Friday, August 27, 2010

Contest Results & the Final Challenge

Well... The Padres came back in the bottom of the 9th... only to lose in the 12th to the Phillies (3 to 2)... which means Tony Mc and 82Redbirds are tied with 20 points.

There can only be one winner, so Tony Mc & 82Redbirds... your final challenge is this:
Next week, I'll be posting my latest PC (personal collection)... which features autographs of players born on the same day as me (not necessarily the same year, they just share the same birthday). The challenge is to guess how many autographs I have in that PC. The person closest to the number (or the person who guesses correctly) will win their choice of whatever prize package they want. The other goes into the random with everyone else.

The tiebreaker this time will be to tell me
how many of these autographs are of football players. I will give you guys 12 hours to respond. If neither of you respond by then, I'll extend the deadline. However if one of you responds and the other doesn't, then the person who responds automatically wins. Please also leave in the comment, which prize package you want. If you can't remember, click here to see the different prizes.

Sorry about rushing you guys... but I'd like to package these up and ship them out before my birthday, so I don't have to stress over it.

By the way... here are the final standings. Remember... the number of points you receive is the number of entries you get in the prize drawing.

Tony Mc - 20 points
82Redbirds - 20 points

Martyn - 15 points
Spastikmooss - 14 points
G Moses - 14 points

BA Benny - 14 points
Hoopography - 13 points
Steve D - 12 points
TJ - 12 points
Sal - 12 points
night owl - 10 points
dkwilson - 10 points
Cam - 9 points
Play at the Plate - 8 points
Redsox101 - 5 points
John - 6 points
Captain Canuck - 5 points
Jeremy - 4 points
(...Joe) - 3 points
longlivethewho - 1 point
The Ranter - 1 point
lonestar - 1 point
timmy v - 1 point
dodgerbobble - 1 point
Sports Card Report - 1 point

Once again... thanks to everyone who has participated. Just a reminder... even if you don't win a prize package... you still will win a prize just for taking part in it. Well... I need some sleep.

I look forward to hearing your contest responses Tony Mc & 82Redbirds. G'nite!


Anonymous said...

WOW! I can't believe I'm still in the hunt! OK...I'm just going to grab a number out of the air. I'm guessing you have 10 autographs of players that share your birthday. In addition, I'll guess that 3 of them are football players. If I'm lucky enough to win this contest, I'd like to claim Prize Package A: TTM Baseball Autographs.

Win or lose, I want to thank you, Fuji. You put a lot of work into this contest, and you're parting with a lot of sweet cards for the prizes. I, for one, really appreciate all your efforts on this project.

Tony Mc said...

Didn't expect to get into the final two!
I'm going to guess 7 autos and 4 of them are football players.
I choose Prize Package B: Set of 2008 TNA Impact Wrestling Cards.
Thanks for the fun contest!

Fuji said...

Thank to both of you for the quick responses... I'm going to leave it a surprise, but one of you nailed the number, so the tiebreaker wasn't needed.

I should have the post with the winner and the randomization up within the next hour or so.

Thanks to everyone for participating... it was great reading everyone's "question of the day" responses.

See you guys in a few!