Sunday, September 19, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!

Okay... so it's almost three weeks past my birthday... but I just had to post my present to myself.

It's the complete 2007 SP Authentic By The Letter set for Kurt Suzuki. I've been wanting to build this set for months now, since a YouTube buddy completed his in June.

However, I ran into two problems. First, the ones I found on the net were expensive ($20 or more... I saw that one just sold recently for $7.50 + shipping, but it was #'d to 75). Secondly, I was only able to find two letters.

So how do I always solve my set problems? Yep... you guessed it. I looked for a completed one. And wouldn't you know it... right around my birthday a guy from Hawaii posted his completed set.

I won't even go into my max bid, but luckily nobody else wanted it, so I won it for $50 + $5 shipping. Get your calculators out and tell me the per card breakdown. That's right... just over $9 a card delivered to sunny California.

I love the design of the card. It features a picture of Kurt in his catcher's gear. Then in the bottom lefthand corner of the card, it shows his position along with the serial numbering. I'm pretty stoked that I have one of the possible 50 sets out there. The only flaw with these cards is that he signed the letters with a thin gold pen and it's difficult to see the autographs unless you're holding them in your hands.

Which leads me to my dilemma and the question of the day: Should I display these bad boys on my shelf, knowing that mother nature will eventually fade these golden autographs? Or Should I tuck them away for safe keeping and take them out every September to remind me of my amazing birthday present to myself?

I'll be honest, I've already made up my mind. Originally, I put them into holders and placed the holders on my A's shelf. But within two days... I changed my mind, because I know how autographs signed with silver and gold Sharpies fade with sunlight. I personally want to appreciate these for as long as I can... so I posted them on my website, so I can enjoy them whenever I want. However... I'd still like to hear what you would do.

Have a great week!


The Ranter said...

Incredible! Happy birthday! I'm not sure about where you should store these beauties. I guess I would put them in a safe place where no sunlight would get to them. But you should do whatever pleases you. :)

Dodgerbobble said...

Happy birthday to you! Good idea to tuck them away.

I've been considering putting a Matt Kemp or Chad Billingsley together. I saw this bad boy on ebay.

Play at the Plate said...

I'd keep them safely away from the light and pull them out every once in a while to look at them.

Tony Mc said...

Stunning! Congrats on a great addition to your collection.
You did the right thing storing them away, thats what I would have done.

Redsox101 said...

Great Present to yourself they look awesome! Happy Late Birthday!

Charles @ Hoopography said...

Nice deal. I love it when no one else bids on items. I would find a uv protectant case to put them in to show off. Between magnet uv snap cases and a uv clear plastic box, the auto's should be fine.

Charles @ Hoopography said...

Nice deal. I love it when no one else bids on items. I would find a uv protectant case to put them in to show off. Between magnet uv snap cases and a uv clear plastic box, the auto's should be fine.