Monday, April 13, 2020

Looks Like We Made It

Not sure if it was me, my parents, or my coaches... but I always knew I didn't have the ability to play professional baseball.  However that didn't keep me from dreaming about being featured on my very own baseball card.

Then about ten years ago, the dream came true when I opened up my wallet, pulled out my credit card, and produced this card:

I think I purchased fifty (maybe it was twenty-five) copies of this card and whenever I traded with a new blogger, I'd send one their way.  Eventually, I ran out with the exception of the copy you see above.  I kept one for myself.

A few years later, I made an updated version using the 2015 Topps card design:

I've even made a few different versions for my students that I use as thank you cards.  Here's one of them:

That's me doing my best Bruce Lee impersonation.

Over the years, I've had the pleasure of being the recipient of several custom trading cards:

All of these custom blogger cards are stored in a binder as part of my Blogger PC along with the custom cards produced by Gavin, Brian, and other collectors over the years.

But my latest addition to the Blogger PC is in a league of its own, because it's not a custom card.  It's an actual minor league trading card signed by The Blogfather himself... Night Owl:

1989 Bill Pucko Niagara Falls Rapids #29

I first saw this card over on Night Owl Cards about a year agoJeremy of Topps Cards That Never Were asked Greg if he'd sign a copy if he sent one.  He replied "yup" and this card was immediately added to my shopping list.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find an affordable copyA few months passed and I read a post over on Baseball Card Breakdown featuring Gavin's TTM success.

Within a few days, I had purchased a complete set on eBay for $6.95 (free shipping).  That was back in September.  The set arrived safe and sound... where it sat on my desk for months.  Eventually I sent a TTM request to Greg in January... and voila... my very own signed copy of his rookie card.

By the way, Night Owl is the gentleman in the press box (fourth window from the left).  You can read more about this card over on his blog, here.

Thank you Greg for signing this card for me and for being one of the people who inspired me to start this blog.  Maybe one day we'll be able to catch a card show together and you'll let me buy you a beer.

As for everyone else...

Have you ever been featured on a trading card?

I'll leave you with a little Manilow to kick your week off..

Happy Monday and sayonara!


gcrl said...

cool stuff. i assume it is just a matter of time before greg or ben henry or some other blogger gets their due in allen & ginter. travis from punk rock paint made a custom card of me many years ago, but never delivered on printing them. i am glad to have received copies of a few of the cards you've featured above.

The Angels In Order said...

I have one of those original designs in my collection! I made custom cards in the past for various Angels autograph projects, and even a few for my family. Had them sign them too! But I've never had the honor of being featured on a card.

Adam Kaningher said...

I know I've been at the game where a card's photo was snapped (1994 UD Joe Girardi), but that's as close as I've gotten.

The Lost Collector said...

Happy to have your card. I also have JBFs and and Junior Junkies.

friend11 said...

Never been on a card. Gavin does make the best customs.. Future customs posts from Gavin coming soon.

mr haverkamp said...

At the National in 2014, Upper Deck had a photo booth where you could pose with a bat and be photographed similar to Griffey Jr's 1989 card; and last year PSA outdid themselves by letting you be photographed with a choice of 4 or 5 teams in the pose of the T206 Wagner. They encapsulated it in a PSA holder with whatever name you wanted...I enjoy both of these every time I look at them!

Peter K Steinberg said...

How cool is that! No, I've never been in one. But I paid for one at the Cincinnati Reds Museum as something fun to do whilst it was pouring buckets outside during our visit to that city.

sg488 said...

We never had a way to prove this but I was 14, and my moms friend took us to an Oakland A's game in 1975 April or May,and we were in the right field bleachers very few people there,as you can see on the 1976 Larry Hisle card,the 2 guys right above Hisle back,we think his mom went to the rest room at the time and those 2 guys are us,but having no way no prove it,I've been wondering for 45 years lol.

Collecting Cutch said...

My girlfriend and I are in a blurry state of fans on the 2013 Topps Chrome Russell Martin card. We attended the game and sat 4th row up from the 3rd base line. Topps used a different image for Martin's flagship card than the Chrome version. I wrote about it on my old blog the Piratestreasureroom.

night owl said...

I was about 24 when that photo was taken, not really "gentleman" status.

Yeah, you can buy me a beer, but no playing Barry Manilow.

Dion's IP Autos only said...

I have one of your originals in my collection.... need to make another trade to get an update version! lol

Fuji said...

gcrl - considering the impact he's had on our blogosphere and now that he's writing for beckett, he should definitely have his very own card in a&g. bummer about not getting your cards from travis. hope he comes through at some point

the angels in order - never thought about doing customs of my family members. that's a great idea

adam kaningher - that's still pretty cool. with topps now... that's becoming easier to do, but back in 1994 it was just a matter of being lucky

the lost collector - i'm happy to own one of your original sketch cards!

friend11 - yeah, topps should definitely hire him and utilize his talents

mr. haverkamp - i've seen some of those cards on youtube before. maybe one day i'll make it out to the national. and if i'm lucky, they'll have something like that when i go.

peter k steinberg - no shame in paying for it. i'm probably going to put in another order sometime this summer

sg488 - that's really cool. at this point, i would just tell people it's you and your mom's friend ;D

collecting cutch - very cool. so if i send you a copy, would you sign it for me?

night owl - sounds good. beer and cards will do just fine. thanks again for signing this card.

dion's ip autos only - sounds good. i actually need to check and make sure i still have some. i might have ran out of those ones as well.