Friday, October 3, 2014

Royally Heartbroken

Almost sixty hours have passed and I'm still recovering from the Oakland A's being knocked out of the playoffs after leading by four runs with six outs to go.

But this post isn't about me whining.  It's not about making excuses.  It's not about second guessing general managers.  And it's not about pointing fingers at players for their struggles over the past two months.

The A's lost.  Their season is over.  It's time to move forward and wait until next season.

In the meantime, I'd like to tip my cap to the Kansas City Royals franchise and their fans.  The next time I discuss the importance of persevering with my students, I'll make sure to reference their Tuesday night accomplishment.

The Royals found themselves down on three separate occasions, but kept their composure and bounced back to win the game in twelve innings.

It was truly an amazing game the had it's share of ups and downs for both teams.  It's the kind of game that converts people into fans of the game.  In fact one of my favorite sports radio hosts mentioned that ESPN should make one of those 30 for 30 documentaries about this game... and I couldn't agree more.

It was one of the greatest games (albeit painful) I have ever watched.

That's why I'm hoping the Kansas City Royals finish the job and bring a second World Series title to their town.

Now before you accuse me of jumping on the Royal's bandwagon... I assure you that I'm not trading in my Athletics or Padres gear.  I just figured that since both of my teams are officially on vacation, I might as have some fun cheering on a team that has proved themselves admirable.

Plus there's a part of me that wants to see the men in blue take down the Halos.  Sort of a David vs. Goliath battle.  Go Royals!

Happy Friday and sayonara!


Laurens said...

I was thinking on jumping on the Royals bandwagon too...oops, I'm an Angels fan though, so maybe some other year where they aren't going head to head.

Man said...

Cardinals-Royals? 1985 all over again.

Josh D. said...

I approve of this post. :-)

Eric Bracke said...

I am all for a Cardinals-Royals rematch, but the outcome will be a little different this time hopefully. After all, we have replay now.