Friday, November 22, 2013

I Crave The Wave

For over twenty years, I've wanted to add the 1984 Donruss baseball set to my collection.  And after last weekend's flea market purchase, I'm five cards away from fulfilling that dream.

1984 Donruss has always been one of the more popular sets from the 80's, because it has so much to offer.  It introduced the hobby to their famous Rated Rookies subset.  The set featured a fresh new "wave" design, a bright turquoise card back, and solid photography.  Donruss even included inserts (Living Legends) into their packs for the first time.

But to me... the thing that separates this set apart from most of the other sets produced in the 80's is the fact that "demand" still outweighs "supply".  Outside of the 1980 Topps set, I can't think of another regular issue base set from the 80's that sells for over $30 on a regular basis.

Maybe 1982 Topps?  Possibly 1983 Topps?  1989 Upper Deck?  However... I picked up both of these Topps sets at the start of the year for $25 each and have seen the iconic Upper Deck set at the flea market on several occasions for $25.

But I have never seen the 1984 Donruss set at that price.  Well... at least not until last weekend.

And the only reason I was able to secure it for $12 is because I was convinced that the empty spots within the binder were reserved for the key rookie cards.

Surprisingly, they were all there.

However I still need these five cards if anyone has any base cards laying around:

2 Dave Concepcion (DK)
3 Dwayne Murphy (DK)
5 Leon Durham (DK)
178 Jim Sundberg
294 Tony Armas

It's your turn.

Are you a fan of the 1984 Donruss set?  Why or why not?

What's your favorite baseball card set from the 80's?  Why?

Happy Friday and sayonara!


shoeboxlegends said...

Absolutely love it, within my top three favorite sets of the '80s, possibly #1. Great pick-up!

Nick said...

I've always felt that '84 was far and away the greatest set in Donruss history. It's definitely up there in terms of best of the '80s, although I'd probably have to give '81 Topps the nod in that department.

Chuck's Used Cards said...

I checked to see if I had those DK for you - unfortunately, I didn't. I have a bunch from 1981 to 1988, but not those. I like the art work on those.

Anonymous said...

I like 84D a whole lot more now than I did in 1984... I think I was still upset with Donruss for 1983 being a cheap knockoff of 1982.

night owl said...

Am I a fan of 1984 Donruss?

I wrote a post called "The only Donruss set that matters" that was all about '84 Donruss. It was a proud moment when I completed the set. (Unfortunately, I don't have extras of those cards you need).

I think '83 Topps is the best set of the '80s.

jacobmrley said...

I sent all my 1984 Donruss to Night Owl but I may have those Diamond Kings. I'll have to go look.

Pretty damn awesome way to grab this set, I must say.

jacobmrley said...

That didn't take long, I have the three DK's if you want them.

jacobmrley said...

Oh, and to answer your questions, I like the '84 Donruss set okay. I once planned on piecing it together since I came into about 400 commons at one point, but like I said, I mailed them along to Night Owl to deal with. As for my favorite set of the 80's, it is probably 1981 Topps. Something about those little hats makes me think of my childhood. In a good way.

The Lost Collector said...

I will own that Mattingly one day.

jacobmrley said...

and, after a quick look in the team boxes, I have the Armas (but sadly, not the Sundberg)

Swing And A Pop-up said...

I like the 84' Donruss set, but it occured during one of my lapses in card collecting. Consequently, I have very little of it. It's also one of the only 80's set I never see in repacks.

Kyle D said...

and I can offer the Sundberg to complete your set.

Greg Zakwin said...

1989 Topps, year I was born and all.

Ana Lu said...

Wow I've never seen that DK set before!

Fuji said...

Thanks for taking the time to check. DK's are probably my favorite subset of all-time.

Fuji said...

It's funny you mention that. Back in 84, I definitely preferred the Topps set. These days it sort of depends on the mood. I actually like all three companies' 1984 designs.

Fuji said...

I'll definitely track down that post... and I'm with you on the 83T design.

Fuji said...

Thanks guys!

Max... I'll get some cards shipped out this week.

Kyle... I'll shoot you an email to discuss what you'd want in return for the Sundberg.

Fuji said...

81T = 2 votes
83T = 2 votes

Looks like it's you and nick in one corner... and me and night owl in the other. Let's see if someone can break the tie.

Fuji said...

Best of luck. I've wanted that card for so many years. It's funny, because they're not super expensive. But for one reason or another, I never pulled the trigger and picked one up.

Fuji said...

I was going to mention the lack of 84D in repacks... but since I don't buy a lot of them... I wasn't sure if I could back it up with enough evidence. Thanks for pointing that out.

Fuji said...

Ten years ago, I would have disagreed with you wholeheartedly. But recently... 89T (along with 86T) has started climbing my list of favorite Topps designs from the 80's.

Fuji said...

It's one of my favorites. Love the red, white, and blue banner... that differs from the other years.