Sunday, September 28, 2014

Card Show Camaraderie

I've stood around dime boxes plenty of times since I reentered the hobby eight years ago.  But yesterday's experience was unique and really cool, because I wasn't alone.

When I described the Serramonte Mall Sports Card, Toys, and Collectibles Show to my buddy Michael, the two things I used to describe it were "variety" and "dime boxes".  One of my favorite things about this show compared to the TriStar and GTSM card shows is the variety of memorabilia.  Whether you're the kind of guy looking for a Generation 1 Optimus Prime Transformer or the little girl looking for a new Sailor Moon plush toy, chances are there's something for you.

I really enjoy walking around and looking at toys I played with as a kid, but obviously my favorite thing to do at this show is stand around dime boxes.  And that's exactly what I spent most of my time doing.

Somewhere around 11am, I walked up to a dealer and saw my buddy digging through the guy's dime boxes looking for Oakland Raiders to add to his collection.  I decided to jump in and within a few seconds, a gentleman asks me "Are you Fuji?".  Even though I've never met this person in my life, I immediately recognized him, because of his St. Louis Cardinals hat.  It was Brady from Yadier Molina Baseball Cards and he had been standing next to my buddy looking for his Cardinals cardboard.

For the next hour or so, the three of us stood around digging through the dealer's boxes pulling out cards for each other and talking cards.  If you're a regular reader of my blog, then you know how much I enjoy this card show in the past.  But believe it or not... yesterday's experience was ten times cooler, because of the card show camaraderie I experience around those dime boxes.

Michael... I'm glad you decided to start collecting again.  Let me know if you're down to attend the De Anza Flea Market next weekend.  Churros are on me.

Brady... It was great to finally meet you.  Thank you for the stack of Nomo's.  If your wife will let you go, you're invited to hang out at De Anza too.  Let me know and I'll bring you a box of Cardinals for your collection.  If not, then hopefully we can catch up at Serramonte in February.

Everyone else... I'll show off my card show pickups sometime this week.  I blew most of my budget Friday night picking up singles for my PC's... while Saturday's purchases were more of the dime box variety.

Happy Sunday and sayonara!


Nick said...

Looking forward to seeing what you found!

MichaelVox said...

I'm in pretty good shape for an old man, but my legs and back are still killing from the four hours of dime box hunting. Maybe Crossfit (tm) should institute a new exercise where you bend down, scoop, bend up, shuffle, bend down, scoot to the right for the next row. 220 more Raiders!! (which I almost burned ceremonally during their afternoon London drubbing.

BobWalkthePlank said...

That is great you were able to put a face to a name. Hope you found some good cards.

Man said...

Thank you Fuji. I had a great time digging through some boxes with you and Mike, and to finally meet you was a wonderful highlight. Thanks for the prep tips they really paid off. Hope to see you before Feb. Cheers!

Ana Lu said...

Wow I'm all jealous..Not only you get cards but you get to meet blogo-fellows.

William Regenthal said...

Sounds like an awesome time! I've had more fun at shows where I run into folks I know and can chat for a while.

Mark Hoyle said...

Sounds like a great time

mr haverkamp said...

Sorry to miss Serramonte last weekend, had my golf club's annual 2 day championship tournament as a conflict. Glad you found some great stuff in the dime boxes. Don't forget about the great San Leandro show in November!

Fuji said...

It's okay buddy. Burn away. There's always the February Serramonte show.

Fuji said...

It was great hanging out with you. Can't wait to see what you picked up.

Fuji said...

I completely understand. There are times I'd rather be playing golf than sifting through cards. It's rare. But it has happened.