Saturday, March 26, 2022

A Healthy Distraction

 I've been a fan of the Oakland A's and Seattle Seahawks for over forty years and have been fortunate to see both franchises win titles during that time.  Sadly... it's not likely either will make the playoffs anytime soon.

That's the beauty of collecting cards.  They can be a healthy distraction when you need it the most.  For my beloved A'sRickey Henderson is my go-to guy.  The Oakland A's could lose 100 games every year and move to Las Vegas and I will still collect his cards.

I recently added this online exclusive Rickey to my collection:

2020 Topps Throwback Thursday #233

This card is based on the 1954 Topps World on Wheels design.  I'm not a big fan of Topps and their online exclusive cards, but I've gotta admit that I love this card.

It arrived a few weeks ago in a giant box sent to me by Reader X.  He sent a ton of cards that I'll share on the blog here and there.  There's enough stuff to provide content for at least six to eight posts.  It's just a matter of getting creative with my writing.

The other Rickey he sent was this manufactured relic...

2021 Topps 70th Anniversary Logo Patch #T70P-RH

Manufactured relics are hit or miss... and this particular "patchcard falls into the latter.  On the bright side, these sets give collectors new cards to chase.  And when you root for a team that routinely dumps their top talent for prospects, you cherish all the legends you can get your hands on.

With the recent trade of Russell Wilson... I've had to accept the fact that the Seahawks will also be in "rebuildmode this year.  This isn't an easy pill to swallow since I live among Niner Nation.  The good news is I've been distracted by my newfound obsession with becoming the #1 Steve Largent collector on TCDB.

Last month, I added my collection to the site and with the help of Corky over at Pack War... was able to reach the #3 spot.  My latest eBay purchase added fourteen new cards to the collection with one click of a button:

1988 Topps Stickers

This fourteen card lot of 1988 Topps Stickers set me back $8 (+ $4.70 shipping and taxes).  With that many Largents, this set must be a nightmare for anyone attempting to build the master set.

Anyways... focusing on the positive...I'm now only ten cards away from becoming the #1 Largent collector on the site...

I have some COMC credit, so I'll try to find some cheap singles and chip away at Ground Chuck's lead.  Unfortunately... I just received a COMC shipment... which means I probably won't request another shipment anytime soon.

On the other hand, if the Oakland A's are truly on pace for a 100 loss season, I might need to lean on Largent as a distraction.

Thank you Xavier for the new Rickeys!

Happy Saturday and sayonara!


Johnnys Trading Spot said...

been there, but it's been awhile.

Unknown said...

I've never seen a bad looking Rickey card. No matter what uniform, he looks good.

night owl said...

I really like the World On Wheels design. It's a bit weird to show baseball players on it, but I suppose whatever it takes to get that design play again.

I'd like to see the A's recapture some of their glory days. The Seahawks, though, can be lousy for a good long time.

bbcardz said...

Very nice pickups (especially the Rickeys), congrats!

Swing And A Pop-up said...

Can't go wrong if Rickey is your go-to guy.

Nick said...

I firmly believe baseball is better when the A's are good. I hope their "rebuild" only lasts a season or two. And that Throwback Thursday Rickey is excellent - I just picked up a copy of that one of COMC myself.

Crocodile said...

Those 70th patch cards have really grown on me and I'm nearly done with the set.
I don't recall those football stickers, but then I kind of skipped collecting in 1988.

Jeff B - Wax Pack Wonders said...

Rickey has some great cards. And a bunch of them because he played forever.

Fuji said...

johnnys trading spot - hope you don't have to be there again anytime soon

unknown - can't argue with that. he just looks a little better when wearing the green and gold

night owl - i have a feeling i'll be waiting a little long for the a's than the seahawks.

bbcardz - thanks. i really love the simplicity of the 1954 world on wheels design

swing and a pop-up - been a fan of rickey my entire baseball card collecting history. had the a's not traded him to new york, he would still be my favorite player of all-time. now he's second to gwynn

nick - i hope so too. it'd be nice to see some of these prospects they traded for become stars. and maybe, just maybe... the organization will decide to sign a few to long term contracts.

crocodile - i wasn't collecting football back in 1988, so i don't remember them either. best of luck on completing that set

cardboard jones - yeah, the back is cheesy. they should have included more info on rickey.

wax pack wonders - i know. he was like the energizer bunny. he kept going, and going, and going.

SumoMenkoMan said...

Nice cards! Let’s hope the Seahawks can get through rebuilding quickly.

Fuji said...

sumomenkoman - i'm way more confident the hawks rebuild will be quicker than the a's :D

Jon said...

People sure like those TCDB rankings. I've yet to check any myself, but it seems like a lot of the bloggers have been focusing (obsessing?) on them more than they used to. I miss the days when they didn't.

Fuji said...

jon - i guess it adds a competitive nature to our hobby which could definitely be viewed as a negative thing. then again... professional sports in general is competitive. i think tcdb is an excellent tool for documenting collections. the "rankings" thing is something collectors could choose to use or not use.

Jafronius said...

Rickey looks like he's jumping up against a wall in that TBT card :)

Fuji said...

jafronius - didn't see that until you pointed it out

Carl Scansner said...

Largest was just smooth. Quicker than anything on the field. He was in just about every NFL highlight videotape and his cards were always coveted by the kids in the neighborhood. I remember a play where he ran into the tunnel and it seemed like 5 minutes went by before he re-emerged.

Anonymous said...


Fuji said...

carl scansner - nobody collected football cards in my neighborhood, but if they did i doubt largent would have been coveted. i live in niner and raider territory. by the way... speaking of highlights, i was just watching largent's hit on denver's mike harden. such a feel good redemption moment