Do you know what Rickey Henderson, Kobe Bryant, Kurt Suzuki, Charles Woodson, Barry Bonds, Doug Wilson, and Marshawn Lynch all have in common? They all wore #24 at some point in their careers and they're all athletes I really like and collect.
That's why I'm wrapping up 2024 with a celebration of these athletes and twenty-four of their cards featuring clear shots of #24.
The cards will be presented in chronological order... so you'll see streaks of certain players. That's because some of these players wore #24 during specific parts of their career.
For example, Barry Bonds wore #24 for most of his tenure in Pittsburgh which lasted from 1986 to 1992. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of quality examples of his cards featuring #24. However I was able to dig up two of his early oddball issues with nice photos:
1987 Classic Travel Update #113
1988 Kenner SLU #NNO
Three of my all-time favorite athletes wore #24. Rickey Henderson wore #35 his first stint in Oakland and #22 right after the Yankees traded him back. However... he only wore #22 a minute amount of games in 1989.
1992 Donruss Elite Legends #NNO
He worked out a deal with Ron Hassey to acquire #24 (the number he wore in New York) which is the number he wore with the A's from 1989 to 1993, 1994 to 1995, and in 1998.
Charles Woodson wore #24 for the Oakland Raiders.
1998 Bowman Chrome Interstate Refractor #181
He was such a fun player to watch... that I liked him immediately after entering the NFL. But I became an even bigger fan when he signed with the Green Bay Packers in 2006.
Not sure why he ended up wearing #21 for the Green & Gold. But when he returned to Oakland in 2013, he went back to #24.
Another one of my all-time favorite athletes is Kobe Bryant. You won't see any of his early cards featured in this post though, because he wore #8 the first half of his career from 1996-97 to 2005-06. But he switched to #24 in 2006-07:
2006-07 Finest Green Refractor #25
I acquired most of these Kobe cards during the late 2000's when they were still affordable and I was still opening basketball products.
2007-08 Stadium Club Beam Team Relics #BTR-KB
This one isn't valuable, but it does feature a fantastic action shot of him:
Don't worry... there's more baseball coming up. Just two more Kobe relics:
2008-09 Topps T-51 Murad Relics #T51R-KB
2008-09 Topps Treasury Relics #TTR-KB
Okay... let's transition back to baseball and another all-time favorite player of mine:
Kurt Suzuki wore #24 for the Oakland A's in 2008.
2009 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Relics #CC-KS
Marshawn Lynch started his NFL career with the Buffalo Bills where he wore #23. However he was traded mid-season to the Seattle Seahawks in 2010 and wore #24. That's the number he wore in high school and his freshman year at CAL.
If you're a baseball fan who patiently stuck around, here's a few more baseball cards:
2012 Topps Retired Number Patch #RN-RH
2013 Topps Five Star Autographs #FSBA-RH
2015 Gypsy Queen Autographed Relics #AR-RH
2017 Topps Definitive Autographed Relic #DCAR-RH
I'm not sure when it happened, but sometime around 2013 or 2014... Topps started inserting a ton of Henderson on-card autographs into their products. This flooded the market and allowed collectors like me to start adding them to my collection for $50 or less.
2017 Topps Five Star Heart of a Champion Autograph #FSHC-RH
The Hobby Boom of 2020 changed the way people collected... and drove Rickey's autograph prices through the roof. I haven't bought a single one since.
Switching sports... here's a San Jose Sharks legend:
Let's wrap things up with one last Rickey:
Well there you have it... twenty-four cards of seven guys who wore #24.
Now I know there are a bunch of legends like Willie Mays, Ken Griffey Jr., Miguel Cabrera, Rick Barry, and a bunch of others that I left out of this post. But I wanted to narrow it down to guys I really, really liked to root for... and collect.
Not a fan of my selections? Create your own list of 24 cards showing of #24.
Happy New Year and sayonara!