Saturday, September 8, 2018

It Pays to Comment

One of the best parts of blogging is the interaction I have with fellow collectors and bloggers.  Sometimes it's through emails.  Other times it's through care packages.  Once in awhile it's in person. But most of the time it's either through comments left on my posts or comments I've left on fellow blogger's posts.

Since I started this blog, I've felt that if I wanted people to open up and leave comments on my posts, then I had to be willing to leave comments on their posts.  It's been a win/win situation.

I get to read interesting articles about sports cards, learn about and see cool sports cards, and hopefully they'll spend a few minutes checking out what I have to offer.

John over at Johnny's Trading Spot took it a step further.  Not only does he take the time to comment on my blog, he also sent me some cards for being the most frequent commentor 3 years running.

This is the second week in a row that I've received a package from him.  Last weekend, I showed off a prize package I won on his blog.  This time around, he specifically targeted things I collect and sent an entire small flat rate box packed with cards.  See for yourself:

If I were to guess, I'd say he sent 300 to 400 different cards.  As you can see from the photos, there were tons of goodies.

In an effort to keep me from blabbing on and on about how awesome this care package is, I've narrowed things down to five cards that stood out:

#1:  2017 Topps Now Offseason #OS-80

I considered buying this card a few times, but never pulled the trigger.  Now I won't need to.  This is a huge addition to my Japanese PC.

#2:  1981 Kellogg's #26

I've been a fan of Rod Carew and Kellogg's baseball cards since I was a kid.  This card immediately stood out with its bright yellow borders when I was flipping through the stacks.

#3:  1978 Hostess #120

Right now there are five pitchers who share the lead in MLB lead with two complete games each.  Rick Langford pitched 22 consecutive complete games in 1980.  Yeah.  Let that sink in for a second.

#4:  1973 Topps #500

Meet the 1972 World Series Champions.

#5:  2004 UD Timeless Teams #83

This card brings me one step closer to completing this set.  Only 41 more cards to go.

In an effort to pay it forward, I'm going to send out a care package to one lucky person who leaves a comment down below.  I'll leave the comment window open for one week.  After that, I'll throw everyone's name into the list randomizer at, hit randomize five times, and whoever comes out on top will win the pay it forward care package.

In the meantime...

Thank you John for this very generous package.  And thank you to everyone who has ever taken the time to read my blog and comment on my posts.

If I haven't reciprocated, there's a good chance I don't know about your blog.  Feel free to leave a link to your blog down below and I'll add you to my reading list.

Happy Saturday and sayonara!


P-town Tom said...

Comments are what make the blogging world go round. Neat idea of rewarding the most frequent commenter. Is there an easy way to keep track of this?
(Oh, please don't add me to the contest mentioned above. I feel I still need to send a few more cards your way to even out the awesome package you recently sent me!)

Nick said...

I always do my best to comment on as much as I can. Even on days where I don't have time to read any blogs (like yesterday) I do my best to go back through and read up on what I missed (like I'm doing right now).

Registered History said...

Two complete games in an entire season as a league lead is ridiculous, and not in a good way. I don't always do a good job commenting on others posts although I do try and respond to everyone who comments on mine.

TSHenson said...

Fuji, you are one lucky collector/blogger. Wow what a great package of cards you received. I always enjoy reading your blog even if I do not always leave a comment for you. Keep up the great work!

JediJeff said...

The Angels really need to go back to the "California" moniker and bring back that state logo from the back of the Carew card. That baby is a classic and missed.

The Shlabotnik Report said...

Love each of the five cards... The only one I wouldn't gladly welcome into my collection is the 1973 A's team and that's only because I have one already.

night owl said...

Here, here for commenting and not just commenting because there's a prize in the offing (which I swear I am not doing now! Maybe!)! What I don't understand is how some bloggers NEVER comment. I mean NEVER. How is that possible?

sg488 said...

I love the Timeless Teams Set,I might have some singles laying around somewhere,good luck on finishing the set.

Jon said...

