Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Super Surfer Girl

Back in early November, Tomahawk Chop posted an Allen & Ginter relic card of two-time WSL Longboard Championship Tour Champion... Kelia Moniz... and I immediately went over to eBay to find myself a copy.

Unfortunately... I couldn't find any relics in my price range, so I ended up spending a few more dollars and grabbing her autograph instead.  It represents the 14th addition to my Endless Summer PC:

I realize that these aren't for everyone... but I personally am glad to see Topps finally drop in on the surfer memorabilia scene.

And since it's technically Hump Day... I'll wrap up this post by showing you all the latest expired redemption card I've pulled:

This card came out of the box of 2002 Fleer Absolute Divas that I picked up at the flea market back in September.  Normally I'd be bummed out... but I only paid $8 for the box... so I can't complain too much.

Well that's it for today.  Happy Wednesday and sayonara!


Collecting Cutch said...

Those are awesome! I had no idea that there were so many surfers featured on cardboard

Corky said...

I would love to see Topps add Derek and Michael Ho to one of their autograph checklists.

BobWalkthePlank said...

I had a huge crush on Stacy Keibler when she was in the WWF.

Man said...

The mini framed A&Gs are very striking, and especially her. I will be on the look out for Surfer Cards-See you in a few.

Kaiser The Great said...

You must be from California. ;)

Fuji said...

brian - upper deck has been featuring them in their goodwin sets for a few years now. i actually need to go over to comc and pick up some of the newer ones.

corky - no doubt. loved watching derek back in the day.

matthew - i still do ;)

bman - i agree. always enjoy a&g framed relics and autos

kaiser - lol... yeah. total poser though. never surfed though. we'd go to hawaii a couple of times each year when i was younger... and i'd boogie board, while my cousins surfed.