Saturday, January 2, 2016

Saturday Night Five: Hobby Resolutions

2016 has arrived and I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that I've been collecting baseball cards off and on for over three decades.  I've mentioned in prior posts about the quandary I'm in based on which direction I want to go in terms of collecting.  I keep looking towards the future and wondering... do I really want to be 70 years old with thousands of baseball cards that may or may not be worth a fraction of the price I spent accumulating them?

When I reentered the hobby back in 2008, I pretty much accepted the fact that I wasn't ever going to make a profit off of sport cards.  Yet I continued to gather cards whenever I found a good deal... regardless of whether or not it fit my personal collection.

Well... in 2016 ...hopefully that's going to change.  In fact, after reading a bunch of your hobby resolutions and contemplating my own... I've decided to end the two year drought and create a list of things I'd like to accomplish by this time next year.

#1:  Create a Monthly Hobby Budget and Adhere to It

Each year I have a standing bet with my best friend's husband.  It's fairly simple:  his Detroit Lions vs. my Green Bay Packers.  Whichever team has the better record wins.  I've already locked up the win and in a few weeks, I'll be receiving $200... which I'm going to use to kick off this year's hobby budget.  In addition to this, I'm going to give myself $75 to spend each month.  Whatever isn't spent will carry over to the following month.  In addition to this... there will be an incentive to exercise.  Every week I  walk 50,000 steps or more, I will add $5 to my monthly budget.  I definitely plan on documenting all of my expenses this year to see how much I truly dump into this hobby.

#2:  Purchase Five 1956 Topps Hall of Famers

As of right now, I have no intention of building this set.  However my Jackie Robinson is lonely and needs some of his cardboard brethren to keep him company.  I've already started targeting some reasonably priced hall of famers in this set.

#3:  Resurrect my Annual Summer Contest

It's been a few years since I've held this contest, so I guess it's technically no longer an "annual" contest.  However... I really enjoyed hosting this and seeing the interaction among us.  I have plenty of prizes that are ready to go.  Now I just need to get off my butt and organize it.

#4:  Pick Up One of These Topps Sets:  1973, 1974, or 1977

A few years ago, I decided that I wanted to own every flagship Topps baseball card set from 1972 to 1986... which represent my childhood years.  I'm down to needing only these three.  The 1977 set sometimes sells for under $100, so that's probably the most realistic set to target.

#5:  Have Fun, Continue Blogging, and Read More Blogs

There are a variety of reasons for me to stay in this hobby.  I love sports.  I find it soothing to flip through cards.  Plus... I love reading your blogs and discussing trading cards with all of you.  Bottom line... it's entertaining and fun.  Hopefully this trend continues into 2016.

What about you...

Do you have any hobby resolutions for 2016?

Happy Saturday and sayonara!


RAZ said...

I haven't really set any resolutions for 2016. I have some ideas about what I want to pursue, but nothing really set in stone. I hope to keep my posting frequency at about 25 posts a month, presuming I actually have something to say that often.

Unknown said...

I'm going to do random acts of care packages

Jon said...

My only resolution is to make it to 100 posts.

Jeff Jones said...

My resolution is to finally do some TTMs. Oh and host a contest.

Zippy Zappy said...

I blogged about my goals but since I don't want to waste your time,

*Go a whole week without buying cards
*Go a whole month without buying cards
*Go six months without buying a single baseball card
*(At least) ONE TTM return
*(At least) ONE IP autograph
*$750 limit for the entire year (on everything including shipping fees)

JayP said...

I just posted my goals the other day. Some of them are similar to your in regards to keeping a budget and having fun.

Happy collecting this year!

Anonymous said...

I have one question... Where do *I* find a Detroit Lions fan who's willing to bet $200 that the Lions will have a better record than my team?

I'm still pondering my own resolutions/goals, which I'm planning on discussing in a post on Tuesday morning (assuming I come up with anything). I was also thinking of tracking the money I spend on the hobby, and cutting back on my retail purchases. Most importantly... well, other than having fun... I need to get back on track in bringing down the size of my collection.

Anonymous said...

Almost forgot to comment about Resolution #4... I personally would go after 1974 for mainly subjective reasons (as well as "Traded" and "Washington Nat'l Lea.")... But I suppose if you complete the 1977 set then you'll have a run from 1975 to 1986, and that's nothing to sneeze at.

sg488 said...

I need to stick to my yearly budget $1500,but no carry over to the next year.And,I suggest you go all out for that 1973 set (i know Schmidt rookie is tough)but its a great set.

Steve at said...

I'm impressed with how many card bloggers are so goal oriented. I need more time to get organized... I like 73 the most out of the 3, but can see how 77 would bring a sense of making good progress. I'd get that set and find cheap 73s where and when you can find them.

Johnnys Trading Spot said...

Hog Wash! The old lady down the road from you is having a yard sale next week getting rid of her old man's cards, she'll let you have all 3 of those sets $5 each. You said have fun.

Matt said...

Still need to set mine lol

Fuji said...

raz - i'm a little bit behind you. i'll be content with posting 15 times a month

mj heap - great goal. it always feels good to spread the world with tiny pieces of cardboard that feature pictures of people on them.

jon - just keep swimming and you'll get there in no time.

jeff jones - one day (possibly when i retire in 25 years) i'd like to experiment with TTM's

zippy - a month w/o cards? that would definitely be challenging. six months? well... if i ever reach that goal... it probably means i've taken a break from the hobby.

jayp - just discovered your blog and added it to my reading list.

shlabotnikreport - as crazy as it sounds... he actually was willing to bet me $500... but i have a rule of only betting what i can afford to lose. over the past three years, i've won two $100 bets... and this year is my first $200 bet. the only reason i'm considering the 1977 is b/c it's more affordable. dont worry.... one of these days i'll take down the 1974.

sg488 - yeah... i like the 1973 set. when i eventually buy it... i'll target one with a PSA 7 Schmidt to keep it affordable.

steve - this is my first time in three years of creating actual goals. the past two years it was to have fun.

john - lol. man... talk about hidden treasures. i'll definitely think positive thoughts and hope your vision comes true.

sport card collectors - it took me three years to come up with these ;)

Zippy Zappy said...

Lol, keep in mind that those six months don't necessarily have to be consecutive months. And I didn't say no more trading ;).

Fuji said...

Oh... then that's a little more plausible. still very challenging though. best of luck with your goals.

Josh D. said...

>>Do I really want to be 70 years old with thousands of baseball cards that may or may not be worth a fraction of the price I spent accumulating them?

Damn right, you do. :-)

My only overriding goal for this year is "organization above accumulation."

Fuji said...

Lol... it's a possibility. Great goal. I should make it one of mine.

Zippy Zappy said...

Thanks Fuji, good luck with yours.

Bru said...
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Bru said...

Fuji, are you looking to just buy or build those 70's sets? I have a lot of dupes from 74 and could get you well on your way.

mr haverkamp said...

Don't grab all of the 56T HOFers until you see my extras! See you at Serramonte in a few weeks.