Some bloggers seem to forget how important comments can be, especially to those who are just starting out. For a new blogger, receiving a comment or two might be all that it takes for them to decide whether or not they want to stick with it.

Also, since you just sent me some cards, you can go ahead and leave me out of the contest.

Jeremya1um said...

Fuji, I don’t get too many comments on my blog, but you almost always leave comments on all of my posts, and I really appreciate your insights and opinions on all of my posts. Thank you for taking the time to comment. You are a class act.

Trevor P said...

I watched a great documentary on Netflix once called "Fastball." I highly recommend it. I bring it up because they state that Nolan Ryan was his own closer; he pitched so many complete games. It's really quite a feat we don't see anymore.

GCA said...

You would win the same prize on my blog too.
I would comment more often, but sometimes I feel it would be redundant to what others have already said. Plus I feel like I complain too much about Topps and the current hobby trends.

Matt said...

You win mine as well. I try hard to comment on every post but it’s not always easy and I am missing so many blogs still

Community Gum said...

I've been terrible about commenting on other people's blogs. I was basically out of the game for the past 3 years due to work and got back to it in March. Since then, comments on other people's blogs have been light as time is still limited, so instead of reading, I write posts or deal with other hobbies. I hate not participating more and I know it's had a direct correlation with people not commenting or reading my blog as it's been a dead zone since I came back a few months ago. I do want to make a bigger effort in rejoining the blogosphere. Here's to hoping this is where things can turn around

Jafronius said...

I've made a concerted effort to try to comment more on blog posts, but many times I don't really have anything to say about what's written. I just hope me clicking on the article helps to let the author know their efforts are being appreciated.

Chris P said...

This post definitely makes me wanna send you a shout out for taking the time to comment on my blog on a regular basis. I rarely get comments but you always take the time to write something on my posts and i always appreciate it. I know i don't do it nearly as much in return, but rest assured i do read and love each post that you make!

Brett Alan said...

Panini should start calling them "California". Or, alternatively, "Los Angeles Baseball Club of Anaheim."

defgav said...

I'm no stranger to commenting, but I feel like I should comment more. I read a LOT of card blogs and probably only comment on less than 10% I read. I think I'm more liable to comment on a post that doesn't have many other comments. If all I've got to say is "nice card!" on a post where a few people have already said nice card, then what's the point? But yes, as a blogger, I know comments are very appreciated and help make it worth all the time and effort it takes to run an active blog.


First time commenter long time lurker, I only read a couple of blogs regularly(of which yours is one). I appreciate the effort all of you put into these diversions from daily life. I never considered that additional comments might act as justification/encouragement for some. I would like to thank all of you out there for this escapism.

The Lost Collector said...

I appreciate all of your frequent comments on my small corner of the blog world.

John is also one of the most generous guys out there, so I appreciate seeing a post from one of the best bloggers about one of the most generous. Makes me happy!

SumoMenkoMan said...

Fuji, you are definitely deserving of that package! One of the great commenters in the blogging world. For those that are interested, I did an interview of Fuji a little while back to get to know him a little better. Definitely worth the read if you have 10'll give you a better understanding of why he is so popular.

Robert said...

Nope, you comment on my blog all the time!! No need for the link.

BTW, I have updated my 82 T want list. Let me know what we can work out.

Matt said...

I've been trying to leave more comments on blogs. Conversely, I appreciate all the one you have left on mine, so thanks!

Adam said...

I really need to get better at commenting on other people's blog posts. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my own writing and posting along with other things going on around me that I forget to leave comments. I really should make a concerted effort to do that more.

By the way, I really appreciate you always leaving comments on my posts and taking the time to read my posts. Also, I need to get some stuff out to you soon. It's been too long.

gcrl said...

you deserve it!

Adam Kaningher said...

Thanks for all your comments as well.

Bru said...

Hooray for comments! And packages! And super cool cards!

I’ve been meaning to put a package together for you. I think somehow I’ve been back in this card thing for almost five years and I have yet to send you any cards. Sometimes it seems like you have everything already! I pulled some fun A’s stuff recently though.

