Saturday, August 22, 2020

Adapt or Die

When I walked outside on Wednesday afternoon to get some fresh air after completing the first day of school, it looked like it was snowingAsh was falling from the sky.  The sun was completely hidden behind smoke that you could literally taste.  My friends from work and I compared it to something from the movies.

As for work... this whole distance learning thing is "next level".  I spent tens of hours in webinars and professional development trying to prepare myself for this new style of teaching... yet I still feel so inadequate.

Have you ever felt inadequate within your career?  It's not a good feeling.  I know it'll get better.  It has to, right?  But for the time being... I'm just trying to put on my best "positive face" for my students, give them the best I have to offer, while continuing to learn new teaching strategies.  I'm also in the process of modifying the curriculum for one of the courses I teach to better fit online instruction while creating curriculum for a class I've never taught before.

I realize me whining doesn't help anyone.  Just wanted to document this new era of life and hoped that ranting would help my mental state.  The reality is... we're living in different timesAdapt or die.

2004 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites #89

Did you catch the Moneyball reference?  When I typed that Billy Beane quote, I immediately thought of the Fernando Tatis Jr. controversy that took place earlier in the week.

Personally... I think this whole unwritten rule that you don't swing on a 3-0 pitch when you're up seven runs in the top of the 8th inning is silly.

2020 Topps 52-Card Baseball #JH

Seeing Tatis launch that grand slam on Monday gave me goosebumps.

2019 Heritage Clubhouse Collection Relic #CCR-EH

Seeing him get scolded by Eric Hosmer and then asked to apologize for doing his job and giving his team, teammates, and fans nothing but 100% effort made me sick.

If we were talking about Little Leaguers running up the score, I could understand the drama.  It's unsportsmanlike.  You might even convince me to buy into "not running up the score" with high schoolers, college players, friendly matches, or within international events.  However, we're talking about professional baseball players.

These are athletes who have dedicated the majority of their lives to this sport and make a pretty good living off of it.  Salaries are based on how well you perform in the batter's box, on the pitching mound, or in the field.  I think it's crazy to ask a player who is making seven or eight digit salaries to not try their best 100% of the time.

And even if you're able to convince me of situations where a player shouldn't try their best, this isn't going to be one of them.  The Padres had a 7 run lead.  That's nothing in baseball.  The Rangers have scored five runs in the bottom of the 8th twice this year.

I'm all about young athletes respecting their elders and Tatis showed a lot of maturity by listening to his coach and apologizing for his actions.  But if Tatis was my student and I shamed him for playing hard... who is the one that really should be apologizing?

Teachers are not always right... and neither are managers.  I personally think that this unwritten rule needs to adapt or die.

That's it for today.  I'll step down from my soapbox.  Most of us are fans of the game, but we're not always going to agree on how it should be played.  Regardless of whether or not we see eye to eye on this topic, I encourage you to leave your thoughts down below.  But let's be good role models and at the very least respect each other's opinions.

Seems like many of us already have plenty of craziness on our plates with hurricanes, unemployment, power outages, heat waves, fires, political and racial tention, homelessness, and COVID-19.  We don't need to add tension among sports fans to this list.

By the way... sports highlights aren't the only thing I enjoy watching on YouTube.  I also enjoy covers of famous songs.  This song came across my stream this morning and it was one of those perfectly timed gifts.

Happy Saturday and sayonara!


Bo said...

Have you ever felt inadequate within your career? My first job out of college was as a high school teacher. I was completely unprepared and overwhelmed. I ended up quitting before the school year was over. I've been working the same job for twenty years in a much more sedate office environment. Turns out I'm much better suited for that.

Elliptical Man said...

Well, he was given the take sign and he swung. So it's not just that he swung. But I guess that's more of an internal Padres issue than a baseball courtesy rule.

It was a 7-run lead, but the Rangers had two more turns left. So it was kind of over, but teams have made similar comebacks before.

I don't think it's as bad as stealing a base with a 7-run lead.

He seems to have a shot at the HR crown, so there's that.

The Lost Collector said...

I've definitely felt inadequate at times. I still do! The workplace can be humbling. But I always try to use that as motivation to work harder to learn a new skill.

Commishbob said...

