Saturday, March 9, 2019

Time To Say Goodbye

Hey there strangers.  I apologize in advance for my absence.  The past few days have been a little crazy and for the first time in a very long time, baseball cards have been the least of my concerns.

On Thursday my mom passed away.

Papa and Mama Fuji in Japan

She didn't suffer long and in my heart I know she's in a better place.  She lived a long, productive life was was laughing and in positive spirits up until her last day with us.

Having said that... my father, brothers, sister, and I are learning how to cope without her, since she was the glue that held our family togetherWords cannot express how much my heart aches.

She wasn't just the woman who sacrificed her career and personal dreams to take care of me and my siblings, she was one of my best friends.  She's my hero.

Time to say goodbye for now.  I love you Mama!

To my card collecting buddies...   I know that I was suppose to publish my 9th Anniversary Contest results today.  I probably won't get around to doing it until tomorrow afternoon... or possibly Monday.  Don't worry though... I will take care of it as soon as possible.

Good night and sayonara!


Chris said...

So sorry for your loss, Fuji. Please take as much time as you need away from blogging and baseball cards. We'll all be here when you're ready to return.

Community Gum said...

I'm very sorry for your loss. My heart is with you and your family.

defgav said...

Very sad to hear it, Fuji.

Jafronius said...

Condolences on your loss, Fuji. Prayers for you and your family. Take all the time necessary.

Rebel Coyote said...

My condolences and sorry for your loss

Zippy Zappy said...

My condolences Fuji. I wish you and your family the best during these difficult times.

ketchupman36 said...

Sorry about the loss of your mother

Angus said...

My condolences.

Jeremya1um said...

Sorry for your loss Fuji.

SumoMenkoMan said...

Fuji, so sorry for your loss. My condolences....definitely take the time to be with you siblings and father.

Wes Moore the former JBF said...

Very sorry my friend. Praying for you

Matt said...

The least we are worried about is a contest result. Sorry for your loss. Take some time away and be with family and prayers for you all

Big Tone said...

Sorry for your loss,Fuji.Family first,my friend,take your time.

Mark Hoyle said...

Mark. So sorry to hear this news. My condolences

Xavier Higgins said...

Her energy lives on through your memories...

Peter K Steinberg said...

My condolences Mark. I cannot fathom what you are going through but I would like you to know you will all me in my thoughts.

The Lost Collector said...

Fuji, she raised an A+ person. Hoping you and your family find peace at this time.

Billy Kingsley said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Scott Crawford said...

Very sorry for your loss, Fuji. Love and strength to you and your fsmily.

Johnnys Trading Spot said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you Mark and your family. We'll be here when you're ready to be back.

the sewingmachineguy said...

Dang Fooj, that's rough. Sorry old friend.

Johngy said...

Very sorry. Prayers and thoughts to you and yours.

GTT said...

Really sorry to hear that.I'll pray.

Nick said...

So sorry for your loss, Mr. Fuji. My heart is heavy -- wishing the best for you and your family.

Matt said...

I'm so sorry for you loss, my friend. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts today.

John Bateman said...

my mother passed away last year - sorry for your loss

kirk said...

i'm sorry.

Brian said...

Very sorry to hear that Fuji - much love to you and your family.

Dennis said...

Sorry, Fuji--I couldn't imagine being without my mom either. You've got a huge community of friends here if you need help.

William Regenthal said...

So very sorry for your loss.

Jon said...

As someone who is close to their mom as well, I can't imagine what you and your siblings are going through. Thoughts and prayers to your family, especially your dad, as I would imagine that he's probably having the toughest time right now.

Nachos Grande said...

I am sorry for your loss as well, Fuji. Sending out all the love to you and your family.

Daniel Wilson said...

I'm so sorry to hear that Fuji. You are in my thoughts. Unfortunately I know what you're going through. Take care my friend and know that you have a lot of friends that are here for you.

Adam said...

Condolences Fuji.

Chris P said...

Fuji I am so sorry to hear about your loss, thought and prayers to you and your family

Anonymous said...

My condolences to you and to your family. Cherish the memories you have of her.

Brett Alan said...

