Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Flea Market Finds #163: 70's Wax, Set Help, & a Starter Set

My best friend describes me as a delicate flower that wilts with the heat.  Although I don't appreciate her choice of words, she's not wrong.  I hate hot weather and right now we're in the midst of an extended heat wave.

Luckily... it cools off at night and the temperatures are within my comfort zone until around 8am.  So on Saturday, I hopped in my car and walked around the De Anza Flea Market.

I wasn't expecting large crowds due to the holiday weekend and the heat, but I was wrong.  There were tons of people and vendors.  The more the merrier, I guess.  Right off the bat, I found people with cards.

Purchase #1Three's Company Packs $10

Most of it was the usual overpriced Junk Wax Era stuff, but then I came across a guy with this small bag of packs:

He wanted $2 per pack, so I offered him $10 for the lot and he accepted.  Unfortunately when I got home, I discovered the Jaws 2 and Mork & Mindy packs were already opened.

The three Three's Company packs appeared to be sealed... but they could have been opened and resealed.  The good news is my buddy is building the 1978 Topps Mork & Mindy set, so hopefully I'll be able to help him out.

Purchase #2Vintage Comic Books $2

Blondie #198 (May 1972)

Beetle Bailey #106 (July 1974)

Like dime boxes at card shows, I have a hard time walking away from dollar comic boxes at flea markets.  This guy had three short boxes filled with stuff from the 90's, but there was a small section of older issues.  These two were in really nice condition, so I grabbed them.

Purchase #31982 Kellogg's Lot $6

About halfway into the flea market, I came across a vendor with this display case:

The best way to describe this photo is eye candy.   I was super excited to see singles for my 1982 Kellogg's set build.

I found these nine cards in his dollar stack:

I'm too much of a bargain hunter to spend a buck on commons from this set, but he told me beforehand that he'd work with me on the price.

Now I'm down to only needing seven hall of famers and the MLB Hit King:

The vendor actually had a few of these hall of famers, but not ready to dish out $3 each for guys like Gary Carter, Carlton Fisk, and Jim Palmer.

Purchase #4Very Cool Jersey Card $10

Jersey cards are one of those things in the hobby where you either are into them or you're not.  I used to love them, but over the years they've started to lose their luster.

1997 Press Pass Game-Used Jersey #JC-1

However... this one isn't your average memorabilia card.  It's one of those old school ones.  1996 was the first year companies started slicing up jerseys and embedding the swatches into cards.  So the concept was still fresh.

This was also from an era where memorabilia cards were still tough to pull.  Beckett lists the odds of pulling one of these jersey cards at 1:612 packs.  That's why I couldn't reach for my money any faster when the vendor told me it was ten bucks.

Purchase #5Star Wars Stuff $17

The next purchase came from a vendor with bunch of Star Wars and Star Trek collectibles.  She had a table with a 50% off sign.  I was tempted to buy a bunch of things, but I settled on these two items.

First up was this opened box of 1993 Topps Star Wars Galaxy with a $15 price tag:

There weren't any inserts, but the box did contain a complete set... along with a solid starter set.

Next up was this box set of trade paper backs of the original trilogy:

1996 Dark Horse Classic Star Wars TPB Box Set

This was a brand new box set, but the cellophane was starting to tear, so I ripped it off.  Here's a look at the covers of each of the comics inside of the box:

I've been wanting to read the Star Wars Marvel comics from the 70's and 80's.  This doesn't contain every issue, but they do cover the stuff from the movies.

The box set had a $20 price tag, which meant she was only charging $10. She told me I could have the cards and the comics for $17, because she didn't want to deal with change.

Purchase #6The Trader Speaks Lot $2

I came across a guy in the second row with a small stack of The Trader Speaks issues.  If you're not familiar with them, they were a hobby publication printed from the late 60's to the early 80's.

The bulk of each issue are want ads, advertisements, and auction listings.  Honestly, they don't pack the same level of high interest reading fodder as past issues of Beckett or Tuff Stuff.  That's why I passed on them the first time around.

But later, I went back and pulled these two:

The Trader Speaks (December 1974)

The Trader Speaks (July 1978)

At a buck a piece, they're nice additions to my Oakland A's and San Diego Padres PC's.

Normally, I'd go and walk around one more time in case I missed something.  However by the time I was done with the final purchase, it was already starting to heat up.

There's another flea market in two weeks.  Hopefully the heat wave will have ended by then.

How's the weather in your neck of the woods?

My buddy in Atlanta says he's dealing with high temperatures and high humidity.  That is not a good combination.  My other friend in Oregon says it's been insanely hot up in the Pacific Northwest too.

Hope things are cooler wherever you are reading this post.  Happy Tuesday and sayonara!


Johnnys Trading Spot said...

LOL, You know me by now, if it gets below 80 degrees....I am turning on my heat! And I love the higher humidity... I breathe better (allergies bad). Typical for Florida rains everyday. Highs near 100 without the index, with the index 116. Other than it is "sticky" and I absolutely don't like rain while I am awake the weather is great. LOL!

Feel free to dump that starter set of 1993 Galaxy on me. :).

P.S. I finally used that gift card today :)

Brett Alan said...

