Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Best Bang for Your Buck

Transitioning from having a very loose budget for many, many years to sticking to a strict budget has been a lot easier than originally anticipated.  As I've mentioned before... cutting down the number of eBay searches has been half the battle.  I've also started to streamline certain collections which I'll discuss in a future post.  Finally... I really enjoy the thrill of hunting down great bargains.

One of those bargains was a purchase I made back in October off of Gavin over at Baseball Card Breakdown. 

He's been cleaning out his CD collection and was offering a USPS medium sized flat rate box filled with baseball cards and CD's.  That in itself is a really good deal.  But the thing that made this offer a "no brainer" was the 2005 Topps Retired autograph he threw in to sweeten the deal.

There were six different players to choose from and one of them was Bob Welch who helped the Oakland A's reach the World Series three straight seasons from 1988 to 1990.  During that stretch, he had a 61-23 record and won the AL Cy Young Award in 1990.  He's also the last MLB pitcher to win 25 games in a season.

Sadly Welch passed away back in 2014.

If the huge stack of CD's, hundreds of baseball cards, and the Welch autograph weren't enough... Gavin also threw in a few of his customs that he's become famous for.  I've seen the Jacksons on other blogs and was excited to see them thrown into my box.

Thanks Gavin!  This was probably the best $20 I've spent this year.  I'm not sure if he is still offering this deal, but it doesn't hurt to head over to his blog and ask him yourself... just click here.

And before I forget... thank you to all of you for those get well wishes.  It worked!  Things started to turn around on Sunday and by yesterday I was able to sit comfortably at my computer, hammer out a few posts, and catch up on some of your posts.  It's crazy how quickly they pile up when you're subscribed to over 150 sports card blogs.  Hopefully I'll be able to catch up by the end of the week.

Until then... Happy Tuesday and sayonara!


Big Tone said...

OOOOH That is a sharp Bob Welch card!That pitching staff was one of my all time favs.

defgav said...

Glad you like, Fuji, and that you're feeling better! I'm happy to say my CD collection has been majorly reduced thanks to cardbloggers such as yourself (as was my goal), though I could still probably fill another box or two, so yeah, if anyone is interested, they should let me know.

Nick said...

Glad to hear you're doing better! Those customs from Gavin are, as usual, fantastic, and the Curry/Grady one is a hoot.

Matt said...

Great pickups!

BobWalkthePlank said...

That Curry/Grady custom made me laugh. Glad you are feeling better.

Collecting Cutch said...

Glad you are feeling better. Those are some awesome cards and value.

Fuji said...

Tony - Me too. That rotation of Stew, Welch, Moore, Davis, and Young was solid.

defgav - I hope people take advantage of your excellent offer. And thanks again... it was definitely worth the price of blaster.

cardboard jones - one of these days, i'll get around to either trading my extras or possibly selling my stuff on eBay to add to my cardboard budget.

nick - i know. he nailed it on the curry/grady. love that j. cash you blogged about today.

sport card collectors - thanks

matthew scott - thanks. that curry/grady is awesome.

collecting cutch - pretty sure this is my best purchase of the year in terms of value