Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday Night Five: IP Autographed Cards

We all know that there are a ton of fake autographs floating around the hobby.  That's why it's important to buy from reputable companies (like Steiner, UDA, and Tri-Star) and dealers whom you know and trust.  My buddy Mike is one of those guys.

We've been friends for close to fifteen years and he's the guy who showed me the "ins" & "outs" of obtaining "in person" autographs.  In fact, 95% of the San Jose Sharks autographed 8x10's and pucks were obtained with him at the San Jose Arena or their practice facility.

He's been acquiring IP autographs for over twenty-five years and is no doubt my "go to guy" when it comes to collecting "graphs".  

Recently, he showed me some of his IP autographed cards that he has acquired over the years and ended up letting me keep five for my PC.

Jan Stenerud - Packers PC

Tony LaRussa - A's PC

Jacob Green - Seahawks PC

Tim Raines - Expos PC

Steve Bartkowski - CAL PC

If they look familiar, it's because I used them earlier this week in my "Guess The Graphs" mini contest.  Now that you've seen the results... how'd you do?

Okay... time for today's contest entry.

Describe your best or worst IP autograph experience.  Who was it?  What made it special/memorable?

If you've never obtained an autograph in person, then...

Who would you want to me in person?  What would you have them sign?

1 Point - Leave your response below.
2 Points - Share one of your previous blog posts that answer one of the questions above.  Leave the link below.
4 Points - Answer one of the questions above in a new blog post and leave the link below, so others can enjoy it.

I look forward to reading your responses and will accept your contest entries until Monday at 3pm (PST).

This weekend is pretty crazy, so I won't have the Week #6 contest update until Monday afternoon.  I appreciate your patience.

Have a good weekend and sayonara!


Martyn said...

Here we are

Nick said...

I haven't had the opportunity to meet a lot of guys in person, but by far my best IP experience was with Bill "Spaceman" Lee. He was nice and very courteous. What really made the experience interesting was the fact that he carried a bent-up '71 Topps Graig Nettles card in his wallet. (Nettles severely injured Lee's arm in a big Red Sox-Yankees brawl in the '70s.)

I wrote about it in a Lee-themed post I did a while ago:

Dawgbones said...

Hot diggity!! 5 for 5!! I would love to meet President George and Laura Bush. Don't need anything signed, just like to shake his hand.

Section 36 said...

I can't bring myself to say the name of the player I remember as a great IP autograph experience. But, I was at Fenway for a Sox-Mariners game in 1996. It was a rain delay. I mean a bad rain delay. Announcement to take cover sort of storm. I had seats in right field. I look out and notice that the young shortstop for the Mariners was signing autographs by the third base dugout. I could make out his #3 through the raindrops. After discussing with my friend (a big fan of #3) whether or not it was worth walking all the way over, we went for it. Amazingly, he was still there when we got around the park. We both got in line, and I was able to get him to sign my ticket. It was upside down, but I figured it was still OK. I thought it was pretty great that he was willing to sign for people during the delay like that.

Captain Canuck said...

back in the day, 1997-1999, I was the store manager at a high end clothing/leather store in downtown Calgary that had a deal with the NHL Players Association where if players shopped there, they would get 50% off.
So naturally, with all hockey players being cheapskates (thus where the term originated) they all came and shopped there on road trips to Calgary. If a player played in the NHL through those years, I met them and helped them shop for their wives or girlfriends..... and a lot of times both.
As awesome as my autograph collection could have been, I remained professional and never asked, except once.
Montreal was in town for one of their few trips out west, and I asked Lyle Odelein for his auto. He was such a cool guy about it. He was amazed I even recognized him let alone wanted his auto. We chatted for awhile and off he went.
The next time he was in Calgary, he came and found me again and took me out for lunch.
A great, great guy.

Commishbob said...

I racked my brain but never did figure out that the 3rd auto was Jacob Green.

I'm not a huge autograph collector but I've gotten a few. My worst IP experience was with Tippy Martinez. Totally my fault, not Tippy's. My best is a tough one. I've had a few cool experiences with players in person. But I think the one that is the best memory was with Earl Weaver. Getting the 'graph was nice. Sitting with him over lunch was even better. I'll post something on my blog soon.

Matt Flaten said...

Love the Stenerud autograph!

dayf said...

Eh, I already wrote about my Phil Niekro experience already and I kinda blew the whole contest by not guessing on the autographs until tonight.

Oh well, them's the breaks.

Justin McLeod said...

Two of my favorite IP experiences...

For points:

For fun:

arpsmith said...

I am happy I got 4 out of 5!

