Solitude.  A place for me to hide out and relax, while being surrounded by sports cards.  It's starting to feel more like an actual office space.

I'm looking forward to reaching the light at the end of the tunnel.  At that point, my desk and office floor will be clear, cards will be sleeved or put into boxes and binders, and care packages will have been shipped.  My plate will finally be clean and I can look forward to some dessert.

Happy Tuesday and sayonara!


Dennis said...

Good luck working on all of that! I'm with you--some days it's more of a chore when it should be fun, so I don't feel bad about coming back to it later. It's supposed to be a hobby, not work. Keep chipping away!

Johnnys Trading Spot said...

I know that I will never see daylight when it comes to getting my cards they way i want/need them to be. I can only hope that I make headway each passing year.

Base Card Hero said...

Good luck with the never ending organization. We all have it!

RunForeKelloggs said...

I was excited to finish organizing a few small portions of my collection. Now my room is a disaster since I am in the middle of trying to sort ALL of my baseball cards.

SumoMenkoMan said...

I love organizing and sorting, but don't seem to have a ton of time these days for it. I have a solid week of sorting I have to do someday. Good luck!

The Lost Collector said...

I have a ton of sorting to do and am dreading it. My card area right now needs help.

GCA said...

Sounds like my August hauls from this past year. I've still got a dozen stacks of hockey and player collections to put away...and then I can work on all the new starter sets I've pulled out...

defgav said...

Yeah, I'm running out of flat space to put stacks of cards. Thanks in part to big lots recently given to me by Rod and Zippy, I'm buried in incoming cards to sort and file away. But I guess it's a good problem to have. It's kinda like that episode of the Simpsons when Homer goes to hell and the devil force feeds him doughnuts. lol

The Snorting Bull said...

I love it! Doing the same stuff, right down to watching the Office on Netflix. I lose interest in the episodes a bit after Andy appears, but still fairly funny.

Lee Hero said...

Man, I'm in the process of adding everything I have over at TCDB, sorting through new arrivals and fixing up trade/care packages so I know exactly where you're coming from. You'll get out from under the heap! Take time out for life though. I have to remember that part sometimes myself.

Fuji said...

dennis - i haven't touched it. but the plan is to attack the stacks this weekend.

johnnys trading spot - sounds like you've accepted that fact. i wish i could too.

base card hero - thanks. i'll need it.

runforekelloggs - the thing about those huge card sorts is that when you're finish, it's so satisfying. i've done a few of those over the years.

sumomenkoman - there are times i enjoy it... but i've just been in a funk lately. i actually have a week off coming up in three weeks. the problem is, i know i won't dedicate the whole week to sorting.

the lost collector - sounds like we need to start a club ;)

gca - best of luck! hope it's more entertaining for you than it has been for me

defgav - i've got a package for you too. the good news is that it's nothing to overwhelming. and now i'm totally craving a doughnut

the snorting bull - i love the office. i've watched it so many times, i can close my eyes and picture what everyone is doing

lee hero - i've pretty much taken the past few days off. i've come home so tired from work, that i hop on the couch and take a quick nap before finishing my daily errands. haven't even opened my office since monday, maybe tuesday

cardboard jones - i'm hoping to start cleaning tomorrow after work... and finish everything by saturday night. then rest on superbowl sunday

Matt said...

I know how you feel. My desk is worst than yours. Well, it's a desk and a few boxes with cards stacked on those as well. Not fun. I sometimes just walk away minutes after walking in.

Fuji said...

Lol. I walk away too. Outside of scanning a few cards for yesterday's post, I haven't stepped into my office since Tuesday. But I'm planning on spending a few hours in there today.