Sunday, January 1, 2012

My 2012 Hobby Goals

Let's try this again.

Another year... another set of goals. Last year, wasn't as successful as I originally hoped... but then again... I didn't pay much attention to those goals after the first month or so. Hopefully, I'll focused and reach at least half, if not... all of these in 2012:

1. Create a cardboard budget & stick to it.

I said this last year... and I'm pretty sure I failed. I'm keeping the $150 monthly budget, because it's both realistic & reasonable. Any money that isn't spent at the end of the money will flow over into the following month's budget to allow for larger purchases.

2. Continue to focus on singles & sets, instead of packs & boxes.

This should help me accomplish the first goal. I may be giving up the thrill of busting wax and pulling the "hit" of a lifetime, but this approach will be safer and I'll be adding specific cards/sets that I want to add to my collection.

3. Complete at least one of the sets I'm currently building.

I have eleven to choose from, so it inexcusable to complete at least one of these. Most likely... I'm going to target the 1984 Topps set, since I only need one more card.

4. Shorten the length of my articles, but maintain an average of three posts a week.

A fellow blogger pointed out the fact that my posts tend to be too long... and I think he's right. This year, I'll try my best to keep things "shorter" & "simpler"... with the exception of this post of course.

5. Continue the tradition of running my contest this summer.

One of the things I love most about writing articles is reading your responses. The number of responses nearly triples when I'm running my contest. That alone is incentive for me to have it. I guess I need to start looking for new prizes to give away.

6. Add five new sports card trifectas to my collection.

My goal was to build fifteen last year and I only managed to add seven. The last one was finished in June... which means I've neglected this part of my collection. It's time to get back to work.

7. Add a 1909-11 T206 card to my collection.

I won't settle for just any T206, it has to be a Philadelphia Athletic... which means that I have 9 players to choose from (actually 8, since I'll never be able to afford the Eddie Plank). Chief Bender & Eddie Collins are the only remaining members of Cooperstown on the list, so I'd like to grab one of them... but we'll have to see what my budget looks like.

8. Stay positive and have fun, while maintaining & building more friendships with fellow bloggers and collectors.

I love my family... and my non-cardboard affiliated friends are very important too. But there's no denying the role sports cards plays in my life. Blogging is a huge part of that.

So my final goal involves all of my friends who support this blog. I think it's pretty awesome that we share an interest in pieces of cardboard with pictures/artwork on them.

You know the routine... it's your turn to share.

What are some of your hobby goals for 2012?

Happy New Year! I hope all of you have a positive, safe, and an overall awesome 2012. Sayonara!


John Bateman said...

Sticking to a budget is always tough. Good Fortune to you.

Fuji said...

john - thanks i'll need it. originally, i was going to give myself a $100/month budget, but figured i'd be setting myself up for failure. hopefully $150 will be more than enough. plus, anything i don't spend carries over.

Chris P said...

I did the stop buying wax thing a few years ago, and I think it's one of the best things I could've done. I never really pulled anything huge, and it's been a couple years since I've busted a pack, let a lone a box. It may take away the fun a little, but at least you get something really nice for your collection guarenteed

dominicfdny said...

To finish my 73 red sox team set and to get back to fenway for its 100th b-day

unclemoe said...

Yah I need to cut back on the random wax too.


Justin G. said...

Fuji- happy new year to you. I gave up random pack busting last year - it was tough, but really helped focus my PC.

Good luck with your goals this year!

arpsmith said...

Happy new year! Good luck on your goals, just checked my 1984 Topps doubles and I have a Chris Bando waiting for you. Shoot me your mailing address and it is on the way. That's one goal down already!

moremonkeys138 said...

Happy new year! Every collector should own at least one original T-206. Glad you made it a goal for the coming year. I'm looking for more myself.

Fuji said...

chris, unclemoe, and justin - if we all stop ripping, who's going to pull the cards we need? actually, that shouldn't be an issue, because pack/box busting can be addictive... and thankfully there are tons of collectors who love to bust product.

dominicfdny - best of luck on your 73 red sox set. i'm actually building a 72 oakland a's set myself. hope you make it back to fenway too.

arpsmith - thanks a million bro.. i'll shoot you an email right after i'm done with this comment. one down... seven to go.

moremonkeys138 - i've been eyeing a few, but am just trying to get an idea of how much i should pay before pulling the trigger. best of luck on your hunt for t206 additions to your pc.

Fuji said...

the chop keeper - wow, great call in regards to you tube. i'm the same way... in fact, i considered buying some of blowout and dacardworld's black friday deals, then headed over to youtube to see what the boxes produced. long story short... didn't place a single order. have a happy new year!

Anonymous said...

I'm putting up my goals on my blog now. I intend to cut way back on wax after Walmart runs out of 33%-off packs of 2011 Allen & Ginter!

Fuji said...

lonestarr - if my walmart put their blasters on sale, i'd be more likely to pick up a box from time to time (just for the sake of busting)... but they never do. my local target stores don't either. best of luck with those a&g... love that product.