Saturday, October 6, 2018

Saturday Night Five: Postseason Wish List

It's been three days... and I'm still recovering from the Bronx Bombers beatdown my beloved Oakland Athletics received in the AL Wild Card game.  I went into the game with the whole "playing with the house's money" mentality, but walked away feeling like I was punched in the gut.

It's funny how a season's worth of "I'll be happy if they just make the playoffs" is thrown out the window with one swing of the bat.  Watching Luke Voit triple off of Blake Treinen hurt.  It hurt real bad.

But nobody wants to read about a middle aged baseball card collector who had his heart broken.  There's still plenty of baseball left to be played and I'm excited to see how this postseason unfolds.

Here are five things I'd love to see during the 2018 MLB playoffs:

2017 Topps #US207

#1:  I'd love to see Kurt Suzuki hit the first MLB postseason home run of his career.

2017 Topps Clearly Authentic #CAAU-JAL

#2:  I'd love to see Jose Altuve bounce back after struggling at the plate the last month of the season.

2013 Topps Tier One Crowd Pleaser Autograph #CP-CK

#3:  I'd love to see Clayton Kershaw dominate on the mound the entire postseasonOne game down...

2017 Topps Archives #62

#4:  I'd love to see any American League team other than the New York Yankees in the World Series.

2013 Five Star Autographs #FSBA-RB

#5:  I'd love to see Ryan Braun and the Milwaukee Brewers finally bring home a World Series Championship for their fans.

Well there you have it.  My 2018 postseason wish list.  Honestly... as long as #4 comes true, I'll be content.

What about you?

What's on your 2018 postseason wish list?

Happy Saturday and sayonara!


Jeremya1um said...

I would be happy with the Yankees getting swept by the Sox, but really, I’m happy with the way things are right now. I’m glad the Dodgers are up, I’m cool with the Brewers doing well, and I’m ok with the Astros advancing. I would love a Sox Dodgers series, and would be ok with whoever wins. But really, as long as the Yankees don’t win it and probably not a repeat of last year, it would be a good postseason for me.

The Shlabotnik Report said...

Wish #1 - a quick exit for the Yankees and Dodgers.
Wish #2 - Success for the numerous former Orioles who are scattered throughout the playoffs (Although I wish limited success for Manny Machado and Zach Britton because of Wish #1)
Wish #3 - A World Series between the two teams which switched leagues, the Brewers and Astros.

David Switzer said...

1. Cubs lose at home in the Wild Card game (nothing that happens from here on out will top that for me)
2. A World Series that isn't Astros-Dodgers (we get enough repeats in the NBA Finals)
3. At least one team in the World Series coming from the Central or Mountain time zone. (75% chance of this happening, 25% chance both teams will be)

RAZ said...

I want the Astros to win it all without generating too many Topps Now cards.

GCA said...

Let the teams with significant playoff droughts finally cure them. Indians, Brewers, Rockies go far. Red Sox and Yankees have quick exits. And the big networks whine the whole time about having to cater to middle-ranking audiences.
And like I said elsewhere, if it comes down to Astros/Brewers, then they have to switch back to their original leagues.

Alan Deakins said...

-your No. 5.....Awesome.....I would like to see them win against the Yankees too just like the 1957 Milwaukee Braves did....Love your blog by the way very informative and fun to read...

Alan Deakins said...

-Awesome idea....I dont think it would matter much in this day and age...maybe play a couple of games in the Astrodome....Milwaukee Co. Stadium is long gone...Miller Park is in the same about Lambeau Field for the Brewers home outfield walls allowed, play would be like the dead ball era only with modern equipment and sluggers who can hit it 450 ft. no problem....would be odd for sure.....

The Lost Collector said...

I would obviously like to see Yanks go all the way. 10 wins to go!

Nick said...

Now that the Cubs and A's are out of the playoffs, my wish list is basically down to Plan C: I'd like to see the Indians end their WS drought.

SumoMenkoMan said...

I’m all about the Brewers winning!

Johnnys Trading Spot said...

I'm hoping that the Braves get a bit more challenging at home. Go Braves.

gcrl said...

I'm on board with number 3!

Zippy Zappy said...

Go Yankees. The only major league baseball team ever to exist.

RAZ said...

Kurt Suzuki has a Topps Now card today. Not for a home run, but for a tag at home plate.

Fuji said...

jeremya1um - so far 3 out of 4. boston can wrap things up, but i've gotta a feeling the yankees bounce back. i hope i'm wrong though

the shlabotnik report - who's your favorite former oriole left in the playoffs? i could totally live with the brewers & astros meeting in the series.

david switzer - that's a big reason i don't watch basketball anymore

raz - lol. good luck

gca - looks like you're down to the brewers. i'm pulling for them though.

alan deakins - i'd seriously love to see that. even if it was an exhibition game. thanks for taking the time to check it out.

the lost collector - meh

nick - i could have lived with that. do you have a plan d?

sumomenkoman - they're playing really well. it could happen. unfortunately... the dodgers are playing well too. nlcs should be awesome!

john miller - sorry john. i was pulling for them

gcrl - can't wait to see him against the brewers' bats. the one game i'll be rooting for the dodgers. after that... i'll be pulling for milwaukee

zippy zappy - meh

raz - thanks for the heads up. i'll look for a copy on ebay