It's 93 degrees where I am...and I literally don't have any windows or a porch door at the moment, because they're redoing all that stuff. Hopefully it won't take them too long. Thinking of going out for lunch.

Crocodile said...

Lately, the weather has been great up here in MN, though we're due for some heat this week. Nice find on the Kellogg's, that's one my favs.

GCA said...

99° in Maryland. Gonna stay that way most of the week. Only dropping to about 70° at night. Glad my a/c works at home...

$3 isn't bad for Kellogg's, though better for older ones. I'll keep my eye out.

Would have loved to see what other Trek stuff was offered...

Jongudmund said...

The weather is pretty bad here in Wales. Wet and unseasonally cold!

John Bateman said...

94 in PA - still have some singles from the Star Wars Galaxy set. That set seems like from a long long time ago from a collecting time far far away.

Bo said...

I love the old marvel Star Wars comics. I collected the full 107 issue run in the 90s and early 00s. Mostly for a dollar or two. I think they are a lot more today

Rod (Padrographs) said...

At 645 PM it is 99°

sg488 said...

Only 100 today,was 113 a couple of days ago here in Sactown.

Nick Vossbrink said...

In the Bay Area right now and yeah…spent a couple days in the Central Valley visiting relatives which makes the local weather seem tame and spent Saturday on the coast in Carmel/Big Sur where it remains cold. Still it's better than the 95 feels like 105 with humidity that's going on in New Jersey. Hoping it cools off this weekend for Obon.

Jon said...

Like John, I love the warm weather. There's no such thing as too hot for me. I think I have a few unwanted Kellogg's around, so I'll try to find them and see if I can help your build along any.

gcrl said...

what crocodile said. i was in houston a couple of weeks ago (hot), atlanta for a day (hot - see my post tonight) and i am heading to oklahoma next week (hot). good times.

Big Tone said...

I could see myself buying a bunch of movie /show themed trading cards in person if I saw them.

Dennis said...

The Kellogg's and Trader Speaks are very cool! The weather's fine up here in the mitten right now--actually relatively cool today after some flood-worthy rain, but I'll take as much heat as I can get before it gets cold and gray for 6+ months.

Elliptical Man said...

Hot. Over 100 in the afternoons.

Voting for the Star Wars books.

Dawber > Somers.

SumoMenkoMan said...

You always find the cool stuff!

It’s hot and humid over here in Japan! Rainy season for sure.

Bulldog said...

Great Star Wars finds and a cool Duncan card.

Fuji said...

johnnys trading spot - my dad would keep his place in vegas at around 80 to 90 degrees, but would let me cool it down to 72 when i would visit. at that point, he'd throw on a hoodie. it would crack me up, bc i'd be totally sweating. no problem. i'll send the star wars galaxy cards your way. and glad you used the gift card and found something for your collection

brett alan - hope the windows and porch door are finished. if not, i hope things have cooled off for you by now.

crocodile - hope it's not too hot in minnesota this week. things have finally dropped into the 80's around here. it's warm, but i can handle it with the ac.

gca - they had a mixture of star trek cards and figures (next generation stuff). if there's anything specific you're looking for, let me know and i'll keep an eye out for them next month

jongudmund - good to see you in the comment section. sorry to hear about the bad weather. although personally, i'd much rather deal with wet and cold (as long as it's not freezing)... than triple digit heat.

john bateman - i didn't realize there are several series of star wars galaxy. i'm interested in finding complete sets of the others and putting them into a binder

bo - i'm so jealous that you have a complete run o fthe marvel star wars comics. i have a graded copy of the first issue... and a signed copy of boba fett's first appearance, but that's about it.

padrographs - my friend told me it's cooling off finally up there. looks like we're experiencing similar weather patterns.

sg488 - 113 is insane. but i guess you get used to it. hopefully sacramento is cooling off a little this week like san jose

nick vossbrink - what day did you go to obon? i didn't go this year, but i went to another outdoor event yesterday and the weather was reasonable. saturday didn't seem too bad either. hope you guys had a lot of fun.

jon - the two of you would have loved hanging out at my dad's place in vegas during the summer. i remember last summer when we packed it up for him, it would cool off into the high 80's. during the day, it was triple digits every day.

gcrl - hope it's not too hot in oklahoma this week. if not, at least you have nice weather waiting for you at home.

big tone - just like sports cards, movie and tv cards are fun to collect. i have a few sets and singles from the 70's, 80's, and 90's. but i'm always on the lookout for more

dennis - i'm assuming that during the winter, it can get extremely cold in michigan. i like it cold, but freezing is a different story. i can deal with low 40's, but my comfort zone is low 50's to low 60's.

elliptical man - i'm a way bigger fan of three's company compared to mork & mindy... but when it comes to leading ladies, i too prefer dawber over somers

sumomenkoman - have fun in japan buddy. can't wait to see what kind of goodies you find while you're living there. as for the flea markets... i hope one of these days we can hang out at one.

bulldog - i absolutely love that duncan card. glad there's another collector out there that appreciates it. also happy that a few readers enjoy the star wars finds.

Matt said...

Those unopened packs are awesome! even if a couple were opened!

Nick Vossbrink said...

We went on Saturday. Weather was very nice though it was super crowded (~1700 dancers).