Friday, May 23, 2014

Christmas In May

Pizza delivery guys are busy on Super Bowl Sunday.  Black Friday is the busiest day for plumbers.  Santa Claus is pretty busy on Christmas Eve.  Valentine's Day keeps florists around the country busy.  And commercial airline employees are typically busy during Thanksgiving.

But for me... I'd have to say that I'm probably the busiest at either the start or the end of the school year... which happens to be right about now.  There's all sorts of things to keep me busy.

End of the year field trips.  The grad dance.  Projects to grade.  Graduation and retirement parties to attend.  My classroom needs to be cleaned out.  Summer school curriculum needs to be prepared.  Graduation practices.  Recommendation letters to write.  And to top it off... report cards to complete.

Don't get the wrong idea... I love my profession.  The best decision I ever made was to become a teacher.  It's just that May and June can get a little crazy.

That's why I've put off opening a bunch of packages from fellow bloggers.  Yesterday was the first time in weeks that I came home and was able to spend some quality time in the office.  So I took advantage of the moment and experienced "Christmas in May".

Let's just say it was a thousand times better than busting a blaster, because each and every one of these packages were hand picked, acts of kindness from an extended family of bloggers.

And before I get too sappy and shed a tear on a Tony Gwynn card, let's go ahead and check out some cardboard...

At the end of April, Tony over at Off Hiatus Baseball Cards emailed me and thanked me for taking the time to comment on his blog.  He told me to pick a couple of cards out of his "Treasure Chest", so I grabbed this manufactured patch of Tony Gwynn and this numbered Catfish Hunter card.

Thanks Tony!  Not only for the cards... but also for taking the time to comment on my posts.  One of my favorite things about this blogging community is the interaction among us.

By now I'm sure most of you have been zapped by Zippy over at Cervin' Up Cards.  If you haven't, I'm sure it's only a matter of time.  I'm embarrassed to admit that I actually received his latest care package in April (Sorry Kenny... I'll make sure to make it up to you with some A-Rods).  Inside, he sent me a bunch of cards from teams I collect, but these two were easily my favorite:

Mascot cards rule... especially when they feature Stomper.  As for Mr. Gray... well I'm sure you guys understand why I'm glad to own this rookie card.  And if not... you will as soon as you see this guy pitch.  Thanks Kenny!

It's time to transition to my other favorite team... the San Diego Padres.  The past twelve months, I've interacted with a few Padres bloggers and Comatoad is one of them.  He's the author of Bleedin' Brown and Gold and in the past month, he sent me two care packages.  The first one included this awesome Gypsy Queen team set that includes my very first 2014 Tony Gwynn card:

A couple weeks later, he sent me a package containing a detailed summary of hockey's Masanori Murakami:

Comatoad... thanks for all of these awesome cards.  I actually had both of these Fukufuji cards, but I assure you they won't go to waste.  My two originals are sitting at my parent's house in Vegas.  The two you sent me have been added to my Japanese binder which is sitting three feet away from me as I type.

Last month, I published my 1,000th post and out of the blue... The Prowling Cat sent me a generous "congratulations" care package.  Like Zippy, he sent a smorgasbord of cardboard from stuff I collect.  Here are a few of my favorites:

Thanks Prowling Cat!  I don't have any business cards to send your way... but I might have a pocket schedule or two.  You can also expect some NASCAR cards in the near future.

Matthew over at Bob Walk the Plank also sent me a package honoring my 1000th post.  Inside were these four cards:

All are welcome additions to my Japanese baseball player collection.  Now Matthew... we sort of have a problem.  You told me that you don't want anything in return, but that's not going to fly.  You're one of my regular traders and I'll definitely be shipping a few Pirates cards out to your neck of the woods.  Thanks buddy!

And last but not least... I received a package from The Junior Junkie.  Like Matthew, he also hooked me up with a nice stack of cards for my Japanese PC.  Here's a taste of what he sent...

Thanks T.J.!  I'm pretty thin on Griffey's... but I'll get some Saints and maybe a few other guys on your baseball list out to you.  But you might need to be patient.

Actually... hopefully all of you in this post can bear to wait just a few more weeks.  Friday, June 13th is the last day of school.  After that... I should have a little more free time.  

Thanks again Tony, Kenny, Comatoad, Prowling Cat, Matthew, and T.J.!  I truly appreciate all of you guys taking time out of your lives to put together these packages.  Just remember... a Fuji always pays his debts.

Happy Friday and sayonara!


The Lost Collector said...

Seriously, that's how going to the mailbox is everyday. So great.

Yankeejetsfan said...

Great stuff Fuji. I still have to get your package out to you. I'm still putting it together. Hopefully, I can have it out to you soon.

Hackenbush said...

I like that "East Meets West" card.

Tony L. said...

Every day is like Christmas here too. By that I mean that sometimes you get something from a friend that you weren't expecting, and a lot of times you open a package and have to try to remember what, exactly, it was that you bought for yourself. :-) I'm glad you liked the opportunity to pick some things out, Fuji.

Play at the Plate said...

I taught 6th grade for 4 years. I agree with you about May and June!

Dawgbones said...

Stomper is probably my second favorite mascot, I've got a small eclectic collection of elephants! Is he from a team set? That's where a few of my Phanatic cards came from.

Man said...

Congrats on the end of the school year Fuji! My wife is a teacher and she will be busy grading over the weekend.

Zippy Zappy said...

Glad you enjoyed the cards. Although I thought I sent you a lot more than two cards. Guess I'll have to make up for it next time.

Fuji said...

Thanks Kenny! You totally did! I just didn't have tons of free time, so I scanned two of my favorites. I'll scrape up some A-Rods for your PC.

Fuji said...

I think Stomper is out of the 2014 Topps Sticker set.

Fuji said...

Lol... I'm grading journals this weekend... plus I have a retirement party to go to tomorrow. But this weekend isn't nearly as crazy as next weekend.

Fuji said...

I loved teaching sixth grade... actually I miss teaching fifth grade (and going to science camp) even more.

Fuji said...

Lol... can you imagine going to your mailbox and seeing this everyday? I'd start feeling like Night Owl (just kidding Greg). In reality... it was me saving packages for almost a month.

Fuji said...

No rush. The next few weeks are only going to get crazier.

Fuji said...

Me too. I had never seen this relic set before. Might have to see what other players are in it.

Fuji said...

Thanks again Tony! I hope to have a package out to you in the next few weeks... early summer at the latest ;-)

Mark Hoyle said...

I have another package ready to go for you also

BobWalkthePlank said...

Glad you liked the cards!

Greg Zakwin said...

That's quite the "mailday!"

Jafronius said...

Nice hauls, good luck with the end of the year!