Thursday, November 26, 2020

Giving Thanks

Last Friday I showed a video to my homeroom that showed how gratitude can increase the level of happiness in an individual.  This probably isn't surprising.  However the person they were referring to wasn't the recipient, it was the person showing the gratitude.

I was kind of blown away by this, but after sitting down and thinking about it... it's totally true.  Whenever tell my father how much he means to me, it definitely puts a smile on my face.  The same things applies to other family members, friends, co-workers, students, and fellow collectors.  I just never really took the time to realize it.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving and Trevor's challenge, I wanted to take the time to show my appreciation for the hobby we all love even though it is far from perfect.

2020 WTHBALLS #28

I'm thankful for all of the awesome custom card creators out there like Gavin, Nick, Rod, Jeremy, and Gio... who created the Billy Williams you see above.

2015 Panini Prizm Red Baseballs #101

thankful for shiny cards that when angled properly refract every color of the visual light spectrum (even those without MLB logos).

2020 Stadium Club Red Foil #26
2020 Stadium Club Red Foil #115

I'm thankful for the beautiful photography on so many Stadium Club cards year in and year out.

2020 Topps 582 Montgomery Club Set 4 #5

I'm thankful for nicely posed action shots on simple, yet beautiful cards designs even when the average collector isn't able to get their hands on them without paying inflated prices on the secondary market.

1993 Finest #151

I'm thankful for iconic sets that helped shape the hobby landscape for better or worse, because I love this hobby unconditionally.

And I'm thankful for Julie over at A Cracked Bat: Baseball Cards and a Hot Dog, because she generously sent me all of the cards featured in this post.

Today's question of the day...

In regards to our hobby... what are you thankful for?

Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope all of you are enjoying this holiday with someone you are thankful for.  Stay safe.  Happy Thursday and sayonara!


Nachos Grande said...

I'm thankful for all of the friends I've made through this silly hobby (and my even sillier blog).

Brett Alan said...

I'm very much thankful that every day there are new things to read on these blogs. You, Nachos Chris, Julie, Dimebox Nick, Chris The Collector, Brian from Collecting Cutch, Gio from WTHB, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some other people at the moment, but I could go on.

I'm thankful that I still have my cards from when I was young. I'm thankful that I've got the money to buy cards with.

Brett Alan said...

Yeesh, I left out Night Owl! Not only "the man", but the one from whom I discovered most of the rest!

Jeff Laws said...

I'm thankful for card blogs as they are what ultimately got me back into cards.

Hope you had a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

The Lost Collector said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Fuji!

Nick Vossbrink said...

Okay that black and white Montgomery Club card is really nice. I bet the back is a disaster though.

RunForeKelloggs said...

Thanks for showing that Billy Williams, my favorite Cub when I was a kid. I have computer skills, but I have no artist skills to create cards. I do like seeing what people design.

SumoMenkoMan said...

I'm thankful for fellow bloggers who are helping get us all through these trying times. Happy Thanksgiving!

bbcardz said...

Gotta be thankful for ALL of the above and more. Have a great Thanksgiving everybody!

Peter K Steinberg said...

Happy Day After Thanksgiving! Wonderful post and a nice selection of cards shown! Julie's rather awesome and in light of that I think the people that we know and send cards to are the best, and for that I am thankful.

Johnnys Trading Spot said...

I'm thankful for the buds I've made through the hobby. I'm also thankful the card season is nearly done. Thank you Mark.

Fuji said...

nachos grande - i'm thankful for your lego blog!

brett alan - all of those bloggers are on my reading list and i totally agree.

jeff laws - other than eating to the point where i felt sick... it was a pretty good day. i kind of wonder how much blogs played a role in my return to the hobby. it was over ten years ago now... and i'm not 100% sure, but i think they did for me too.

the lost collector - hope you and your family had a happy thanksgiving as well.

nick vossbrink - well. there's a reason i didn't scan the back ;D but i agree... i do love the simplicity of the card design and the colors.

runforekelloggs - i think it's probably a good thing that i don't have the skills to create nice customs like the guys i listed in this post. if i did... i'd spend all of my free time creating cool stuff.

sumomenkoman - i'm thankful for having the chance to hang out a couple of times with you and hit card shows and shops together. can't wait to hang again when this covid thing ends

bbcardz - hope you had a great thanksgiving yourself.

peter k steinberg - julie is pretty awesome. and this card blogging community we're a part of is pretty awesome too.

johnnys trading spot - me too. i hope oour paths will cross at a card show one day. i'd love to meet and talk shop with more bloggers in the future.

CinciCuse Bill said...

Sorry so late. I’m thankful for discovering baseball card blogs & bloggers, like yourself. Peace!

acrackedbat said...

I'm thankful for thoughtful bloggers like you, Fuji. You're a stand-up guy, and a wonderful role model to your students. Thank you for always being 'real'.

sg488 said...

I enjoy collecting,sorting,organizing,biding on,and deciding which cards I am going to buy.Also really enjoy reading other collectors blogs and commenting on them .

Matt said...

Happy many days after Thanksgiving!

friend11 said...

Another bit of Tigers trivia, Jim Northrup had 2 Grand Slams in one game in 1968. One of thirteen players to hit two Grand Slams in one game.

GCA said...

I'm thankful to bloggers for keeping me interested, even though mine has faded in the last few months.
I'm thankful to bloggers and traders with detailed want lists that I can assault,
and to dealers who offer big discounts and don't use price guides.

Fuji said...

cincicuse bill - it's never too late. i just received a comment on a 5 year old post and i was stoked.

acrackedbat - thanks julie! appreciate the kind words... and the generosity you spread among the blogosphere

sg488 - i appreciate you taking the time to support my blog and comment.

sport card collectors - thanks. now it's time to shift our focus to the next set of holidays (aka next vacation)

friend11 - great piece of tigers trivia. i feel like i just read about that... or maybe saw it on the list of grand slam records. regardless... it's a pretty cool feat. i'm actually surprised that 13 people have pulled it off

gca - there are still dealers who use price guides? that's hilarious. i'll hit up the americana wantlist on wednesday after my staff meeting.