My deepest condolences. We lost my mother in 2015. It's still difficult, but we try to move on. Cherish your memories and live in a way that honors her.

Commishbob said...

Mark, please accept my condolences on the loss of your Mom.

You are a great reflection of the love and care your parents took in raising you. I'll be thinking of you today.

BobWalkthePlank said...

My condolences

Wrigley Wax said...

Very sorry for your loss.

gcrl said...

it's always been clear from your writing how important your mother, and your family and friends, are to you. sincere condolences to you and your family.

The Snorting Bull said...

You have my condolences Fuji. Thoughts, prayers, and good thoughts for you and your family.

P-town Tom said...

Remember all the good times and hang in there, Fuji. The blogosphere is here if you need us!

Steve at said...

Oh man, very sorry to read that. I’d echo what Bob wrote. We’ll all be here when you get back to writing.

TSHenson said...

Fuji, my deepest sympathies are with you and your family during this time of great loss. My prayers are with you. I have also lost my mom, and it is not easy. God bless you!

Laurens said...

Rest in peace to your mother.

bbcardz said...

My sincere condolences to you and your family, Mark. Don't worry about us,take all the time you need. As others have said, family first.

Adam Kaningher said...

Fuji, I'm so sorry for your loss.

NPB Card Guy said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.

The Shlabotnik Report said...

My sympathies go out to the entire family.

Mama Fuji will be with you always.

Nick Vossbrink said...

Holy crap I'm sorry

RunForeKelloggs said...

I'm sorry for your loss. It's great that you have a close family for support at this time. Take care.

night owl said...

So sorry. Tending to my mom in failing health at this very moment. Don't know how much time I'll have with her, but posts like this help me cherish them.

sg488 said...

So sorry for your loss,Mama Fuji RIP.

arpsmith said...

So sorry for your loss my friend.

mr haverkamp said...

So sorry to hear this news, Fuji. May the lifetime of warm memories you have with her get you through your grief during this tough time. It's very obvious the community is here for you.

GCA said...

Not much I can add to what's already been said. All our best to you and yours. A "collective" hug from all of us.

The Angels In Order said...

Sad to hear Fuji. Praying you'll find comfort in sweet memories for the difficult days ahead.

Base Card Hero said...

Very sad news, Fuji. Take your time

Rod (Padrographs) said...

Take all the time you need. No idea what you are feeling and going through. I will be praying for you and your family.

Rob said...

Fuji - you're in my prayers - so sorry to hear this.

Reds Card Collector said...

Very sorry for your loss Fuji. You and your family are in my prayers.

shoeboxlegends said...

So sorry to learn of your loss Fuji, my thoughts are certainly with you and your family.

Marc said...

Just reading this now Mark. Very sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved mother. Thoughts and prayers to you and your loved ones at this trying time.

Henry Blanchette said...

I'm very sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family in this difficult time.

Spyda-Man said...

I am truly sorry for your loss.

Swing And A Pop-up said...

So sorry Fuji, losing a parent is the worst. It's pretty obvious you've got a lot of support here. I'd say more but I'm terrible at this kind of stuff.

Corky said...

I am so sorry for your, and your family's, loss. If you need to talk to anyone, please let me know.

Hackenbush said...

So sorry.

Ryan G said...

I'm a bit late on this, but I'm so sorry to hear this. I definitely know how you feel, and I can say that while things do get better, there will be ups and downs. Please do talk when you need to; letting your emotions and thoughts out is important.

Collecting Cutch said...

Sorry for the late reply as I was busy with work over the weekend and spent my first day off in two weeks just taking it easy.

I am sorry to hear the loss of your mother.

Fuji said...

Thanks everyone... for all of the kind words. They were very powerful, helpful, and were living proof of just how special our card blogging community is. Thanks again.

RAZ said...

I'm sorry to hear of your loss, Fuji. It is hard to lose a loved one, and I hope that you will find comfort in the company of friends, family, and the memories you have of her.

acrackedbat said...

Fuji, I know your heart hurts. I am so sorry to hear this. My best wishes to you and your family. It takes time for the ache to lessen but those pains will be replaced with warm memories of her and the joys you shared.

Bo said...

Just saw this now - my condolences to you and your family