Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Final Field Trip

The past few months have been quite the whirlwind... so much that I had to access my family's Google calendar to wrap my head around when and where things took place.

Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University

Earlier in the year, my father started having some health issues and as much as he enjoyed his independence... he accepted the reality that living in Las Vegas by himself was no longer a viable option.  

As a family, we decided to move him to the Bay Area where he'd be surrounded by his three boys and his favorite daughter-in-law.

Hukilau in SJ Japantown

It was nice seeing him on a regular basis... and having the opportunity to help him after a lifetime of him always being there for us.  Each of his children are very different, so when he hung out with us individually, he experienced different things.

Marion Panaretos Rose Garden in San Mateo

My thing was getting him out of the house and taking him on short expeditions.  We'd often walk around San Jose's Japantown and grab lunch or check out a local park, take a stroll, and smell the flowers.  He also enjoyed sitting down at Barnes and Noble with a copy of Calder Walden's Spies in front of him.

Marvel Cake in Campbell

About a month ago, his health started to decline... and the field trips evolved into short drivesTwo weekends ago... we hopped in my car and drove over to my best friend's house.  She has been taking care of her mom and hadn't had the chance to see my father in a few weeks, so we visited her.  Sadly, it was his final field trip.

Papa Fuji passed away last Sunday.  Although my siblings and I are sad to see him go, we are happy that he's finally reunited with Mama FujiRest in peace Dad.  You deserve it.

Happy Saturday and sayonara!


Chris said...

My condolences to you and your family on the passing of papa Fuji :(

I noticed you hadn't posted in a while and hoped everything was okay. Glad to see you had some fun family trips but very sorry to see the circumstances.

The Angels In Order said...

So sorry to hear. Cherish the memories, may they bring you peace.

Rebel Coyote said...

Huge condolences. Sorry for your loss.

night owl said...

Very sorry to hear. My thoughts are with you.

CaptKirk42 said...

Sorry for your loss, my condolences. Losing one's parents is one of the hardest things to face in this life.

Brett Alan said...

My thoughts will be with you. Sorry for your loss, but I'm glad you got that time with him.

Wrigley Wax said...

So sorry to hear this. What a blessing, though, that you were able to make some wonderful memories.

The Diamond King said...

Good tribute to a man who meant so much to you. My thoughts are with you.

Zippy Zappy said...

Sorry for your loss, my condolences to you and your family.

Jafronius said...

My deepest condolences on your loss. I am happy you all got him to live closer to you in the past few months.

sg488 said...

So sorry for your loss,condolences to you and your loved ones.

Jeremya1um said...

Damn Fuji. Sorry for your loss. He sounds like he was a great man and like he raised a great family. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Dennis said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Fuji. It's nice that your family gave him a great last few months. RIP Papa Fuji, who raised a wonderful family. May his memory help you as you grieve your loss.

Rod (Padrographs) said...

Fuji, such sad news. Glad you got to spend some time with Papa Fuji.
My condolences, Brother.

Billy Kingsley said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you got to spend extra time with him though.

Bo said...

My condolences on your loss. Glad you got to have some good times over the past year.

POISON75 said...

Fujisan my condolences to you whats weird about your post was on my father's 75th birthday & enjoy every conversation with him still

Angus said...

Sorry to hear this news. My deepest sympathies.

Xavier Higgins said...

His Legacy lives on...
God bless...

SumoMenkoMan said...

Deepest sympathies and condolences. He was definitely fortunate to have a caring and compassionate son. Rest in Peace PapaFuji.

OhioTim said...

So sorry to hear of your dad's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your siblings during this time.

Big Tone said...

Sorry, Fuji. Great that you guys were able to connect more, later on.

The Lost Collector said...

Very sorry to hear, Fuji. Really nice that you and your siblings got to spend so much time with him those last few weeks. Keeping you all in my thoughts.

Matt said...

Sorry for you loss Fuji. Your numerous posts sharing time with him shows how much he was loved.

Nick Vossbrink said...

Oh man I'm sorry. Glad you got to spend some quality time with him at the end.

defgav said...

So sorry for the sad news, Fuji. Thinking of you and wishing for all the best for you guys.

Shlabotnik Report said...

Heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. May the memories of your parents be a blessing.

Emily said...

So sorry to hear of your father's passing, Fuji. Wishing you and your family all the best in this tough situation.

hockey kazi said...

Sorry to hear this. Sympathies to you and the family.

Derek said...

Sorry for your loss, Fuji. Your dad sounded like a great guy and he must've been a good father since you turned out pretty well!

The Snorting Bull said...

Sorry to hear, Fuji. Sending you positive thoughts and comfort during this time.

Crocodile said...

That is sad to hear, sorry for your loss.

Sean said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure that being able to spend his final days with you and your brothers nearby spending quality time together on those day trips made them very special for him.

Johnnys Trading Spot said...

Mark, my deepest condolences for you and your family. May he and mama Fuji watch over you so closely that you see them in everything.

GCA said...

All the best to you and the family. Great that you got to spend the time that you'll remember the most.

Trevor P said...

Sincere condolences, Fuji. That's never an easy thing to deal with. I'm sorry for your loss.

Jon said...

It sounds like you and your siblings gave him a wonderful final year, and probably vice-versa as well. Given how things turned out, it seems like quite the blessing that you all were able to finally convince him to move when you did. I don't have any steadfast beliefs as far as the great beyond goes, but I do hope that you're family will all be reunited someday (albeit many, many years from now).

GTT said...

I'm very sorry to hear that! May he rest in peace. I'll say a prayer for him.

mr haverkamp said...

Condolences, Fuji. When I first started reading the post I sensed a 'past tense' tone and was hoping it wasn't what I was picking up on. Take a lot of comfort in the fact that you got him moved up here from LV and your family was able to spend quality time together. Take time out for grief, but spend time on happy things (like cards) too!

Laurens said...

Thank you for sharing a little bit of your father's last moments - may he rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about his passing. Sounded like a great man who had great kids. Lots of love I feel. Prayers your way and your families way. Take care.


Steve at said...

I was sorry to read about your loss. It's nice that you were able to spend more time with him recently so you can treasure those memories. Also read about covid hitting you. Hope you recovered quickly!