Saturday, October 5, 2013

Two Tickets To Paradise

Okay... maybe not.  But it would have been paradise had the A's pulled out another walk off win against the Tigers tonight.  Instead... they find themselves down a game in the series.

But there wasn't a single moment in Game 1 that I stopped believing in the Athletics.  And I'll continue believing in them until Detroit or someone else knocks them out of the playoffs.

Go A's!

Happy Saturday and sayonara!


Jafronius said...

Woo! First to comment! That was a fun game to watch. I hope it's a fun series as well.

Greg Zakwin said...

I still believe in the A's.

The Lost Collector said...

Good luck!

JediJeff said...

And I thought this was going to be an Eddie Money post. :(

Kyle D said...

Amen to that. Go Athletics!!!

Ana Lu said...

Without my Yankees I think I'll go and support A's. Specially now that Suzuki is back again :-D

Community Gum said...

My wife lived in Oakland for a short time, so we're rooting for them too. hoping for a Pirates/A's WS to make all those big market teams think things through.

gcrl said...

Too bad you didn't go to game 2! Or did you?

Fuji said...

I'm predicting it'll go the distance... so hopefully the A's can grab one in Detroit.

Fuji said...

LOL... Had the YT video playing in the background as I typed out this post.

Fuji said...

It's a shame he didn't get into the game on Friday... his birthday ;-)

Fuji said...

I'd love to see a Pirates/A's WS! On the flipside... I'd love to see a rematch of the 1988 WS too. If the A's get knocked out... I'll definitely pull for the Pirates.

Fuji said...

I could have traded my tickets to the ALCS for last night's game, but passed... mainly b/c I didn't have a voice after Friday's game. Great game though.