Monday, November 26, 2012

This Guy is a HOFer in my book!

"The best punter I've ever known."  -John Madden

Ray Guy is a member of the NFL's 75th Anniversary Team.  There's an award named after him given to the top collegiate punter each year.  And he's a 5x HOFer:

Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame (Inducted in 1994)

Georgia Sports Hall of Fame (Inducted in 1997)

National High School Hall of Fame (Inducted in 2004)

College Football Hall of Fame (Inducted in 2004)

Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame (Inducted in 2008)

Unfortunately... he's still waiting for the call from Canton.  At this point in the game, his only hope is the senior selection committee.  And things don't look good for Mr. Guy... which is sad, because he's a 7x Pro Bowler, 3x All-Pro, and a 3x Super Bowl Champion.

My opinion won't influence anyone with the ability to make a difference, but I just wanted all of you to know that Ray Guy is a HOFer in my book.

What are your thoughts on punters in the Pro Football Hall of Fame?

Happy Monday and sayonara!


Commishbob said...

I think the best player ever at his position should be a Hall of Famer. And Guy is that guy.

But so much of this Hall of Fame stuff is politics. John Mackey made the tight end position what it is today. He was what every TE should be but he was blackballed for years because of his active role in the NFLPA. I had a chance to visit Canton in the mid 80s and turned it down. Foolish maybe but it was a point of principle to me.
The committee must have been feeling magnanimous (or guilty) in 1992 because inducted Al Davis that year, too. He should have been in long before.
I'll get off my soapbox now. LOL

Johngy said...

Ray Guy was the best of all time. He was one of the first players I ever remember. He is still the bar for punters. This is probably the biggest omission in all of sports.

Anonymous said...

Wow, and here I thought that the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame was bad for not including Yes, Dire Straits, Boston, Jethro Tull, Joe Jackson or the Moody Blues (not that I'm bitter or anything).

Whether or not you regard Ray Guy as the best punter of all time, he was definitely the best punter of his era, and he should be in. Anyone who's the best at their position in sports should be in that sport's HOF.

Spiegel83 said...


Guy should be in the HOF. It is a shame that he isn't already in Canton.

Anonymous said...

I think it's insane that there are no Punters in the Hall of Fame, and an should be a source of embarrassment to the NFL.

It'd be like Cooperstown not having any relief pitchers.

arpsmith said...

I am a 49er fan that pretty much hates the TRaiders and I completely agree with you that Ray Guy deserves to be in the HOF. He was easily the best of his era and probably the best of all time. He was head and shoulders above the competition. It is a shame and embarrassment to the HOF that he isn't in.

Fuji said...

Didn't know the story behind Mackey... just knew he was one of the greats of the game. Thanks for the information and glad to know he made it in.

Fuji said...

It's funny... he's one of the first guys I remember myself.

Fuji said...

Great bands... grew up listening to Boston. You make a great point, the best athlete at their position should be in the HOF.

Fuji said...

Can't stand the Raiders... but a huge fan of Guy.

Fuji said...

Perfect analogy... can you imagine Rollie, Hoyt, or Eck not in the Hall? How about Mariano in a few years. Great point!

Fuji said...

It's 7 to 0 so far... can't understand how the committee doesn't see things the same way.