Friday, November 15, 2024

Keeping Memories from Fading Away

Whether it's about pulling a $500 Ohtani autograph out of a $3 pack or finding the final card for a forty years set build in a card show dollar bin... card collectors have a way of repeating their favorite card stories.

My buddy Mike started collecting cards back in the 80's... so he had plenty to share over the years.  One of my favorites involved him purchasing a 1984 Fleer Update set with a friend and splitting it up via an old fashion card draft.

1984 Fleer Update #U-43

He didn't remember the entire draft, but he remembered using his first pick on Dwight Gooden and selecting Bret Saberhagen with his second pick.  His friend walked away with Roger Clemens, Kirby Puckett, and bragging rights for the rest of their lives.

Last November, he passed away on his fifty-first birthday... so there won't be any new stories.  But to remember the ones he told and to help keep them from fading away... I've decided to build a collection in his honor.

The inaugural addition is the key card (for Mike) in the story.  When it came to choosing sides in the Clemens vs. Gooden debate... both of us sided with Doc.  In fact I have been wanting to add this card to my collection since the 80's.  I just needed a little motivation to dig into my wallet and pull out the funds.

Mike...  I miss you buddy.  I miss hanging out at shows, walking around flea markets, going on road trips, attending ball games, and going back and forth retelling our favorite card related stories.  I'll also miss grabbing Taco Bravo with you... but don't worry.  This weekend, I'll eat a few tacos in your honor.

Happy birthday buddy!

Happy Friday and sayonara!


Dennis said...

That's a nice way to remember a friend (and a cool story!)

GCA said...

Nice idea for a tribute. I still need all three for my original set...

The Angels In Order said...

Drafting through a set...that's a great idea and a great remembrance of a friend. And you can't go wrong with a taco tribute.

The Diamond King said...

That's a great way to collect. That Gooden is one of my most wanted cards out there, and I would take it over the Clemens or Puckett any day.

Uncle Charlie's Shoebox said...

Great tribute to what sounds like a good friend.

Looking forward to hearing more stories!

gcrl said...

That’s a great card and the collection will be a good way to remember your friend. It’s tough to lose a close friend at our age and I am glad you are able to find comfort in this collection.

Nick said...

RIP, Mike. Part of the beauty of collecting cards (or any hobby) is being able to attach special, personal memories to these otherwise ordinary pieces of cardboard. Sounds like you have a good collection going in honor of your friend.

Ginko-5 said...

Again, this is a really nice tribute, and a great way to preserve the memories. Rest in peace, Mike.

Ginko-5 said...

Again, this is a really nice tribute, and a great way to preserve the memories. Rest in peace, Mike.

Johnnys Trading Spot said...

That would be a few tacos for you and the addition of a few for your buddy? :)

POISON75 said...

Stay Tuned to my blog about my story about the fabled 1984 Fleer Update set

The Snorting Bull said...

Great tribute, Fuji! Cool story too.

Matt said...

Memories with collecting friends are the best

Fuji said...

dennis - thanks. with my crappy memory, i've gotta try and document these stories before i forget them

gca - i have the three, plus the rose... but need all of the rest

the angels in order - in a perfect world, there would be a del taco closer to my place. that was our go-to place when we went on road trips

the diamond king - eventually, i'd like to add a signed copy of the gooden to the collection. it'd have to be reasonably priced though

uncle charlie's shoebox - thanks. not gonna lie.. it's hard losing a close friend when he was only in his early 50's. always thought there were gonna be plenty more card shows and flea markets.

gcrl - totally. just wrote about that in my comment to uncle charlie's shoebox.

nick - well said nick. well said.

ginko-5 - thank you. my blog is pretty much all about preserving memories... especially in regards to me and the hobby

johnnys trading spot - i definitely ate enough for the both of us :D

poison75 - looking forward to it. i doubt i'll ever own the complete set... but i'm slowly picking up singles i really want

the snorting bull - thank you sir.

matt - so true. gotta treasure them while they're still around... and remember them when they aren't.

Xavier Higgins said...

I prefer the 1985 Donruss Box 📦 Bottom to this '84 Fleer Update when it comes Docs' RC's, though I wouldn't kick it out of bed...
Expect a care package 📦 post haste from yours truly. Entertaining and Educational; ever so thankful for your presence on the web 🕸
God bless your friend, God bless us all...

Xavier Higgins said...

'84 Topps update Doc could get it too

Fuji said...

xavier higgins - i love that 85d box bottom card. iconic photo. but this one (84f) has more sentimental value. honestly... i'll probably add a slabbed box bottom to my collection at some point. as for the care package... i received it today. thanks in advance. gonna crack it open over thanksgiving break.

Jafronius said...

Condolences on the loss of your friend. Good luck building that collection!

Fuji said...

jafronius - i have a few more cards in mind. but he was a fellow rickey fan... so any new henderson card to my collection could be dedicated to him