Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cheap Cool Cards #2: 1994 Flair Hot Numbers

It's 7:30pm in sunny San Jose, California and it's currently 95 degrees outside on my patio. Luckily, I was in my air conditioned classroom for most of my day. However, when I came home at around 5:15, the outdoor thermometer read 106 degrees. That's too hot for my taste. I can't wait until things cool down later on this week. It's suppose to be in the high 60's by this Saturday. What in the heck is wrong with this picture?

Anyways... I figured since it was so flippin' HOT that I'd go ahead and spotlight one of my favorite cheap insert sets. It's the Flair "Hot Numbers" inserts from the mid 90's.

Card(s): 94/95 Flair "Hot Numbers" #12 S. O'Neal & 1994 Ultra "Flair Hot Numbers" #11 B. Sanders

Beckett Value: $10 for the O'Neal & $3 for the Sanders

COMC Price: $1 for the O'Neal& $.73 for the Sanders

The basketball version were pulled at a rate of 1 out of 6 packs. Since there were 24 packs per box, you'd pull around 4 of these per box. There are a total of 20 cards in the set, so you'd have to open 5 boxes with perfect collation to build the set, which currently books in Beckett for $60. The O'Neal is the most expensive card, however there are other big names that you could pull: Patrick Ewing, John Stockton, Scottie Pippen, and David Robinson are all in the Hall of Fame. Unfortunately Jordan retired after the 92/93 season and didn't return until late in the 94/95 season, so he wasn't included in this product.

I'm not sure what the odds are on the football product. However, the "Hot Numbers" inserts were inserted into series 2 Ultra football boxes and labeled as a Flair insert. Since boxes of this stuff can be found for less than $15 online, you can understand why the value of the Sanders is only $3. In fact, the whole 15 card set, which includes superstars like Joe Montana, John Elway, Dan Marino, and Emmitt Smith lists for only $20 in Beckett.

So, these cards are definitely cheap... but I totally think they're cool. I've always loved the mid 90's Flair products. They feature a heavier card stock and a nice glossy finish. Both cards feature gold foil text on the front and back. The front design features numbers that coincide with the featured player, like their jersey number and key stats.

The back of the cards feature a paragraph summarizing the player's accomplishments and also includes another photo.

Neither of these cards will ever be worth more than a value meal at Burger King, but they're still really cool in my eyes.

Now for today's question of the day... What part of the world do you live in and how warm/cold was it today? If you're not sure, you can use weather.com to help you figure it out.

Since we're reaching the end of the line for this contest, I'm going to throw out another bonus question. Tomorrow's post will feature my Kenner Starting Line-Up collection. It features A's, Lakers, Packers, Seahawks, and even some San Jose Sharks players.

The bonus question is.... how many SLU figures do I have of each team? The person closest to the number will win 2 bonus points. Since there are 5 teams, there are 5 opportunities to win. I don't care if you go over, however I will not allow duplicate entries. As soon as someone guesses a number for a particular team, nobody else can use that number (for that particular team). In other words, once someone guess 200 A's figures, nobody else can guess 200 A's figures.

Here's a sample entry:

A's - 900 figures
Lakers - 900 figures
Packers - 800 figures
Seahawks -800 figures
Sharks - 700 figures

I'll give you a hint, those numbers are totally exaggerated. If you added up all of my figures they total less than 40.

So best of luck to all who participate. Hopefully this will allow some of you to catch up to our point leaders, which are featured below:

Spastikmooss - 22 points
Hoopography - 21 points
Tony MC - 20 points
G Moses - 18 points
82Redbirds - 18 points
Sal - 16 points
BA Benny - 14 points
TJ - 12 points
Play at the Plate - 10 points
Cam - 9 points
dkwilson - 9 points
Steve D - 9 points
night owl - 9 points
Martyn - 8 points
John - 6 points
Jeremy - 4 points
Redsox101 - 4 points
(...Joe) - 2 points
Captain Canuck - 1 point
longlivethewho - 1 point
The Ranter - 1 point
lonestarr - 1 point
timmy v - 1 point
dodgerbobble - 1 point

See ya tomorrow! Good night.


SpastikMooss said...

Bloomington, IN - 72 now, mid 80's earlier today. Better than it has been.

As for the SLU's,
A's: 9
Lakers: 5
Packers: 12
Seahawks: 10
Sharks: 2

Sports Card Report said...

I'm only about 90 minn. east of you over in the Stockton. About 105 today. Can't believe it was over 90 in the Bay Area! Red Hot.

Unknown said...

Portland OR - 96 degrees


(...Joe) said...

Wow, I've really fallen off here, but yeah it was actually quite nice in NY today. Low 60's I believe, I even broke the hoodie out of retirement this morning.

Captain Canuck said...

Calgary 30 c or around 86 F

and that. is too damn hot. I don't even bake at 106 F... I would die. Where the hell is my igloo???

A's 4
Lakers 8
Packers 12
Seahawks 9
Sharks 4

night owl said...

In Watertown, N.Y., a beautiful 79 degrees and sunny. No humidity.

A's - 3
Lakers - 10
Packers - 8
Seahawks - 5
Sharks - 1

Steve D said...

It's 66 in Brooklyn, NY right now. There's a light drizzle and its been raining off and on most of the day.

A's - 2
Lakers - 6
Packers - 3
Seahawks - 2
Sharks - 5

Anonymous said...

Current temp 76.0° (24.4°C), High today 93.4° at 4:38pm, Low 40.1° at 5:47am, Clear, Wind is Calm, Relative Humidity is 21%, Barometer is 29.90 inches and Rising, Today's high wind gust was 12 mph @ 2:54pm, The temperature is falling at a rate of 5.9° per hour. It is 5° warmer than it was at this time yesterday. Precipitation Today: 0.00" Month:0.64" Year:5.96", Sunrise:6:22am, Sunset:7:44pm, Moonrise:7:29pm

As - 7
Lakers - 11
Packers - 7
Seahawks - 6
Sharks - 5

Martyn said...

In Blackburn, Lancashire, England.
We have a hose pipe ban and it's rained for 3 days straight.

Today we should have a dry day up north. 19 celcius.

A's - 5
LA Lakers - 9
GB Packers - 4
Seahawks - 4
SJ Sharks - 6

Charles @ Hoopography said...

In Buffalo, NY it was 78 and sunny. No humidity. It was beautiful.

A's: 6
Lakers: 9
Packers: 8
Seahawks: 5
Sharks: 2

Good Luck with the heat Mark.

Anonymous said...

I guess I should have let you know I'm in the Reno/Tahoe area of northern Nevada.

Tony Mc said...

Newport, Wales - Its raining very heavily and the temperature is 15 degrees Celsius/59 degrees Fahrenheit. I love summer time.

SLU bonus question:
A's: 7
Lakers: 6
Packers: 4
Seahawks: 7
Sharks: 5

Sal said...

It was about 85 degrees all day in Chicago, IL.

As for SLUs...
A's: 10
Lakers: 3
Packers: 10
Seahawks: 8
Sharks: 7 (even though they only made 2 different Sharks, you totally loved the Arturs Irbe figure enough to buy 6 of them to go with your 1 Sandis Ozolinsh figure)

Fuji said...

Contest entries are officially closed: Feel free to continue commenting, but it won't count for points.

You'll find out who won the bonus points in the next post.

Play at the Plate said...

Crap! I keep missing it.