Monday, October 26, 2020

The Broder Version of Graded Cards?

If you write about Broders... there's a good chance you'll get featured on This Week in BloggingJay over at Card Hemmorrhage showed off some nice looking Broders last week on his blog.  Unfortunately... my Saturday post ended up being the baseball card version of The NeverEnding Story.  So I had to make some last minute revisions and presto... you have today's post.

I have probably close to one hundred different Broders sitting in a box that I'd love to show off at some point.  But for today, I present to you this not-so-nice looking "wannabe" rookie card of The Kid.

I've been told on multiple occasions that these cards are completely worthless, but the fact is... a card is worth what someone is willing to pay you for it.  And there are actually collectors out there who are willing to pay a few bucks to add this mass produced unlicensed piece of cardboard to their collectionJust saying.

Getting back to Jay... he recently sent me a padded enveloped that contained what I would deem to be the graded card version of a Broder:

2000 Archives Reserve #23

Okay.  So this card grading company looks to have been legit at one point, but I'm gonna bet the majority of you have never heard of Snaggletooth GradingHave you?

I did some research and it looks like the website might have been up and active in 2002 and 2003, but that's a long time ago.  Just like Broders, there are some collectors out there who don't have an appreciation for defunct grading card companies or the cards they've graded.

Me?  I love this card.  It's a piece of history.  While many collectors would pop this card out of its plastic prison, I have zero intentions of doing so.  My goal is to collect an example of every grading card company slab in existence and I thanks to Jay, I can officially cross Snaggletooth Grading off of my list.

He also sent me some other cards for random collections:

I was very happy to add another Ramon Laureano Topps rookie card to my collection.  He struggled after trying to attack the Astros coach, but I'm confident he'll return to top form next season.

And as much as I avoid purchasing Panini cards myself, that Pinnacle Swing for the Fences acetate insert of Albert Pujols is a nice looking cardThanks Jay!

While I'm covering care packages, I received another large padded envelope in the mail last week.  The other one was from Jon over at A Penny Sleeve For Your Thoughts.

Let's start off with the largest item in the envelope:

The Raven DVD

One of my favorite things about Jon's blog are his pickup posts where he shares his DVD and VHS purchases.  It reminds me of my days of walking around the flea market before I started hunting for cards.

Back in the 90's and 2000's... movies, CD's, and video games were actually the #1 thing on my list to buy at the local flea markets.  I'm sure I'd stop and look at cards, but I don't remember finding too many deals on them.  Used media was a completely different story.

These days, I'll still pick up a DVD or video game if it's cheap and something I really want to see or play, but it's not very often.  In fact... I haven't been to the flea market in over nine months.  Maybe I'll look into walking around the De Anza Flea Market in November.

Getting back to cards, Jon sent me some of those too in the form of set needs:

Two years ago
, my buddy Woody hooked me up with a nice starter set of 1980-88 TCMA Baseball Immortals.  Over the past twenty-four months, the only four cards I've crossed off my list are the ones sent to me by Jon:

This is one of those sets that I have stored in a binder on my office shelf.  I probably should make a stronger effort to complete it.  Right next to that binder is a binder holding these sets:

Jon helped me get one step closer to completing the Greatest Sluggers set with this Jimmie Foxx:

1982 TCMA Sluggers #20

Another set that I just need to sit down and finish.  I absolutely love these 80's TCMA sets.  They're like if Broders and Topps Archives hooked up and had a baby.  I mean it in the best possible way.

In addition to these set needs, he also sent me a nice stack of A's, Padres, and Japanese guys:

That top row of A's are shiny refractors... and both bottom rows of these pages are buybacks... including the two 1987 Topps A's cards and the 2011 Topps Padres team card in the middle rows.

I tried to
pick a favorite and narrowed it down to the Terrence Long Bowman Chrome refractor, the 85T Mike Davis, the 86T Garry Templeton, the 88T Benito Santiago, or the 2011 Padres team card.  They're all awesome, so I'll leave it at that.