My best experience was getting Rickey Henderson's auto at the Anaheim All Star game fan fest a couple years back.

My worst was trying to get Vida Blue's during a Giants game in the early 80's.

I will post on these but it will be too late for points. I am away from home on vacation and don't have access to my cards.

The Dimwit said...

I had always wanted to meet Nolan Ryan and got my chance at the January TriStar show in Houston. Along with 17 other members of the 1986 Astros team, it was a great autograph experience!

Chris P said...

When I went to Canton guys like Eric Dickerson, "Mean" Joe Greene, Jerry Rice, Dan Marino, Steve Young, and Bob Lilly were all really nice. Bob Griese was grumpy and was on a cell phone the whole time he was autographing my football and didn't even bother to look up at me once. The most disappointing though was John Randle. Being from South Texas myself, it was cool to be at the Hall of Fame Induction ceremony that he was a part of (he went to Texas A&I Kingsville which is close to where I'm from, and besides seeing Emmitt and Jerry Rice inducted, he was another reason I went) and I thought from seeing him during various activites during the weekend and also on TV that he would be a cool guy. Maybe he was just having a bad day (couldn't imagine why, it was Hall of Fame weekend) but when I got his auto he was very rude and grumpy. There was no one in his line, and I asked if it was ok if I got a picture with him (every player but him and Griese who i didn't ask cause he looked pissed to be there, happily had obliged, so I thought it would be no problem with Randle) without even looking at me he said NOPE pretty loudly and just handed me my football back without a handshake, or saying anything else. Pretty jerk move in my opinion considering I paid to get his signature. It's not the saying no that ticked me off, it's the treating me as a annoyance. Just left a sour taste in my mouth, and really changed my opinion of John Randle.

Greg Zakwin said...

Here's a new post on my best experience:

Anonymous said...

The post is about 18 months old, but it applies.

BA Benny said...

My best in person autos have to be the same as the auto balls I used to answer one of your previous questions. I am not cheaping out on the answer, it just happens to be the same experience.

TheIronLung said...

My most memorable IP experience was with someone not terribly memorable. At the Florida Panthers training camp I asked one of the coaches for his autograph. It was Duane Sutter. First, he was shocked that I knew who he was... and second, he was shocked that I had a card of his handy.

The first time I met Jean Beliveau, I got my photo taken with him. The second time I met him, I had a copy of the photo and got him to autograph it... that was pretty cool.

No bad experience other than the person being in a rush to sign and get to the next one.

Kirk Jacobson said...

Check out the post here:

Commishbob said...

With a night to sleep on it I've had other ideas about my best IP experience. I've put up a blog post here.

Dawgbones said...

It's show-off time:

Warning, another post heavy with pictures...
Thanks for another GReat subject Fuji!

Wilson said...

Eli Marrero, just a little after he started in the majors.

Play at the Plate said...

Here you go Fuji. You've got tales of old including Kathy Ireland and George W. Bush, along with a new tale of an IP autograph that wasn't great.

Ryan G said...

A reply! Triple the answers for triple the reading pleasure.

Because I can can can!

Spankee said...

I'm pretty sure I have the best answer.

The Lost Collector said...

Never been much of an IP auto guy, but here is my fondest story.

hockey kazi said...

Best experience was not one person but a group. Regular readers of my blog have read of the many IP sigs acquired over the years at the NHL Slopitch tournament during the 80's. About 20 teams competed with between 15-20 players each. Access to 400 players a year for 5 years can net you a ton of autos.
I'm on holidays this week and can't provide a link bit one of the examples is my Dec 3 Mike Ramsey post at hockey kazi blogspot.

Under todays date I will recount another great experience.

Jafronius said...

I'm pretty sure I brought it up before, but it would have to be Cubs Convention in the mid-90's I went to and a bunch of us located Wayne Messmer, who usually sang the National Anthem for the Cubs' home games back then. This was a year or so after he was shot in the throat, so he was just coming back.

The best part was the total look of surprise on his face as he was cornered. He mentioned how he didn't deserve to give out autographs, but a lot of us countered with how great he sang and how we were all happy his survived the robbery attempt.

Dion's IP Autos only said...

4 of 5 on the autos missed the Jacob Green thought it was James Atkins! lol
I'll go with worst on this one Don Buford former outfielder of the Baltimore Orioles I asked him to sign an 8x10 and he looked me in the eye and said I've already that that picture for you, which would be fine but he had not since he had never seen the the picture as it was a picture that I took of him a few months earlier at a free kids clininc that he was part of with the O's. I generally don't mind not getting someones auto since we all have bad days or don't feel like it or whatever but to clearly make up a reason not to sign is a douche move right up there with the "i'll get you later" or "I'll get you on my way in" and then not sign I'd rather here the truth and just say not today not ever not for you or something then something you have no intention of doing. and Buford was pretty much an ASS that day and is usually moody for whatever reason he is on my list of top 5 least favorite! I did wind up getting the picture signed later.

