Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Not Created Equally

I haven't busted wax packs at the local card shop in years.  However... once upon a time, I was one of those guys standing around pointing at boxes and busting packs in search of the next big hit.

And on one of those occasions... I lucked out and pulled this 1998 Donruss Signature "Significant Signatures" autograph of the late, great Stan "The Man" Musial:

Pretty sweet... right?  Wrong.  If you look carefully at the bottom edge, the card was damaged in the packaging process:

For years, I made the most of a bad situation and this card has been the centerpiece of my Damaged Card PC.  But recently with the purchase of the Sandy Koufax autograph from this set... I've been contemplating putting together this set full of hall of famer signatures.

This eventually led me to using some leftover birthday funds on this:

It's an upgraded copy without the embossed bottom edge.  And now that I have the Koufax, Musial, Mattingly, Ozzie, Ryan, Killebrew, Hunter, and Banks... I'm at the point where I think I'm going to pull the trigger and build the set.

So if anyone out there has any of these autographs for trade or sale, let me know what you're looking for in return.

Happy Wednesday and sayonara!


Daniel Wilson said...

That will be an amazing set! Good luck!

JediJeff said...

I find absolutely nothing wrong with the deckle edge on that card. That, to me, is a sweet addition to the card.

Community Gum said...

I know the feeling. I pulled a big time autograph card back in the day with a damaged corner. Still, it's something I will never get rid of (and something I still need to blog about). That will be a very cool set once done!

Hackenbush said...

Not sure of all the names in the set but it looks like you may already have the toughest/priciest ones. It shouldn't take too long to add more. Good luck. The only one I have is the McCovey and it's my sole one of his. Trade you for the Koufax ;)

Ana Lu said...

But that card was damaged with a certain care for the design. If you would not make us notice I'd say it was just like that. And it is a real significant sig for sure.

Greg Zakwin said...

Good luck on the set!

The Junior Junkie said...

I'm with Jeff. That crimped edge is cool.

Baseball Nut said...

I have to say for me this is a case of what is valuable to you. Musial is one of the heavyweight autographs I would have love to have, let alone pull from a pack. As long as you don't consider it an investment, damage on cards is just character. I fully understand wanting to replace it now that you are going for the set, but short of that, its an amazing card to own.

Fuji said...

Lol... deckle edge. Love it. It's not going anywhere. That card has a permanent place in my damaged card pc binder.

Fuji said...

What card is it? Can't wait to read about it.

Fuji said...

Hmmm... McCovey for Koufax. Tough decision. Well... I just grabbed a McCovey off of eBay, so I guess that solves my dilemma.

Fuji said...

It's pretty noticeable in person. In fact that "deckle" edge sure stands out when you're holding it in your hand.

Fuji said...


Fuji said...


Fuji said...

Maybe I should find a way to crimp the top edge too ;-)

Fuji said...

Glad there are other collectors who considered damaged cards... cards with character. I'm a firm believer in that. In fact, I love finding cards that I can add to my damaged card pc.

Jafronius said...

Nice cards and good luck completing the set. If it were me, I would have gotten the other cards in the set first, saving the Musial for the end, but if you were able to get it for a great deal, I have no problem with that.

Fuji said...

Thanks. I actually didn't even consider building it until I grabbed this card (and the Koufax, of course).