Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Some School-Related Stuff

I'm back in the classroom again.  I'm back!

I've been setting up my classroom and attending in-services the past two days in preparation for the big day.  Tomorrow the kids arrive.

Our district is offering them two optionsin-person or distance learning.  The good news is the distance learning is being outsourced... so my focus will be the students sitting in front of me (who will be required to wear masks).

This will be my 24th year in the district and if this wasn't such a last minute idea for a post, I would have focused it on Rickey Henderson who wore #24 his second and third time around with the Oakland A's.

1994 Emotion #187

Instead today's post is centered around Tony Gwynn who was known for being quite the scholar in regards to baseball.  This card has appeared on my blog a few times as it holds the honor of being my very first wallet card.

The other two cards aren't wallet cards... but they are related to going back to school.  First up is a thirty-four year old school folder:

1988 Topps Sheaffer Eaton Sport Shots Folders #360
1988 Topps #360

As you can see the folder is based on Gwynn's 1988 Topps baseball card.  The dimensions don't exactly match up, but overall I'm impressed by the quality and overall look of the folder.

The back of the folder resembles the back of his card.  I don't have the time right now to look at every single number, so I'll assume Sheaffer Eaton tried their best to keep the folder true to the original.

Here's a peek inside:

In 1988, I was entering my junior year in high school... so this wasn't something I'd go out of my way to buy back then.  I'm pretty sure I was utilizing Pee Chee folders throughout middle school and high school.  Maybe even college.

Speaking of college... in 1993... I transferred to San Jose State University to work on my major.  

1993 The Colla Collection Diamond Marks #NNO

That's the same year these bookmarks were produced and distributed.

I've actually used baseball cards as bookmarks before... but never one of these Diamond Marks.

I'm sorry that I haven't been reading and commenting on your blog posts the past two days.  Hoping to sit down and catch up on some of them tonight though... but it'll depend on when I'm finished working in my classroom and updating my 2021-22 class syllabus.

Happy Tuesday and sayonara!


John Sharp said...

Happy New School Year!

Adam Ryan said...

Hope your school year goes good Fuji! My oldest just started third grade today as he was super excited!

Johnnys Trading Spot said...

Have a great year!

Elliptical Man said...

Hope you get some hot moms at teacher-parent conferences.

The Lost Collector said...

Tino was 24 too! Good luck this year.

Nick Vossbrink said...

My kids still use Pee Chee folders.

Matt said...

Let's hope you can stay in school this year and that covid doesn't ruin it!

GCA said...

I'm on tech phones right now, first day for students. Hope your class avoids getting locked out of their login accounts. Have fun. 2nd the motion on the hot Moms.

Rebel Coyote said...

I was in 2nd and 3rd grade when I had those Topps baseball card folders. I had 88 Topps Kirby Puckett in 2nd grade and 89 Topps Jose Canseco in 3rd grade. Classmates were jealous of me having Canseco folder. He was hard to find at stores

Jon said...

I know I had somebody's "card" folder at some point, but have long forgotten who it was. It would be interesting to know how many different cards got the folder treatment?

gregory said...

Elliptical Man wins comment of the day, heheh.

Somehow I missed those Topps folders back in 1988. Otherwise I may have had one or two. Very cool product!

SumoMenkoMan said...

24 years! Awesome! I definitely love the baseball card folders of yesteryear.

Jongudmund said...

I love those folders. Have to get myself one someday.

RunForeKelloggs said...

We didn't give students an option to stay home this year. Yeah!

Do you have the 1989 folder of Gwynn as well?

Fuji said...

john sharp - thanks. it was a pretty solid week. very nice to be back in front of a full class of students

adam - hope your oldest has a great year!

johnnys trading spot - thank you. it went pretty darn well. but i was super tired by the time friday rolled around

elliptical man - lol. ;D

the lost collector - maybe one day i'll rank my favorite 24's. rickey, kobe, and kurt suzuki would be ahead of tino, but it'd be interesting to see if he makes my top 10.

nick vossbrink - i haven't seen them in years. if i stumble across them at target the next time i'm there, i'll probably grab one for nostalgic purposes

matt - me too. crossing my fingers

gca - hope the start of your school year goes smoothly. hey what percentage of students last year didn't return their tech?

rebel coyote - i'm pretty sure there were tons of cansecos in my neck of the woods. it was a long time ago though, so i could be mistaken

jon - i just searched google and didn't find a checklist out there. one guy had a checklist for phillies and there were five or six players. if the average was four to six per team, then that would mean there were over 100 to collect

gregory - i'd love to comment, but with my luck a parent would read it ;D

sumomenkoman - some of my students tripped when i told them this was my 24th year.

jongudmund - i'd like to pick up all of the a's and padres folders one day

runforekelloggs - i didn't even know that they made these in 1989. i'll have to look for one of those.