Baltmoss68 said...

I enjoy your blog and seeing your collection grow. Very impressive finds! I have some Kellogg’s singles if you’re interested.

TexasSurveyor said...

I’m not a blogger (yet).. maybe down road a few years when I no longer have teenagers in the house and I’m closer to retirement. Until then thank you Fuji, and the many other great bloggers out there that I keep up with.

bbcardz said...

Awesome article Fuji! I love commenting on other peoples blogs when I have something semi-interesting to say (work schedule permitting). And of course I love reading other people's comments. Great mix of vintage and current cards that John sent, congrats!

Sean said...

That is a pretty good idea. Since you seem interested in Japanese baseball cards, my blog is

And I'm always interested in exchanging random "care" packages!

The Snorting Bull said...

Well deserved Fuji! I appreciate you taking time to always comment on my posts!

Johnnys Trading Spot said...

Just look at those accolades (above). Mark, thanks again!

Fuji said...

p-town tom - i don't keep score. you're entered. i'm not sure if blogger has a way of keeping track of who comments. when i've needed to keep track for contests, etc... i just go through and write peoples names down

nick - that's pretty good. i'm terrible at going back and catching up on posts that i missed. gotta wonder how many awesome articles i've missed over the years.

jasongerman9 - i appreciate it every time i see your name pop up in my comment section. as for the whole complete game thing... i agree. wish pitching was as specialized these days.

tshenson - appreciate you taking the time to read it. :)

jedijeff - they'll always be the california angels in my book

brett alan - don't give panini any ideas

the shlabotnik report - if i ever get a duplicate of that 73 team card, i'll display it on my a's shelf in my office

night owl - i'm okay with people commenting for the contest. at least it shows that they took a few minutes to check out my posts (since i have no plans on advertising this contest). although... i guess the blog title hints at it.

sg488 - yeah. i love it b/c they feature some great names from the 70's

jon - great comment. so true. this might not makes sense, but in a similar situation... i try to go out of my way to say hello to my students who don't have a lot of friends.

jeremya1um - thank you for the kind words. if you write it, i'll read it (at least as much as i possibly can)

trevor p - i looked for it, but didn't see it. when i have some more time, i'll check hulu and amazon as well.

gca - i kinda feel like half of my comments address topps and their poor cropping skills. ;)

sport card collectors - it's impossible to read and comment on everybody's posts. i'd never expect that from my readers. i just try my best to read as much as i can in my free time.

community gum - i love your blog. but for some reason, i can't figure out how to leave comments on it. every time i do, the comment doesn't show up.

jafronius - effort is better than no effort. i appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on my posts.

chris p - lol. it's hard not to drool over that insane collection of yours. i don't even collect basketball, but i love seeing what you pull.

defgav - dang now i feel bad. i think 90% of my comments involve me saying "nice card" or something similar in nature. ;)

threelions - comments or not, i'm glad someone is taking the time to read these posts.

the lost collector - he sure is. i think that's the fourth (maybe fifth or even sixth) package i've received from him this year.

sumomenkoman - thanks ryan for the kind words and taking the time to write up that interview.

robert - i will look over my 82t this weekend. best of luck on that set.

matt - right back at ya buddy. it's good to support each other's blogs.

adam sanders - no problem. i enjoy reading your posts.

gcrl - thanks buddy!

adam kaningher - thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog :)

bru - i definitely don't have everything. but you wouldn't know it if you took one look at my desk right now. i hate clutter ;)

baltmoss68 - i can always find room for more kellogg's

texassurveyor - let us know when you start blogging, so we can start commenting on your posts

bbcardz - thanks. you run a great blog. wish you were an a's fan, instead of a dodgers guy. i could use a good resource for new a's SGA's and cards.

sean - blog has been added to my reading list. can't wait to read your posts and comment on your blog.

snorting bull - thanks. keep up the great blog.

john miller - thanks again for being such a generous blogger.