30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Monday, March 11, 2019

Kind Words and Contest Update

Although my heart aches, I assure you that the healing process has begun with the help of my family and friends, as well as all of the kind words many of you left on my Saturday post.  I read and appreciated each and every one.

I came home from Vegas yesterday afternoon and after I caught up with a couple of old friends, did a few loads of laundry, and checked my mail... I was able to wrap up my contest, enter in everyone's name into random.org, and hit randomize 9 times.  Here are the results:

Congratulations to Josh D. (Royals and Randoms), SumoMenkoMan, and Wrigley Wax!  I'm pretty sure I have SumoMenkoMan's address (as long as you haven't moved yet), but I need Josh and Wrigley Wax's mailing addresses.  If you guys could please shoot me an email with your addresses, I'll try to put together your custom 9-pocket page as soon as possible.

Well that's it for now.  Thanks again for your kind words and I hope all of you have a great week.

Happy Monday and sayonara!


  1. Congratulations to the winners!

  2. Given time the hurt you feel will turn to fondness for the good times you and your family shared. It takes time but it'll happen. I've been down that road myself, several times.

    I'm glad to hear it's started for you.

  3. Fuji, glad that you are getting settled back in and healing has started. Hang in there buddy!

  4. You know coming in at number 36, I'm number 3, number 6 and added together number 9. Does that count? Just kidding...and I'm glad to see you're doing better.

  5. Congrats to the victors!And thanks for the contest Fuji.Glad you are feeling a little better ;)

  6. Glad to hear you're doing ok. Continuing to wish you the best.

  7. Thanks for the contest and congrats to the winners. I lost my dad about 20 yrs ago. Time heals. You always have the good memories

  8. hang in there. beautiful memories help.

  9. Congrats winners and remember we are all here for you!

  10. Congrats to the winners. As you know, the road to healing is a slow process but at least you're heading in the right direction. The hobby fam is here for you.

  11. Ah, so close! Thanks for the contest, good sir.

  12. Congratulations to the winners and thanks for your addresses! I'm just starting to catch up on reading and responding to comments left on my blog posts. I'm hoping to find the time to build everyone's contest packages (including John Miller's Presidential Set) sometime this week. I appreciate everyone's patience.

    Mark Hoyle - I've been reminiscing so much about my mom lately. Figure I gotta keep it up... because I'm scared I'll start forgetting them.
