30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Monday, June 1, 2020

Plug One, Plug Two...

Right about the time this post will be published, I'll be sitting in a staff meeting learning about how we'll be conducting our end of the year protocol since it'll be a little different this year.  This week will be the last time I'll have the opportunity to meet with my students online as a class, which will be both happy and sad.

I'm sure a few of them will be shocked to see me today, since I chopped off my hair over the weekend.  At least one person said I looked much better with long hair, but I just couldn't handle it touching my ears.  I know... first world problems.

Anyways... enough about me.  I wanted to kick this week off on a positive note, since last week was kind of a downer and plug some fellow bloggers.  Here we go...

Plug OneThe Diamond King's Diamond Nine

2000 Topps Chrome Refractor #359
2002 Topps Chrome Refractor #380

The Diamond King has returned to the keyboard in a big way.  On Saturday I wrote about his version of BFG that incorporated an auction approach that was both unique and entertaining.  Today, I'm showing off a pair of cards I claimed off of a Diamond Nine postWhat's that?  That's where he offers up 9 cards to collectors on his blog.  If you see something you like, just be the first to claim it in his comment section.

I'm normally late to the party on these giveaway posts, but I happened to be in the right place at the right time... and managed to snag a pair of refractors for my Montreal Expos/Japanese Athlete and Oakland A's collections.

Plug TwoBump and Run Football Card Blog

Next up is a football card blogger, who writes about other sports too.  It's important to point this out, because based on my blog statistics, baseball rules.  That's why I limit the number of basketball, football, hockey, soccer, and other sports and non-sports posts on this blog.  But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy reading about things outside of baseball.

Trevor's blog offers up some excellent set reviews, but my favorite series on his blog are his Franchise 9 posts.  That's where he chooses 9 cards to represent the 9 best Super Bowl Era players for a franchise.  Go check out his blog.

But before you do, here's a look at some cards he recently sent my way:

Remember my Lego post from last month?  He had asked fellow bloggers to write about one of their unique collections.  My submission was a few days late, so I wasn't expecting to win anything.  However, I will graciously accept this generous PWE of cards.

Joe is a Canadian blogger who writes about his Blue Jays, Maple Leafs, and Magic the Gathering collections.  He's also the blogger that opened my eyes to baseballcardstore.ca, which is the blogosphere's latest online dime box.

Last week, he sent me two PWE's that contained some San Francisco Giants for my students:

I'm headed into my classroom for the first time in over two months today... and I'm bringing these with me.  Not sure when I'll actually be standing in front of students again.  But when it happens, I'll pass these out to some Giants fans.

Plug FourMy Sports Obsession

I'm sure a lot of you are already subscribed to Jeff's blog.  If not, he's the member of our blogosphere that will help find a home for any unwanted Chicago White Sox cards you might have laying around.

Speaking of finding a new home, he recently sent me a stack of Frank Thomas cards for my collection:

Frank Thomas is one of those guys I collect that I don't advertise very often.  That's what happens when you collect way too many teams and players.  I was pretty excited to be able to use about a third of these cards.

The extras?  Well... if you know any other Frank Thomas collectors... leave their names down below and I'll pay it forward and make sure to give Jeff all of the credit.

Ninety-three sets enter, but only one will win.  Are you able to predict the winner?  Give it a shot and you might win a prize over on Nachos Grande's blog.  He designed a bracket, similar to the NCAA's March Madness and has turned the tournament into a contest with a few different ways to win.  Click here to check it out.

Well that's it for now.  I hope all of you have a safe week with your family, friends, and colleagues.

I'll leave you with the song that inspired the title of this post...

Happy Monday and sayonara!


  1. Reading this in English department collaboration...

  2. My wife started cutting my hair when I joined the AF in 86, and she still cuts it the same way today. I can't stand it touching my ears either!

  3. great pics for before and AFTER your meeting. ;)

  4. "Plug Tunin'" is a fantastic song, and its b-side, "Freedom Of Speak", is almost as great. I think I was still in college radio when it came out and I was playing it from day one. Love it.

  5. I need a haircut, dude. I might have to follow your lead.

  6. Good pics! I appreciate it when I get new blogs to read from other bloggers. Today's new one to me is CrazieJoes!

  7. I'm the same about hair on my ears... drives me crazy. I've been growing my hair out on top, but I still trim around the ears every two weeks.

  8. Lookin' good with the shorter hair, Fuji! Of course, I'm biased since that's the way I've gone for a long time now. That's a very good list of cool people you plugged here.

  9. Yes, keep it off of the ears, but by no means give me white walls.

  10. Nice haircut, I also am in need of one. For the ears.

  11. Well now I know who to look for at San Jose Obon. Shame that's not happening this year.

  12. Nice haircut! You are ready for the military! Sign on the dotted line.....

  13. Was so glad that the county next to me opened up a couple weeks ago and the gal who cuts my hair at her house lives there. Was so relieved. Saved me from (another) hack job.

  14. My wife is really good at cutting my hair. Even before CoronaCon started, she usually cut it. There are a few blogs on here that are new to me, I will have to give them a follow and add them to my blog list on the side of my page.

  15. Best hip hop album of all time.

  16. I could use those Big Hurt cards for my PC I only have maybe 50 cards of his now , and I sure as heck can use a haircut lol

  17. Glad you could use some of those Frank's.

  18. trevor p - nice. reading is the key.

    the angels in order - you're so lucky. i offered my friend $100 to cut my hair, but she wouldn't do it. so it took the situation into my own hands.

    acrackedbat - lol. i didn't think about that. i was kinda bummed. not a single student commented on my haircut this week. but a few of my co-workers texted me during the staff meeting.

    brett alan - i'm so bummed that wmg blocked it from people being able to listen to it on my blog. had to look up "freedom to speak" on youtube. i like it. then again... i like de la soul's sound in general. so bummed that i can't find my cd.

    the lost collector - it's like i woke up a new man.

    the diamond king - i love learning about new blogs too.

    p-town tom - i'm hoping i can go 3 to 4 weeks between cuts... but we'll see.

    peter k steinberg - thanks

    dennis - i think the plan is to compromise. continue to shave the sides... and grow the top out

    jeff b - thank you kind sir

    johnnys trading spot - when i go to the barber, she usually uses a 1 (i used a 1.5)... but she has even gone shorter.

    sean - i bought my clippers on target's website. it set me back 3 blasters... but i'm not complaining

    nick vossbrink - i was honestly more bummed that nikkei matsuri was cancelled

    sumomenkoman - lol. not sure what i'd be good for at my age.

    gca - my barber called me on saturday and told me she was going to be in my area. i felt so bad, because i know she can use the money. i told her i'd think about in a month.

    the snorting bull - you're a lucky man. as for the blogs, i'm always excited to add a new one to my reading list

    rob - i'm so bummed that i can't find my cd. i think it's in my classroom... and i'm not going back into my room until august

    trollsolo - email me your address and i'll send a pwe your way

    jeff laws - thanks again for that huge stack of frank thomas cards. i'll be sending you some sox in the near future.
