Monday, March 18, 2013

Sayonara Sucka!

I'm not going to sugar coat things.  I'm bummed.  This past week, I quietly hoped that Greg Jennings would stick around and possibly finish his career as a lifelong Packer.  Maybe even help them get back to the Super Bowl.

But I'm sure the Packers didn't offer him the same money or length of contract.  And in Minnesota there's no question, he'll be the number one wideout.

The fact is... it's a business and I can't say I blame Jennings for leaving Green Bay to play for their division rival.  However that doesn't mean, I have to like it.

Jennings... I usually try to focus on the positive things in life.  But in your honor, I'll make an exception.

I hope every time you put on your purple helmet, you regret the decision to have Christian Ponder as your QB over Aaron Rodgers.  I hope you end up missing the playoffs every year over the next five seasons.  I hope that the Green Bay Packers figure things out on the defensive side of the ball and crush you and your team every time you step onto the field.  And most of all, I hope you never live up to the Minnesota Vikings' expectations and your 47.5 million dollar contract.

Wow... it felt good to get that out of my system.  With that out of the way, I'll leave things on a positive note.

Mr. Jennings, thank you for everything you gave to the Green Bay Packers organization and the fans these past seven seasons.  Sayonara sucka!

Happy Monday and sayonara!


The Lost Collector said...

It'll be weird to see him lace up the cleats for the Vikes.

TheRealDFG said...

The one thing I hate about free agency...seeing your favorite players suit up for another team (division rival) the next season. It happens in Pittsburgh every year. That's why I try not to get too attached. Try being the operative word.

Anonymous said...

it's tough to watch your favorite players bolt for a rival.

i felt the same way when LaVar Arrington demanded to be cut from his contract and ended up signing with the division rival Giants...and winning a super bowl. i really loved watching Arrington play and his jersey was the first one i ever purchased.

over the years i've come to the realization that i can only really cheer for the helmet and jerseys, not the guys wearing. it is absolutely a business and some players are less passionate about their teams than us fans.

Fuji said...

100% agree! You'd think I'd be used to it after seeing Favre in purple, but I'm not.

Fuji said...

I'll take your advice and TRY not to get to attached... but I won't lie. It's a lot easier for me to say it, then to actually do it.

Fuji said...

You make an excellent point with your last statement. Totally agree.

Greg Zakwin said...

Aaron Rodgers, Christian Ponder.

Aaron Rodgers, Christian Ponder.


Dion's IP Autos only said...

Like Harrison in a Ravens uni!!!!!

sg488 said...

Awww you know the Vikings shipped 2 of their best recievers(Rice and Harvin) to your other favorite team Seahawks,so stop whinning.Just Kidding.

Fuji said...

Lol... very true. Maybe Jennings will end up in Seattle.

Fuji said...
