Thursday, September 17, 2020

A Special Treat

Way back in June... at the start of my summer break... I was motivated to try and complete a few of the 70's Kellogg's sets I'm building.  Within a few weeks, I landed the last two cards I needed for my 1977 Kellogg's set.

Anytime you complete a 70's Kellogg's set, it's worth celebrating.  With that set out of the way, I turned my attention to my 1975 and 1978 Kellogg's sets.  Unfortunately... I ran into a brick wall.  It seemed like every morning I checked my saved eBay searches... sellers were asking more and more for their 70's Kellogg's singles.

It got to the point where I started deleting the daily emails without opening them.   I even considered deleting the saved searches, but ended up keeping them since my goal is to go back and work on these projects eventually.

Fast forward a month or so to a couple of days before my birthday.  I was looking up some stuff on eBay when I noticed this 1972 Kellogg's Roberto Clemente:

1972 Kellogg's #49

Outside of picking up some birthday related collectibles and having dinner with a friend, I don't really celebrate my birthday anymore.  But when I saw this card, I decided to treat myself to a special birthday present.

When it comes to card purchases, this is my most expensive single card purchase in quite some time.  I used one of my eBay gift cards to cover the $65 BIN price tag (+ $3 shipping and $6.01 sales tax).

It was
pretty exciting to add two vintage hall of famers to my collection over the course of two days.  I wrote about the other card last week, but I wanted to save the best for last.

Clemente is a legend and this card is nothing short of gorgeous.  There's not a single crack to be seen and the back is whiter than my teeth.  I might not be any closer to completing the 1975 and 1978 Kellogg's sets... but this card will hold me over until I'm ready to begin opening up the daily eBay emails featuring insanely priced 70's Kellogg's singles.

Here's you question of the day...

Are there any cards you've put on the back burner due to recent price spikes?

If so, please share them in the comment section below.  I'd love to hear about them.

Happy Thursday and sayonara!


Collecting Cutch said...

That Clemente is amazing!!! Clemente is certainly a legend. There's a few cards I've put off buying, I guess the obvious was the 2020 photo variant of Cutch that was selling up to $300 during skyrocket prices. It has certainly settled down and is in the $30 range now.

The Diamond King said...

Sweet Clemente! As for cards I have put on the back burner, I would have to say pretty much all of them! Just hoping for dime box treasures soon.

DMA said...

That's a great card. I limit myself to Clemente cards that don't call him "Bob," so this is another one I could try to pick up one day.

The Lost Collector said...

Not really, actually. But what I'm finding is that some of the Tinos that are alluding me are really expensive...low number parallels from the late 90s. I am putting them on the back burner because I don't want to spend that much on Tino Martinez cards. I'd rather buy Apple stock.

Johnnys Trading Spot said...

all of the the point I usually forget about them.

runfore!kelloggs baseball cards said...

Nice card. I have put off getting 1975 Kellogg's cards in top condition until I go to card shows. The prices online are way past what I want to pay. I can probably help you out with lots of 1978s. Do you have anything to trade? Let me know.

Jay said...

That's a fantastic find. I've only got that 1981 set completed so far, probably because it was the easiest and I bought it in one fell swoop. You deserved to get yourself something good on your birthday, Fuji. Nice work.

night owl said...

" I don't really celebrate my birthday anymore ..."

That is the saddest sentence I think I've ever heard.

I haven't run into any price hikes with my purchases. I guess I don't collect what's hot. I'm certainly not collecting current stuff and I know that's where the major overinflated prices are.

P.S.: I got my '72 Kellogg's Clemente for free. ;)

Matt said...

That is a beautiful Clemente - not sure if I've seen one in such good condition before!

Dan said...

1975 Kellogg's is expensive. Congrats on that nice Clemente. There are so many cards I am holding up on, but then I've also purchased a lot. My big get for me was a 1993 Stadium Club Murphy Jeter.

GTT said...

That's a beautiful card.

Swing And A Pop-up said...

Any day you can pick up some Kellogg's cards (or read about someone else scoring some) is a good day and a post worth reading.

Nick said...

Baseball cards don't get much better than a Kellogg's Clemente!

The Snorting Bull said...

That is a great looking Clemente card. I have put most of the 2020 products on the back burner due to price. I am not fighting people for blasters at Target, and I am not paying double the price for them on Ebay or in Facebook groups.

gcrl said...

Is there such a thing as a bad clemente card? I don't think so.
I'm sitting out current product starting with a&g until update, and we will have to see if I pull the trigger on that.

Jeff S said...

Sweet Card !! Most of the 2020 cards.

Fuji said...

collecting cutch - gotta suck being one of those people who dropped $300... especially since most of us knew it'd eventually come down in price. that being said... they have a story to tell their grandchildren i guess

the diamond king - i'm in the same boat as you. most of my card purchases have been put on hold. i think i'm averaging two to four card purchases a month these days

dma - i think i have a couple of clemente cards that refer him to bob. i agree... i'd rather see roberto though

the lost collector - is it a good time to buy apple stock? well... i'd imagine that's one that continues to go up and up... like the trout rookie card

johnnys trading spot - i forget about them too sometimes. then i'll see a card on another blog that reminds me

runforekelloggs - yeah... the 75's are crazy in price. as for trading... not really. i do have a few stacks of kellogg's, but they're not high grade 70's stuff. they mostly 80's.

jay - you'll find the occasional kellogg's set at serramonte (which should be coming back in january?). in fact that's where i found most of my vintage kellogg's sets

night owl - lol. yup. i'm a debbie downer. i'd be a much happier person if i got my 72 kellogg's clemente for free too ;D

matt - yeah, i was really happy with the condition. i think the b/r corner is what dropped this grade significantly... but it's not bad in my eyes

dan - congratulations on nailing down the stadium club murphy jeter. that's a card i wanted years ago, but never ended up getting.

gtt - thank you

swing and a pop-up - yeah... i love reading anything related to kelloggs

nick - you're right. one of my favorite cards is my 1970 kellogg's clemente

the snorting bull - i don't go to target in general very often, but when i do... i always check the card aisle. i just haven't seen any baseball in a long time. i did see a hockey (mvp?, maybe) the last time i went

gcrl - if i really want something current, i probably would just go to ebay and buy a complete set. that's my plan for big league

jeff s - yeah. without my topps future stars club membership, i've purchased less that 30 2020 singles... and 7 of those 2020 singles were project 2020 cards.

Peter K Steinberg said...

Oh this is a glorious baseball card!

Matt said...

Great card!

shoeboxlegends said...

A real beauty Fuji, congrats on landing that!