Fuji said...

great list!

Fuji said...

I'd definitely would like to meet the Spaceman in person. Interesting story behind the Graig Nettles card.

Fuji said...

Can't say I'd disagree. The opportunity to meet any president in person would be pretty cool.

Fuji said...

That's pretty cool... glad to see he appreciated his fans. Do you refuse to say his name because he's a Bronx Bomber now?

Fuji said...

That's awesome. Now I understand your love for Odelein.

Fuji said...

Great story... those are the things kids dream about. Thanks for sharing.

Fuji said...

Thanks... it's an excellent addition to my Packers PC.

Fuji said...

Don't worry buddy... there's always next time.

Baseball Nut said...

Not much luck for me, but I did meet Rick Barry and scored his auto.

Fuji said...

Great graphs... love the political signatures. Thanks for sharing.

Baseball Nut said...

Sandy Koufax is the one I would like to meet in person and would love an autoed ball.

Fuji said...

Glad to hear that the Rickey experience was positive. He's one of my favorite players and I've been told that he can be moody at times.

I saw him once at a local restaurant, but didn't want to bother him because he was with his family.

Fuji said...

Wow... that 1987 Topps Tiffany autographed Astros team set is awesome!

Fuji said...

Entries for this contest are closed. Contest update within the next hour or so... and next post will follow.

Fuji said...

I completely understand how you feel. Owen Nolan was my favorite San Jose Shark and he always avoided us when he came out of the arena. But I understood, because it was his time and he probably had places to go and people to see.

So when I heard he was going to be a part of the Sharks Fan Fest, I bought a ticket so I could finally meet him in person. Ended up being a very, very poor experience. I stopped being a fan of his and Jeff Friesen took his place.

Fuji said...

Cool story. Glad he was able to put a smile on your face and hook you up with some food for your stomach.

Fuji said...

Yep... can't beat meeting a childhood hero.

Fuji said...

Are you kidding me? I totally understand... I'd be posting about those ball too if I had them in my PC.

Fuji said...

I've got an IP autograph from Duane's brother... Darryl. That's awesome he appreciates his fans.

Fuji said...

Great post Curt!

Fuji said...

Great post... more extra credit rewarded for your extra effort.

BTW... love your Boba Fett & Captain Apolo autographs.

Fuji said...

Awesome IP experience. You've gotta love when an athlete appreciates his fans.

Fuji said...

Love the Ireland and the Bush... and sorry to hear about your encounter with The Dream.

Fuji said...

I've never heard of Felicia Day, but I've definitely know Hayden. One of my favorite movies is Remember The Titans. It's crazy to see her all grown up.

Great idea on getting graphs from the entire A League of Their Own roster... that would be amazing.

Fuji said...

Wow... that's insane. Do you keep in touch with Mr. Sizemore?

Fuji said...

I'll have to check them out... thanks for sharing.

Fuji said...

That's a great story. Sounds like you guys made his day and he returned the favor.

Fuji said...

Glad to hear he eventually signed for you... just one question: Who is Don Buford? Lol... just kidding.

Fuji said...

Ditto... a Koufax autographed ball would be a sweet addition to my collection.

Fuji said...

It's amazing the impact a person can have on another human being. Cool story... thanks for sharing.

Dawgbones said...

Yeah, I have to agree, the Jacob Green was definitely the difficult one in this bunch. I actually got it by looking at the Bartkowski, his and Green's were from the same card design, so googling 1985 Topps NFL quickly got me an unsigned picture of that card. Cause that scrawl does not look anything like Jacob or Green!

And timing is absolutely everything. I was looking at your picture of Stenerud when a coworker of mine stopped by my cube to ask me a question. Noticing my screen, he asked what the picture of Stenerud was for? I says, "What?" Yeah, did I mention, Mikey is a HUGE Packers fan and saw that one immediately!! And, as soon as he said it, I could see the S T E N E R U D as clearly as if it were typed!

And Damn! I guess I took a little too long with my answer to the latest, started typing with 2 comments and end up 5th or 6th by the time I was done!!
Awesome good times. HATE to see it ending, but really hope you enjoy the remainder of your summer.

jacobmrley said...

I don't think this will count towards the contest, (I was away on vacation like you were) but I did a blog entry about this very subject a little while back: