Thursday, May 14, 2020

Finally Finished!

When it comes to sorting and shipping cards... I'm the King of Procrastination.  This can also apply to building sets.  But a few weeks ago, I sat down and compiled an updated list of set needs that I'll eventually share in a future post.

List in hand, I headed over to Sportlots and placed nine separate orders.  I'm still waiting on three of them, but the first six have arrived and helped me complete nine different sets: 1990 UD Comic Ball Series 1, 1994 Flair Baseball, 2002 Post Baseball, 2005 Heritage New Age Performers, 2005 Heritage Then and Now, 2013 Allen and Ginter Palaces and Strongholds, 1990 Collegiate Collection Notre Dame Football, 2000 Fleer Greats of the Game Football, and 1994 Parkhurst Missing Link Hockey.

All of these sets were sitting either on the desk in my office or in one of my office cubbies, so it's nice to be able to clear them out and put them with my other completed sets in boxes.  The two 2005 Heritage insert sets were put into their correct pages and tucked away in a special box.  None of the other sets were deemed "binder worthy"... although I considered paging up the 1994 Flair set.  It's gorgeous, but with the thick card stock, I don't think the entire set would fit into one binder.

An eBay purchase also helped me complete the 2019 Topps 52-Card Game set:

This was an online exclusive set I picked up when I purchased that Benefit for Australia set back in January.  The set contains the standard 52 card deck, with the traditional suits swapped out for a baseball, cleats, gloves, and a cap.  I also picked up 5 booster packs which contained 5 cards each.  These booster packs had additional players not found in the starter deck:

As you can see, there are 26 cards in the booster set.  Since I only bought 5 packs, I ended up falling one card short: the Eight of Cleats (Kris Bryant).

As much flak as I dish out to Topps and their online exclusive products, I've gotta say this is a pretty cool set.  I'm not sure it's worth the $50 I spent on it... but it's still nice.  Here's a closer look at one of the cards:

Maybe one day I'll write a detailed review for this set.  However... right now I've got to show you one more thing I've finished.

Yup.  I finally finished sorting those darn mystery bags!  Here's a look at them broken down by teams:

It only too me seven weeks to do it.  I actually finished yesterday by the time my afternoon classes started.  This morning during office hours I entered all of the names from the giveaway and randomized the list:

The Top 10 people on the list will be receiving PWE's filled with goodies from these mystery bags.  Honestly I need to move these... so there are a few other bloggers who will be receiving cards from these stacks as well.

Sadly, there weren't any Mike Trout rookie cards or anything that'll help me retire.  But I was able to add a few cool cards to my collection:




Okay.  Time to wrap things up.  I need mailing addresses for OhioTim, blog reader bruce, Todd Steb, friend11, nick (dime box), sg488, Bret Alan, and Spyda-Man.  I could also use addresses for Johnny's Trading Spot, Chris, Bo, GTT, bbcardz, Nick Vossbrink, hockey kazi, Trevor P, and Angels In Order.  Please email me them at sanjosefuji (at) yahoo (dot) com.

I'm pretty sure I have current addresses for Rod, Dion, Night Owl, and GCRL.  By the way... I'll be building and shipping out PWE's this weekend and into early next week.

Thank you to everyone for being patient.  Happy Thursday and sayonara!


Jongudmund said...

I like those baseball playing cards. Excellent choice of example card as well ;-)

Well done on sorting out a load of stuff. Hope its given you a sense of satisfaction! Sometimes knowing there's things like that which I want to get done weighs me down a bit.

OhioTim said...

I am also a procastation king when it comes to sorting. I have so many little projects that I am working on with my sports cards right now. Just wanted to let you know that I emailed you my address.

Peter K Steinberg said...

That 52 card set is pretty neat looking. And congrats on finishing off so many sets. That must be a great sense of accomplishment.

Collecting Cutch said...

That playing card set is sweet. Some of the player selections is strange. All aces should have been pitchers in my opinion.

Billy Kingsley said...

