Friday, February 13, 2015

Flash(p)ack Friday #4: 1995 Denny's Baseball

They might not be 70's Kellogg's or Hostess baseball.  What the heck am I talking about?  They're not even in 80's 7-11 Slurpee Discs' league.

But 90's Denny's baseball cards were pretty cool nonetheless... and they made several appearances on my card collecting timeline.  I don't want to even think about how much money I spent on food during college study sessions at America's favorite coffee shop in an effort to get my complimentary pack of cards.  Sadly... I never even came close to completing a set of Denny's cards back in the day.

But everything changed last night when I busted a bunch of packs of 1995 Denny's Baseball produced by Upper Deck.  I picked up a box filled with 135 packs off of eBay for $9.99 (free shipping):

Yup... that's just 7.4¢ per pack.  Each pack contained one card from the twenty-eight card checklist.

My first pack contained one of my favorite players from the 80's and 90's... Mr. Kirby Puckett:

The card design features both a holographic portrait and a photographic action shot, along with the player's name and the team he played for.  It also includes the Upper Deck logo in the upper left corner and the Denny's logo in the upper right corner.

The card back includes a written summary of highlights, as well as 1994 and career statistics.  Collectors were also treated to the player's position, the card number, another photograph, and the team logo.  To top things off... Upper Deck made sure to write "limited edition" on each card, so you know these things are valuable (wink, wink).

Here's a peek at the entire set:

Presently... the set contains only six hall of famers, but Ken Griffey Jr. is a shoe-in and who knows... maybe one day... Bagwell, Clemens, McGwire, Piazza, Sheffield, or Sosa eventually collect enough votes to earn admission to Cooperstown too.

Okay... typically Friday the 13th is a day reserved for bad luck.  But today we're flipping the script.  In other words... today is your lucky day, because if you're here reading my blog, you have the opportunity to WIN some cards and unopened packs.

It's time for my first contest of 2015.  I'm going to give away a starter set of this oddball issue.  Plus I'll throw in a stack of unopened packs to help the winner complete it the old-school way.

What do you need to do?  Just answer the following questions:

1.  How many packs did I need to bust last night to build a complete set?

2.  How many Gwynn holograms did I pull last night?

3.  What was the final card number I needed to complete my set?

4.  How many cards are in the starter set I'll be giving away in this contest?

Example:  10, 11, 12, 13 or 10 packs, 11 Gwynns, #12, and 13 cards

The person who answers the most questions correctly wins the prize.  If there's a tie... I'll randomize the names on and pick the name on top after five randomizations.  I'll wrap up the contest a week from now on Friday, February 20th at noon PST.  By the way... collectors who support my blog on CCW, please feel free to join in.  However since I don't log into my CCW account on a regular basis, please leave your responses directly on my blog:

Oh..and believe it or not... I'm on my break next week.  What's that mean?  Well... I should have all of my "IOU" care packages in the mail by the 21st.  Thank you to everyone for your patience.

Happy Friday the 13th and sayonara!


hockeykazi said...

3 Gwynns

Dennis said...

Denny's may be a racist restaurant that serves disgusting food, but I'll play along for free UD cards!

70, 6, 8, 20

Commishbob said...

I remember those cards. Not sure I had more than a couple. My guesses:

56, 4 Gwynns, 9, 17

You guys go on break early!! Mine's not for a month.

defgav said...

Cool! I got a few cards from Denny's 91 and 92, but was "over" cards after that so never got anything from this year.

5 Gwynns

cynicalbuddha said...

If you figure in the shipping you saved your pack price is probably closer to a sweet nickel!
42, 2 Gwynns, 14, 15

Eric Bracke said...

Sweet Ozzie and Big Mac. Serious mullet on that card.

Mark Hoyle said...


Unknown said...

79 -13-4-83

Andy said...


Dawgbones said...

1. 28 packs is all you "needed" to complete the set... the rest were just bonus!!
2. I'd say you pulled all of them last night!! (J.K. let's go with 7.)
3. I'll say 17
4. 14

Nick said...

1. 50 packs
2. 9 Gwynns
3. Card #19
4. 28 cards


Mark said...

That is some real 90's goodness right there. I still have the Greg Vaughn I pulled from a pack on what must have been a family trip to Denny's.

38, 6, 6, 19

Corky said...

53 packs
3 Gwynns
20 cards in the starter set

Daniel Wilson said...

42 packs, 5 Gwynns, #20, and 17 cards

Jeremya1um said...

49 packs, 4 Gwynns, #22, and 14 cards

Kevin Papoy said...

Love those holograms !

7 Gwynns
Card #11
20 cards

thanks !

Unknown said...

31 packs to complete the set
6 Gwynns
Card #26
15 card starter set

Man said...

47 packs needed
2 Gwynns pulled
#22 was last card needed
1 starter set being given away

Swing And A Pop-up said...

54, 4, 13, 15

GCA said...

38 packs for set
4 Gwynns pulled
Card #18 was last
Starter set of 23 cards

BobWalkthePlank said...

48 6 17 18

Wilson said...

109, 4, 14, 21