Tipping my cap bigly to all the teachers out there struggling with this new (and hopefully temporary) world of distance teaching. And to those who have no choice but to head back to a classroom with health issues looming for themselves or those they go home to.

Oh, and baseball's 'unwritten' rules are stupid. Always have been.

The Diamond King said...

I have been feeling inadequate at work, mostly due to restructuring that left me doing only the part of my job that I am least suited for. Good luck on the school year, I'm pulling for you.

Fred Pike said...

If the pitcher had pitched better the bases may not have been loaded and the count may not have been 3 - 0. Tatis gave 100%. Did the pitcher? Was that 3 - 0 pitch the best he could throw?

night owl said...

We are all adapting to the COVID era. Sure, teachers have their own special kind of COVID hell, but every job as been forced to adapt in some way. That's life. Life changes, adjust or move on.

It's amazing to me how diverse everyone's online opinions are until it comes to the unwritten rules. Then suddenly everyone is on board with "the unwritten rules are trash."

The Rangers' pitching is horrible and has been for probably as long as I have been alive (that's why they always struggle). So that's a reason they were whining. I'm a little tired of the idolizing of Tatis, already, so I'm not going to turn him into some sort of hero for this.

RunForeKelloggs said...

I am also working on a new curriculum and a new method of delivery. I'm not a fan, but it will make me a better teacher in the long run.

As a kid I remember the Cubs scoring 6 or 7 in the bottom of the ninth to win. That stuck with me - never give up! Since there is no clock, baseball players should keep giving it their all.

CrazieJoe said...

With the start of the school year about to start here (in Canada, we start basically the first full week of September), I can only give a big thank you to you and all teachers for what this new school year brings. All anyone can do is their best, and I know teachers will do all they can to make this system work. It's not desired...if only we could go back to "normal" as it were, but thank you and all teachers for doing all they can to make it reasonable for our children, and all students.

SumoMenkoMan said...

Thanks for working through all this Fuji to help make the next generation better citizens. Not enough thanks in the world for teachers these days!

Jongudmund said...

I haven't seen any online discussion where someone supported the Rangers coach or thought Tatis did the wrong thing. Not even Rangers fans. Jayce Tingler has upset a lot of Padres fans by not backing Tatis, at least in the conversations I've seen. Its a bad move for him because he's more replaceable than Tatis.

Matt said...

I agree with Tatis not taking the pitch. Who says if the next batter doesn't do it. You get paid to do your job and that's what he was doing. There are no unwritten rules in pro sports in my opinion

Nick Vossbrink said...

I'm okay with unwritten rules about not being aggressive on the basepaths when the game is a laugher but I'll never understand telling a guy to have an intentionally bad at bat. I also don't blame him for missing a sign here since it's not like the Padres were going to be sending the runners or putting the squeeze play on.

And man. Hang in there. School doesn't start for another month here and we're in the midst of learning the plans still. It's rough on everyone though I don't like how the Superintendent is blaming the teachers for us starting off remote.

Johnnys Trading Spot said...

Everyone should do their best when they can. Can not fault someone for trying. NOT trying no matter the circumstance can only have 1 result= failure. I applaud you. Never give up EVER, do your best, and the kids will sense that even through their screens. I wish you the best, and this is temporary for now.....It can happen again and being prepared is the best practice.

GTT said...

I think it's pretty idiotic to fault Tatis for hitting a grand-slam on a 3-0 count. What is he supposed to do, take a strike and let the pitcher have a chance at striking him out?

GCA said...

Kudos to you teachers on the "front lines". I'm part of the tech support staff that is still wading through piles of Chromebooks to repair and replace and get back in the hands of students at home. Will be glad when it all gets off the ground, then I can take the vacation time that I missed with the cancellation of the National.

Part of the "unwritten rules" are just there to protect the inflated egos of the players who have never been used to losing until they make the bigs. Take one in the gut today and come back tomorrow with the same chance to win...

sg488 said...

I work outdoors and the air was so bad here in Sacramento County I got sent home early because it was unsafe to breath.I could not agree with you more on Tatis he is paid to give 100%,so what is the big deal.

Adam Kaningher said...

The air in Colorado has been pretty smoky lately. It's just what we have in late summer now, following the hail that we now see regularly in spring and early summer.

Peter K Steinberg said...