Thanks Jon for this very generous care package.  As soon as I sit down and watch The Raven, I'll let you know.  Today is the first day of the second quarter and I spent most of the weekend grading, getting my next unit lined up, and then resting, sorting some cards, and writing this week's blog postsMaybe over Thanksgiving break?  Hopefully sooner.

Okay... time to get ready for class which starts exactly when I have this post scheduled to publish.

Happy Monday and sayonara!


Jongudmund said...

I'm sure you know this, but Snaggletooth was a character in the Cantina in Star Wars. He was a short character but Kennet didn't know that and produced a tall version of the character in a blue outfit for their "Cantina set" but corrected the mistake for the figure sold by itself. Blue Snaggletooth is one of the rarest original Star Wars figures made.

Peter K Steinberg said...

You got a ton of great stuff from Jon! That's awesome. And Broder's are the red-headed step child of baseball cards, but they need lovin' too. That Snaggletooth Grading card made me chuckle, though. What a name! Glad that you got an example of it. Happy Monday my man!

The Lost Collector said...

Jay sent me a few of the Snaggletooth graded cards too, I've just been a jerk and haven't showed them off. I'll have to do that. Like you said, they are pretty cool and fun to have. I'd feel bad busting them out.

Nick said...

I always grab Broders when I see them in dime boxes. There's something oddly lovable about the extremely basic looks of 'em.

Chris said...

Snaggletooth grading? I seriously thought that was made up. Like a homemade grader decided to create a satirical knock-off. Guess there's a lot of brands out there I don't know about. (I've barely heard of Broder and when I have, it makes me think of the Devils goalie.)

Steve at said...

I like your graded sample quest. I do that too for somethings where I collect a sampling.

Matt said...

A Griffey Jr I don't have
Though I am sure there are many of those Broder cards I dont lol

acrackedbat said...

I scoop 'Broders' from dime boxes every time. How do you store your slabbed cards? I'm not a fan in general, and storage is one more strike against them for me. It's cool to see you having fun with them. Jon knows his trade pals.

Fuji said...

jongudmund - i played with star wars figures until right around esb/rotj, but not really into the collecting scene. that being said, i do remember the thing about the snaggletooth figure. they made a blue snaggletooth funko pop and it was rarer than the regular one to mimic the action figures. although i'm sure it's not one of the rarest funko pops

peter k steinberg - it it really only tuesday? i'm exhausted. love the broder comparison. it's dead on.

the lost collector - maybe it was jay's personal grading company and we're the only ones holding onto these slabs ;D

nick - i remember a time when people had a deep hatred for broders. it's nice to see they're growing on collectors. maybe snaggletooth grading company will follow in broder's footsteps

chris - lol. it sounds like a fake company. i'm hoping i stumble across some more weird grading companies. and it's funny that you mention brodeur... because i always think of him too when i hear or see a broder

steve at - i have a few more. when i have a chance, i'll scan them and write a post on the ones i have. i'm guessing i have at least 5 or 6 different companies already

sport card collectors - i have one more griffey broder to show off. although the next one is more of a counterfeit minor league card

a cracked bat - they make boxes for slabs. i store them in those. there was a time when people weren't a fan of broders. maybe one day you'll become a fan of slabbed cards ;D

Jon said...

Until just a few months ago I had never seen , or heard of, a Broder being priced at more than a dime. But some guy on Twitter was showing off his most recent LCS purchases, one card of which was a very familiar/common MJ Broder that he had been unfamiliar with. After a brief back-and-forth, he mentioned that he had paid $5 for it, which was mind boggling to me (although I didn't mention that), but since he seemed to be really happy with it, I figured it wasn't the time or place for me to say that I thought he got took. And even though I don't what it's called, or where it's located, I don't think too much of that card shop for taking advantage of someone like that, because they certainly had to have known what it was, and how much it should've been priced at.

shoeboxlegends said...

Can't say I've ever heard of Snaggletooth Grading, that is hilarious!

Fuji said...

jon - yeah... can't imagine ever dishing out $5 for a broder... let alone 50¢. but if you look up completed sales on ebay... people do. i guess if someone is a player collector and they really want that card, they're willing to pay more than a dime.

shoeboxlegends - just gathered up all of my slabs... and snaggletooth is my favorite