Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Proud to be an American!

The events that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School last December rocked an entire nation.  It has sparked "gun control" debates and has made parents, students, and teachers concerned about safety at school.

The past few months, I have had numerous discussions with my students and colleagues about the topic as we try to sympathize with the victims' families.  It's impossible for me to know what these people are going through, because I just can't imagine what I would do if the tragedy struck closer home.  I'm sure I would not be as brave and as strong as many of these families have been.

One thing is for certain... I'm proud of how our country comes together to support each other in times like these.

A few weeks ago, auctioned off team signed jerseys from each of the 30 clubs to benefit the Sandy Hook School Support Fund.  I was excited about this opportunity and bid on the Oakland Athletics jersey.

When the dust settled, I ended up winning the auction with a high bid of $600.

The jersey is autographed by twenty-nine players and coaches, including Yoenis Cespedes, Brett Anderson, Grant Balfour, Josh Reddick, Jarrod Parker, Coco Crisp, and Bob Melvin.

I know what you're thinking... "you totally overpaid".  You wouldn't be the first to tell me that.  I've already heard it from friends and family members.  And in terms of monetary value, they're all correct.  There's no way I'll ever be able to recover the money.

However... this is one of the rare occasions where it's not about the money.  It's about the cause.  And I'm very excited about the newest addition to my Oakland A's collection.

Happy Wednesday and sayonara!


Stealing Home said...

You won't hear me say you overpaid. Every penny was worth it.

unclemoe said...

Very cool.

Anonymous said...

very cool fuji. you donated a good amount of money to a great cause and you received a fantastic gift. nice job.

Greg Zakwin said...

As long as you're happy with the purchase, that's all that matters. Money went to a great cause on top of it.

The Lost Collector said...

Hope you have a great place to display it. Very awesome piece.

Spankee said...

Awesome piece...especially since it has a Scott Sizemore auto on it!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Fuji! I agree with the others above: no way you overpaid as you love the team, the jersey and...LOOK AT ALL THOSE AUTO'S!
I think it's really awesome you were able to "donate" so much money to a great cause and, frankly, you already did recoup your money: look at that jersey they gifted to you for donating!
Tell me you're going to get that beauty framed up?! Can you imagine displaying that in your class as a reminder to your students?

shoeboxlegends said...

Nice work Fuji, my wife is a school teacher and I applaud this purchase. Well done sir!

Unknown said...

You definitely didn't overpay. What an awesome piece of memorabilia and it helped a good cause. Good job sir!

jamicfin said...


When it comes to charity, who's to say that you overpaid?
Congrats on a super awesome addition to your collection!

Commishbob said...

That's a fabulous piece, Fuji. Just terrific. I don't know if it's possible to 'overpay' when the item and charity is so worthy. You did well, my friend. In more ways than one.

Fuji said...

Thanks guys!

Fuji said...

Lol. Actually I don't. Hopefully I'll have it framed one of these days. But even when I do, I'm not sure where I'll have the room to put it up.

Fuji said...

Wow Zach... that's actually a pretty awesome idea (about hanging it up in my classroom, since I don't really have room at my place). Might have to wait awhile before I have the money to get this framed, but eventually I plan to.

Yankeejetsfan said...

Awesome piece and the money went to an awesome cause. No over payment there my friend.

Jafronius said...

Yes, it's not overpaying when the funds are going to a good cause. Hope to see a framed pic up on your wall soon!