Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Flea Market Finds #20: A Smorgasbord of Crap

When: Saturday, July 7th
Where: De Anza Flea Market
What: A Conglomeration of Collectibles
How Much: Guess & Win (See Below For Details)

Purchase #1: Bo Knows Bo Hardcover Book

When it comes to books, I'm not a big reader. If I'm lucky, I'll read three or four of them a year. In fact, I have three books waiting to be read on my bookshelf: Bonzai Babe Ruth, Mint Condition, and The Card. One of these days, I'll also find the time to get to know Bo.

Purchase #2: 1994 Skybox Star Trek Cinema Collection

I like Star Trek, but wouldn't consider myself to be a Trekkie. I made this purchase, because it seemed like a good deal. There are six sets in the collection and each set contains 72 cards. I could flip them on eBay for a profit, but in the end... I'll probably just add it to my growing collection of stuff I don't really need.

Purchase #3: Kenner Starting Line-Ups

You know me. I can't walk away from cheap SLU's... especially when they're in good condition and are hall of famers.

Purchase #4: Baseball Card Grab Bags

One look at these grab bags and you knew what you were getting. One or two cool vintage cards and a bunch of junk wax era cards in between. The price was right, so I bought ten.

At the very least, I'll be adding some cool vintage to my binder. I'll post the results on Friday.

Purchase #5: 1984 Marvel First Issue Covers Set

I've been wanting to add this set to my collection since the early 90's when I started collecting the Marvel Universe sets. No holograms were included in this product, but it does have cards showing off the first issues of: The X-Men, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Avengers, The Incredible Hulk, and The Fantastic Four.

Purchase #6: 1993 Fantastic Four #375 Comic

There's something about the gimmick covers of the early 90's that I love. Two months ago, I targeted the Spider-man hologram covers. This time I grabbed a Fantastic Four Prism cover. It's not worth much (sells for around $3 to $4 shipped on eBay), but it sure looks cool.

Well... those are my De Anza pick ups for July. Let's wrap this post up with my final mini-contest. I promise you this is the last one before we go back to answering my daily questions.

Your task is simple:

Guess how much I spent on the six purchases.

1 Point - I'll reward one point to everyone who takes the time to submit a guess.
3 Points - I'll reward participants two extra points (3 in all) if your guess comes within $3 of the correct answer.
5 Points - I'll reward participants four extra points (5 in all) if you guess the exact amount I spent.
-1 Point - I'll be deducting a point from those who fail to submit a guess. Just another last ditch effort to clear out some of the "one & done" participants, while increasing the odds of those who have been participating on a regular basis.

Here's a hint: I don't deal with coinage. Everything was paid in paper.

Comment moderation is still in affect, to keep people from seeing everyone's guesses. I'll accept contest entries until Friday at 3pm (PST). I'll post the results of this mini contest on Sunday when I present the Week #5 Contest update. Best of luck!

Happy Wednesday and sayonara!

BTW: I'll be on a field trip Friday afternoon and won't have access to my blog. Contest entries entered after 3pm (PST) on Friday will not be published & will not count for points.


Play at the Plate said...

I'm going with $29 because I'm a horrible guesser. I would be terrible on the Price is Right.

Stealing Home said...

$60 thanks for the contests bro :)

Hairylemon said...

Didn't realise it was competition time.

The Dimwit said...


Mini Groover said...

$24 (Kobe Bryant) :P

Dawgbones said...


jacobmrley said...

$20. Seems high, but it has been years since I have been to a flea market.

The Lost Collector said...

I'm going with $32.

Captain Canuck said...


The Diamond King said...


Spankee said...


Commishbob said...

Wild guess by someone who has no concept of values... $72

night owl said...

I have no knowledge about most of what you bought, so out-of-the-blue guess:


SpastikMooss said...

I'll say $55.

Nick said...

I'll say $37.


Milwaukee Southpaw said...

I'll say $48

BA Benny said...

I go with $33 total

Kirk Jacobson said...

$23, definitely $23.

Greg Zakwin said...

57 clams

Ryan G said...

I'm going bit by bit to figure out a total.

Bo Book: $1
Star Trek: $10
SLUs: $5
Grab Bags: $10
Marvel Covers: $1
Comic: $1

Total: $28. Show me the money!

TheIronLung said...

$65... and not a penny more!

Anonymous said...


dayf said...

Thirty eight bucks. I'm probably overvaluing the grab bags ('72 Willie Mays in a GRAB BAG???) but I'm also undervaluing everything else so it'll even out in the end.

Wilson said...

Let's see

$2 for Bo
$10 for Trek
I've seen SLU's going for $2 near here, so $6 more
$2 a bag due to that Ernie banks on top, so $20 more
I know nothing of comics...$4 for the covers
And $2 for the comic since you said you could get it for $3 online.

And I'm cheap when it comes to buying stuff like this, so let's add $6 more to round it off.

tl;dr: my guess is $50

hockey kazi said...

4 672.52915 Japanese yen or $60.00

Nachos Grande said...

$18.00 sounds good to me.

100 Years and Counting said...


hockey kazi said...

Hey Fuji,does Jonathon Matsumoto become your new favourite hockey player? Fits a couple of criteria. I guess you'll be looking out for his stuff at flea markets now.

Ryan Freedman said...

I'm guessing $37.

Anonymous said...

That Fantastic Four cover is so '90s it hurts. Sue in her infamous stripper costume wielding a giant gun, as are Thing & Reed &... is that Medusa paying tribute to the recently formed Rockies & Marlins with that teal & purple getup? Then there's nonsensical things like Thing's helmet & Johnny's apparently flame-proof jacket, and slightly more belts & pouches than the FF usually wear. The prismatic/holographic cover just ties it all together in a loud, obnoxious bow. I've said it before and I'll say it again... Best. Decade. Ever.

Fuji said...

Congratulations to Play at the Plate... he nailed it with $29. Ryan and Captain were off by a buck. Here's what I paid:

Bo Book - $1
Star Trek Collection $10
Kenner SLU's - $2
Baseball Grab Bags - $10
Marvel Set - $5
Fantastic Four Comic - $1

Since the challenge was a little more difficult than anticipated. I'm going to modify the point structure.

PATP = 8 points (nailed it exactly)
Ryan & Captain = 6 points each
Anyone who guessed between $24-$27 or $31-$34 = 4 points each
Anyone who guessed between $20-$23 or $35-$38 = 2 points each
All other participants = 1 point each
Non-participants = -1 point each

Thanks for participating!

Fuji said...

Never heard of him... but I'll look him up now. I have a friend with the same last name, I'm sure she'll be happy.

Fuji said...

LOL... didn't realize he just signed with the Sharks. If he actually sees some ice time, he might end up being my favorite Shark.

Fuji said...

I go back and forth debating on whether the 80's or the 90's are the best decade... there's so many thing I love about each decade ;-)