Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Very Special Portfolio

During my last trip to the wholesalers, I picked up one of these Ultra Pro 9-Pocket Collector's Portfolios:

For those who aren't familiar with these, they're essentially a folder that includes ten 9-pocket pages and it's perfect for smaller collections that contain less than 90 cards.  I ended up buying three of them for under $10 with one being used for my TTM autographs and another for my pocket schedule collection.

The final one is going to house some of my favorite, random cool cards that bring a smile to my face every time I see them.  You know the kind I'm talking about.

Cards with guys blowing bubblegum bubbles...

Colorful chickens...

Voluptuous blondes...

Famous comedians...

Guys who wear vests and are married to hot women...

The less famous twin brother...

Gifted bloggers...

Amazing action shots...

Bloody faces...

Middle fingers...

Awesome artwork...

Ghostly images...

Astonishing afros...

Pinch runners...

And vertically challenged guys who wear glasses...

This special portfolio will sort of be a work in progress... with me adding cards whenever I'm able to find them at reasonable prices (preferably dime boxes).  However I don't have a problem with spending up to a few bucks if the card is truly worthy of being in the collection.

And every now and then... maybe I'll get lucky and land some freebies.  For example... let's look at some sweet custom cards created by Gavin over at Baseball Card Breakdown.

This card is one of the coolest things I've ever received in a care package.  This card reminds me of one of those Baseball Card Vandals creations... only this one is better, because it doubles as a Christmas tree ornament.

Next up are a pair of Sandlot movie card customs...

Gavin didn't take any shortcuts in creating this card.  It's so good, that he actually had to include a disclaimer in Benny's biography.

About a year ago, I purchased the 20th Anniversary copy of The Sandlot on DVD and it came with a special trading card set.  Unfortunately... they left out the cute lifeguard from he pool scene:

But thanks to Gavin... that's no longer a problem.

Last, but certainly not least is this custom 1 of 1 Tony Gwynn card:

Like the LaMarr Hoyt... this card is special on so many levels.  It features my all-time favorite player.  My name is actually featured among several bloggers who admire Mr. Padre.  And the fact that this was actually hand crafted by one of our very own cardboard brethren... makes this the newest addition to my Very Special Portfolio.

Thanks Gavin for this awesome collection of custom cards.  They will be forever treasured in my special binder that houses all of the cards featured in this post.

Happy holidays and sayonara!


Big Tone said...

I picked up a smaller 4 pocket album,generic though.They're nice "on the go " albums that give you a chance to show off a smaller,yet meaningful collection.

Unknown said...

Dam I have 3 RED INK Autographed Fuji cards 2008 Topps, I need to get one of those 2015 cards, I believe his 2008 cards is a ROOKIE

JediJeff said...

Wendy Peffercorn. She don't know what she's doing.

BobWalkthePlank said...

Lamarr Hoyt is very festive.

Daniel Wilson said...

So many awesome cards all in one spot!

defgav said...

Glad you got a kick out of the cards! :)

Mark Hoyle said...

Great package from Gavin... Happy holidays Fuji

Hackenbush said...

I got one of the same little folders last Christmas. I filled it with highlights from the packs my father-in-law gave me and then let him leaf through it.

Matt said...

Awesome!! I have a few of those but I need to be more resourceful like you have with yours.

Fuji said...

big tone - good idea. next time i'm there, i'll grab one of those. it'd be perfect to take to card shows.

mj heap - lol... that was my preview. am i weird that i actually keep a copy of my own trading cards in my special binder? lol.

jedijeff & mr. scott - very true

daniel - thanks

defgav - i got more than a kick out of them. they're now a permanent feature in my special binder and will forever be appreciated

mr. hoyle - thanks... you too!

hackenbush - don't have a father-in-law myself... but if i did... i'd want one who'd give me cards. lucky dog.

sport card collectors - there's no correct way. how do you fill yours?