Nice cards you showed off here. As for the 3-0-Gate...It's dumb. Look at the Phillies the other day. Up 7-0 on the Blue Jays in the first inning.... THEY LOST! Ugh. Good, good luck to you and your colleagues and your students with this school year. Really wishing all the best for you for success and health.

The Snorting Bull said...

1. Unwritten rules are really lame. I think Hosmer might be the person who irked me off the most. Sounds like he's 30 going on 75.

2. This school year is going to be insane. Last week was my first week. I think I feel asleep at 7 on Friday night. Exhausting.

Sean said...

In academia we have a thing called "imposter syndrome". Basically everyone feels they aren't really smart enough to be doing their job (mostly on the research rather than the teaching side) and live in fear of being called out as an imposter by all their colleagues who they think are much smarter than they are.

But since everybody feels that way, nobody is an actual imposter, it just a psychological condition that goes with the territory.

Steve at said...

Teachers have it particularly rough so don’t see it as whining. Most of us have new jobs or jobs that change and go through the inadequacy period, it’ll get better. Some of us can do the same thing but teaching kids remotely sounds daunting. Also glad you posted about Tatis, I would’ve missed it. Just read it and that is completely ridiculous. Imagine any sports where you pull back and don’t give it your all. That’s what you call rigged. And then scolding him is ludicrous.

Fuji said...

bo - i'm glad i've had twenty-two years of overall positive teaching experience, because if this was my first year i might question my decision to become a teacher as well

elliptical man - i hear ya. personally i feel tingler is the bigger internal padres issue than tatis.

the lost collector - that's a good attitude. it's a pretty much sink or swim situation for me and since i'm at least 10 years (more likely 12 to 13 years) away from retirement i can't afford to drown ;D

commishbob - thanks for pointing that out. as much as i miss the in-person interaction, i definitely applaud the superintendent and the board for deciding not to reopen our classrooms.

the diamond king - sorry to hear that. thanks for the support. i'm pulling for you too.

fred pike - agree 100%

night owl - adapt or die, right? i'm surprised that so many people sided with tatis with this unwritten rule. i feel like bautista took a lot of heat for his bat flip... which i thought was awesome. as for your stance on tatis, i wouldn't expect a dodger fan to idolize him or make him into a hero :D

runforekelloggs - i agree. i've already added lots of new tools to my toolbox. as for comebacks, i had just watched the a's comeback against the giants two times in three days... so anything is possible. it's important to always give your best.

craziejoe - i remember starting in september when i was a kid. pretty sure my district has stared in august ever since i started teaching in the late 90's though. as much as it's a struggle for teachers, it's a struggle for the students as well. it can't be easy for a twelve year old to sit through three 80 minute block periods. lol even as an adult that would be taxing (well if you have attention issues like me)

sumomenkoman - thanks buddy. i'm gonna try and keep my posts more positive about education from this point out. just needed to scream. now i'm moving forward

jongudmund - i was pleasantly surprised by the support tatis received. it's nice to see the baseball world adapting.

sport card collectors - if they want to make it a rule, right it down :D

nick vossbrink - i watched the jomboy video reviewing the play and he pointed out that he intentionally didn't look over to get the sign. kinda thought that was funny.

johnnys trading spot - don't worry. no way i could live with myself if i gave up on my students. as for happening again, my friends and i were just saying the exact same thing

gtt - exactly. zero sense

gca - we have these things called "help tickets" where we send in help requests to our tech department and one of my ap's told me that our district is sitting on over 500 of them. i give huge props to them for busting their tails to get the students and teachers ready. kudos to you too.

sg488 - hope the air has been better in the central valley this week. it seemed a little better in my area yesterday, but i think it just depends on which way the wind blows, because the fires continue to burn around here

adam kaningher - yeah, the stereotypical seasons are changing for sure. we had this crazy thunder and lightning storm last week (which seemed way out of character) and i think that's what caused a lot of the fires around here

peter k. steinberg - thanks. it's a rough patch, but my students and i will make it for sure.

the snorting bull - the thing about hosmer is watching him celebrate with tatis to lecturing him was weird. i told myself i wasn't going to touch curriculum on saturday, so i could recharge my batteries. might have to do that again this weekend. have a great year with your students. we can do this!

sean - i can totally see this. thanks for pointing the imposter syndrome out.

steve at - just typing out the words "scolding him for trying his best" sounds silly.