Saturday, June 30, 2018

A Game of Numbers

I've had this weekend circled on the calendar for a few months.  One of my closest friends is visiting and there are lots of things on the agenda.  The problem is she's only here for two days.

That being said... today's post will be short and sweet.  Johnny recently hosted his annual BFG (Big Fun Game) over on his blog:  Johnny's Trading Spot.  For those of you who aren't familiar, the rules of the game are similar to a white elephant gift exchange or Yankee Swap.

Last year I won a really cool Highland Mint George Brett rookie card.  This year my prize consisted of five 1983 baseball media guides.

One of my favorite things about baseball (and sports in general) is analyzing statistics, which is probably why I fell in love with collecting cards.  My childhood bookshelves were filled with American League Red, National League Green Books, which listed just about every possible baseball statistic baseball fans could imagine.

Media guides are essentially the same thing... only they focus on specific teams.  I've collected a fair share of these over the years, including the Oakland A's and San Francisco Giants ones Johnny sent me.

The other three are brand new to my collection...

All three of these media guides have excellent covers that actually feature baseball players.  I'm looking forward to sitting down and flipping through all three of these after my friend leaves.

Anyone of you collect media guides?

Thank you Johnny for another generous Big Fun Game!

Assuming this post is published on schedule... I should be getting seated at my favorite restaurant:  Flemming's Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar.

Happy Saturday and sayonara!


Johnnys Trading Spot said...

great steaks

Chris said...

I have a collection of media guides (mostly hockey) but I can't say I collect them. The only two baseball guides I have are 2002 Blue Jays and 2004 Cubs. I bought the Cubs issue when I was in Chicago that year. Not sure how I came across the Blue Jays.

The Giants issue stands out for its blandness. Oakland had an interesting concept for their cover. It's a stretch, but at least they tried something!

Commishbob said...

Yup...I have a near-complete run of Orioles guides/ I'm lacking the very first one (1954) and the '58. Sadly they announced this year that no printed guide would be issued. teams are going to online guides and it's making me sad.

I have every Baltimore Colts Guide. I have about 20 NY Rangers guides (they called the 'Blue Book' back in the day. And a few dozen others from an assortment of teams like the University of Houston (BB and FB), Yankees, Oilers & Texans (who also stopped printed ones) Astros, etc. I love 'em.

Matt said...

I stick mainly to cards now. My wife wouldn't be too happy if I cramp anything else in lol

Registered History said...

I had a friend of mine who worked for the A's until recently. I wouldn't say I collect them, but he was always good about getting me a Reds guide to peruse each year.

SumoMenkoMan said...

Not media guides for baseball, but I collect the tournament books they print for each of the 6 main tournaments. It has stats and pictures for the wrestlers. Good stuff and enjoy the steak!

Mark Hoyle said...

Media guides are a nice collectible. Have a handful. ,take up a little less space than yearbooks

Collecting Cutch said...

I have media guides for the Pirates since 2011. Those are the only ones I have.

night owl said...

I don't collect media guides (the "no room" thing), but as a member of the media, I hold them in great regard. It's sad that many teams don't produce them anymore.

Fuji said...

John Miller - Amazing steaks. Great sides too.

Chris - The Giants one is perfect for getting signed. Maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to have Frank Robinson sign it.

Commishbob - The complete run of Colts is pretty impressive. Best of luck on obtaining the final two for your Orioles collection. Can you use the 1983 Astros media guide? If so, it's yours.

Sport Card Collectors - I'm not married, but I can't afford (the space) to start collecting these either.

jasongerman9 - Nice. They're definitely an excellent read.

SumoMenkoMan - The steak was amazing!

Mark Hoyle - Can you use any of these (except for the Astros... if Commish claims it)? If so, let me know which ones you want. I'll send them your way.

Collecting Cutch - If I ever find any Pirates media guides sitting at the flea market, I'll be sure to pick them up for you.

night owl - I don't have the space either. But I've already sifted through all five of these. Great trip down memory lane.

Comatoad said...

I've been collecting Padres media guides for years. Since their inception in 1969, I'm only missing two guides (Not including the 2018 guide).

Fuji said...

Which years are you looking for?