Thursday, May 3, 2012

Gone, But Not Forgotten #1: Steve Chiasson

If you're not familiar with Mr. Chiasson, he was a solid defensemen who was drafted by the Detroit Red Wings in 1985. He skated for 13 seasons in the NHL for three franchises (Detroit Red Wings, Calgary Flames, and Hartford Whalers/Carolina Hurricanes) before passing away on May 3rd, 1999.

A day earlier, the Boston Bruins had eliminated Chiasson and the Hurricanes from the playoffs. His teammate, Gary Roberts had thrown an end of the season team party, which Chiasson attended. When it was time to leave, he was highly intoxicated, so teammates offered to drive him home or call a cab. He declined and never made it home.

His death rattled the NHL and its fans. I used the story as a teachable moment and shared it with my students to remind them of the consequences of drinking & driving.

I'm embarrassed to admit that over the years, Chiasson had slipped my memory. Then last week, I found the autographed card (above) for $1.25 online.

Now that he's a part of my cardboard collection, he will be remembered every time I flip through my autograph binder.

It's funny how sports cards have a way of bringing back memories for me.

Okay... time for you to share.

Do you have any specific cards that help keep you in touch with a moment from your past? If so, which cards?

Happy Tuesday... and sayonara!


ToppsGuy said...

That was tragic. I remember him here in Detroit. He was traded for Mike Vernon.

My Aunt turned me on to baseball in 1976.The year of "The Bird". Every time I see a Mark Fidrych card I think of her.

Nice post!

Contrary Guy said...

Wow, there is a memory! He was a semi-regular at a local bar (Detroit area) that I spent some time at way back when.

Fuji said...

1976 was an amazing year for baseball and "The Bird". I'm not sure who's luckier... your aunt for being associated with Fidrych or Fidrych for being associated with your aunt.

Fuji said...

He totally slipped my memory until I came across this card earlier last week. But as soon as I saw it... everything came back instantly.

Did you talk to him at the bar? Was he pretty social with the fans?

Contrary Guy said...

For what it is worth, it was a country/western bar, and with the band going, talking can be kind of difficult.

I did not ever speak to him as I just never thought to approach him and just stayed with my circle of friends. He appeared to be a regular guy and seemed very approachable but there never was a crowd around him as frankly I don't think most people even knew who he was.