Saturday, September 15, 2018

Saturday Night Five: 3500ct. Monster Box

On Tuesday, I showed off this 3,500ct. box of baseball cards I purchased at the De Anza Flea Market on my birthday.  Well I finally got around to digging through it.  More than half of it was Junk Wax Era commons and semistars.  About 500 were Junk Wax Era hall of famers.

There were also about 200 miscellaneous oddballs, 200 1986 Sportflics, and 30+ 1987 Donruss Roberto Clemente puzzles (the ones that come in the 1987 Donruss Highlights sets).

The rest were a bunch of 80's Fleer baseball stickers:

The majority were from 1982 and 1986 with some 1983 and 1984 sprinkled in.  Plus there was one random 1987 San Francisco Giants sticker thrown into the mix.  These were by far the highlight of the box for me.  I love 80's Fleer team logo stickers!

I'm sure most of you have no interest in seeing them, so I figured I'd show off five of my favorite non-stickers from the monster box.

#5:  1986 Southern League All-Stars #23

There were a handful of minor league cards scattered throughout the box.  This was the only one featuring a hall of famer.

#4:  1985 Topps Circle K All-Time Home Run Kings #33

I love Topps thirty-three card boxed sets almost as much as those Fleer stickers.  This was the only Circle K card in the box, but you won't find me complaining about Yogi.

#3:  1986 Sportflics #24

One of my favorite players in the mid 80's was Vince Coleman.  This is one of his lesser known rookie cards.  Not surprising though.  Sportflics is sort of a lesser known baseball card brand.

It's sad, because 1989 Upper Deck, 1990 Leaf, and 1991 Stadium Club often are regarded as the first high-end products.  But I personally feel like Sportflics deserves that title.  Back in 1986, these lenticular baseball cards were sold in packs of three for 65¢ each, while Topps came in packs of fifteen for 35¢.

#2:  1980 Topps #667

If you watched baseball in the 80's, then you know why this card is #2 on this list.

#1:  1987 Topps Kmart 25th Anniversary #1

When I was a kid, I couldn't stand going into Kmart.  I'd sit in the car while my mom shopped, so I didn't risk running into kids from school.  This card is proof that Kmart wasn't that bad.

Well that's it for today.  Here are the results from the Pay It Forward contest from last Saturday:

Congratulations baltmoss69!  Email me your mailing address along with teams and players you collect and I'll put together a care package for you.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment and participate.

Happy Saturday and sayonara!


Johnnys Trading Spot said...

That is a sweet Glavine minor league card. I don't see much of him in those digs.

Jon said...

That Glavine is pretty neat, it's always fun to see new to me minor league cards. And congratulations to the winner of your contest!

SumoMenkoMan said...

I love sportsflics for sure!

Unknown said...

I actually had a chance to buy that same minor league Glavine from my local flea market a few weeks ago but passed. I'm kinda regretting it now because it's a cool card. Looks like that box was a whole lot of fun to dig through!

Nick said...

(And I should probably make sure I'm not still signed in under my mom's account when I read blogs.)

night owl said...

Ooof. No. 2.

Commishbob said...

Those 33-card box sets, especially the KMart ones, were great stuff. I was teaching young ones back then and we had a K-Mart right near us. I would buy stacks of them and give the cards out as rewards.

bbcardz said...

I like the '80's Fleer team logo stickers too. But like most of my collection, I still need to find the time to inventory them and complete the sets.

The Snorting Bull said...

I might have ranked those Fleer stickers, especially those 1983s. That Glavine Minor League card is pretty fun. Good haul.

The Shlabotnik Report said...

The Glavine and Yogi are cool, but I like the stickers best. It's funny how something which was just sort of "there" at the time can be looked back on fondly.

Nick Vossbrink said...

Sportflics! I still love how the those packs said they contained "9 photos"

arpsmith said...

I bet that was fun going through that. I have thought about putting together a list of all those 33 card Topps sets and Fleer box sets and going after them. I have a pretty sizable stack but I just haven't taken the plunge yet.

Bulldog said...

Those stickers really are great. I was always a big fan as well. Love that Glavine card. That's a pretty sweet find in a box like this. I remember those old KMart sets. Lots of memories there. As far as those Sportsflics I get dizzy just thinking of them. Great post.

P-town Tom said...

The stickers alone make that box a winner. I try to pick them up whenever I can find them cheap so that I may include them in trade packages. I figure I can't be the only who likes them so much, and by the looks of the comments I'm not!

Baltmoss68 said...

Looks like a fun box. I agree about Sportflix, loved them when they first came out. I thought they picked up and improved where the old Kellogg’s left off. About a year ago I got a factory set for $5!

gcrl said...

Great variety! For the record, I do have interest in fleer stickers.

Community Gum said...

I used to dread having other kids see me in K-Mart too, which is really silly, because they would be there for the same reasons. They're not spies, just people with budgeted parents

The Angels In Order said...

Fleer sticker Bonanza! If you're working the sets (I am) lmk. Maybe we can trade.

Fuji said...

john miller - i've really enjoyed adding minor league cards from the 80's and early 90's into my collection lately. it's an extra special bonus that glavine is a hall of famer.

jon - yeah, i'm not sure if i had seen this card before or not. i definitely recognize the design, but not sure if i've seen glavine before.

sumomenkoman - me too brother.

elisabetta ruggiero (nick's mom) - was thinking it's always cool to see a new name pop up in my comments

night owl - :)

commishbob - were they the 1982 topps kmart cards? man... i stumbled across so many of those singles back in the day.

bbcardz - slowly discovering that they're a pain in the butt to collect. so many variations

snorting bull - glad to see another person out there who appreciates fleer baseball stickers

the shlabotnik report - wow. 3 people in a row. now i kinda feel like i should dedicate a post to them.

nick vossbrink - i still remember kids saving up their money to buy those mylar packs. good times

arpsmith - me too. i have a box dedicated to them. i'll probably start with the fleer sets first.

bulldog - sticker fan #4. i'm surprised to see so many others out there who enjoy them.

p-town tom - sticker fan #5.

baltmoss68 - i picked up a factory set myself. think i paid $5 too. ended up putting it in a binder, but the cards end up curling. i hope you kept yours in the box.

gcrl - sticker fan #6. guess i need to start working on a fleer sticker post.

community gum - lol. i know. it was totally stupid.

the angels in order -thanks. i gotta organize them, but when i do... i'll reach out to you.