Monday, March 17, 2025

Bread, Chocolate, and Cookies Oh My!

Mondays have pretty much been my least favorite day of the week for as long as I can remember.  Most of the time it signifies the start of the work week which is tolerable at best.  

But I've been planning a blog series known as The Monday Munchies where I review cards, collectibles, and treats.

The idea was inspired by Ryan (@SumoMenkoMan) and all of the Japanese snacks he included in his advent calendar this past December.  I meant to start it back in January.  However sometimes I get a little distracted, so better late than never.

Today's snack packs are these two bags of chocolate treats that are Disney themed:

The Beauty and the Beast chocolate had sort of a "honey" flavor to it, while The Little Mermaid tasted more like fruit.

I thought each bag would contain a card or sticker, but neither did.  Instead they included seven individually wrapped pieces of chocolate.

Each wrapper had a different character(s) printed on it:

I highly doubt that these were meant to be saved and collected, but that's exactly what I did with them.  Here's a look at all fourteen wrappers:

As you can see, they fit nicely into 9-pocket pages and are now part of my non-sport Japanese binder.

This binder doesn't receive a lot of attention, but yesterday I actually just added a new card to it.  Bob over at The Best Bubble sent me a PWE that contained this card:

1997 Amada The King of Braves GaoGaiGar

Never seen or heard of this show, but it appears to have been an anime television series from the late 90's.

Anyways...  I realize Japanese snacks may not be everyone's thing, so I'll try to relate them to sports or sports cards that hopefully you can appreciate.

Luckily Bob tossed in a pair of really cool food issues.  First up is this seventy-five year old card of Eddie Malone who played for the Oakland Oaks:

1950 Remar Baking Oakland Oaks #NNO

Malone played two seasons for the Chicago White Sox, but spent most of his baseball career in the minors.

The back of the card features part of his statistics with the Oakland Oaks in 1950.  Based on his numbers on Baseball Reference, he had a strong second half to the season.

You might notice the radio advertisement for Bud Foster and KLX-AM.  I wasn't familiar with his name, but after some research it appears that he was inducted into the Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame in 2007 for his radio work with the Oaks, San Francisco Seals, Oakland Raiders, San Francisco 49ers, and Oakland A's.

The other food issue technically isn't a food issue... but it's still really cool:

1985 Mother's Cookies Oakland A's #3

At first glance, you'll probably recognize this glossy, rounded corner card as a Mother's Cookies card... which were sometimes issued in bags of their cookies.  However this Don Sutton was given away at the Oakland Coliseum back in 1985.  I've written about these stadium giveaways on a few occasions, because my brother and I would target the baseball card giveaway games at the Coliseum and Candlestick Park each season.

I'll wrap up this post with one more goody from Bob's PWE...

1969 Milton Bradley #NNO

Dick Green was a lifelong Athletic who was part of The Swinging A's that won back to back to back World Series titles in the 70's.  As for the card, I only have a handful of these Milton Bradley cards that were once part of someone's board game.

Thank you Ryan for the Japanese snacks... and thank you Bob for some really cool additions to my Oakland Oaks and Oakland A's baseball card collection.

Happy St. Patrick's Day and sayonara!


Bo said...

Love those vintage food issues!

Matt said...

Don Sutton doing his Sutton-ing pose! (I don't remember him as an Athletic!)

Ginko-5 said...

All very cool cards. Especially like the Eddie Malone. Imagine Topps advertising on the back of their cards...

Johnnys Trading Spot said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day! (I wouldn't eat any green food though or beverage for that matter).

Matt said...

I kinda want to try those chocolates!