You should have posted the lists first! I have a bunch of those Parkhurst Missing Link cards, 4 or 5 copies of a lot of them. I'd have sent them to you for free.

Johnnys Trading Spot said...

There are still 2 Braves variations I need for my 2019 52 card set.

Nick Vossbrink said...

Fruit of the Loom! Still can't believe cards used to come in underwear. Oh and email sent.

bbcardz said...

Congratulations on completing some sets! Email sent, thanks in advance for your generosity!

The Lost Collector said...

Looks like fun to go through, Fuji! Congrats on finishing off a few sets.

Comatoad said...

Some great cards - I'd take a Lombardi card any day. I have a buddy living in Japan who's sending me a few Japanese baseball cards. While doing some research, I came across your great 2018 interview with "Japanese Sumo Wrestling Cards and Menko."

I especially loved your quote, "Obviously I enjoy learning new things about our hobby and seeing how different people collect. But it also has to do with returning the favor. I truly appreciate people taking the time to read my posts and leaving me comments. The least I can do is reciprocate."

That's what helps make this hobby so much fun. Here's a tip of the lid to you, my friend.

Nick said...

Just emailed you my address, thanks again! Those mystery packs look like a lot of fun -- glad you had some gems waiting in there! Especially love the Felix Hernandez rookies.

gcrl said...

Some big stacks there! Looks like it was quite the task

The Snorting Bull said...

I love that card set. Not sure I have ever seen those before. Might have to check them out. I also like the Molina rookie cards. His batting stance on that Bazooka card is ridiculous, also probably why he couldn't hit at the beginning of his career.

Chris said...

I used to have a complete set of 2000 Fleer Greats of the Game Football but I broke it up to make space in my collection.

Not sure if I'm the Chris you're referring to, but if so I can re-send you my address. Let me know, thanks!

Fuji said...

jongudmund - yeah... definitely weighed me down. but this will all be over soon and i'll have these cards stored in a box and out of my way :)

ohiotim - got your address. thanks. i'll ship your pwe out early in the week

peter k steinberg - it's nice that everything fits into one cubby and my desk is "sort of" free of clutter

collecting cutch - yeah, there were a few head scratchers on the checklist. personally wish there were more legends. loved the b&w photos

billy kingsley - oops. appreciate the offer. i will be writing a post with some set needs. any chance you have a jordan rookie laying around? ;)

johnnys trading spot - you should be able to pick them up on eBay for a buck or two each. i paid a buck with $1 shipping for the bryant. the aaron is one of my favorite cards.

nick vossbrink - i was happy to see that card in the stack. i love oddballs and honestly hadn't seen that card before. address received

bbcardz - address received. no problemo. thanks for helping me free up some clutter ;D

the lost collector - thanks aj. if you want some yankees, email me your address and i'll ship some your way.

comatoad - ryan who is the author of japanese sumo wrestling cards and menko is my bud. he's one of the handful of bloggers i've actually had the opportunity to hang out with.

nick - got it nick! it was nice to find those felix hernandez rookie cards. i wasn't collecting during that era, so i didn't have rookie cards of him or molina

gcrl - it was fun looking through the mystery bags, but it sucked to sort. it's done though, so i'm happy

the snorting bull - yeah, i wasn't collecting back when molina rookie cards came out, so it was nice to finally add some to my collection

chris - yup. you're the one! if you want some red sox from these mystery bags i'll send some your way. just email me your addy.

acrackedbat said...

not sure how i missed the original mystery bags post but it's always great to move some stuff out! You must feel good about completing some sets too! I recently pulled my needs together and updated my lists. I may not have them finished but at least I know what's needed.

Spyda-Man said...

Just making sure you received my e-mail I sent you last week with my address? Thanks again! Can't wait!

Fuji said...

acrackedbat - it definitely helps to have updated want lists. now when we're able to go back to card shows, i have something to look forward to

spyda-man - i did. sorry... haven't had time to send email confirmations, but i received a bunch of addresses