30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Friday, January 31, 2014

The Results Are In

Before I announce the winner, let's see if anyone received any bonus entries for correctly answering my questions.

Bonus Question #1:  Out of the 380 dime box cards, how many were new additions to my Tony Gwynn binder?

Answer:  Five

Correct RespondersZero

I picked up thirteen Gwynn cards from this guy's boxes, but these were the only five I didn't already own.

Bonus Question #2:  What was the oldest card(s) from the dime box purchase?

Answer:  1970 Kellogg's

Correct RespondersZero

I picked up seven singles from this set.  There weren't any superstars, but there were a few minor stars like Willie Horton.

Bonus Question #3:  Which of the nine cards shown (from this dime box purchase) was a card on my Top 10 Wantlist?

Answer:  1984 Topps Traded #103 Pete Rose

Correct RespondersOne (cynicalbuddha)

I have wanted this card for awhile now for my Montreal Expos collection and was straight up "giddy" when I found it for 10¢.  After all of these years, I still think it's weird seeing Rose in that uniform.  Next up... I want to add the Fleer Update to my collection.

I guess the bonus questions were too hard.  There was only one correct response out of sixty possible (20 participants).  Oh well... I'll try to make them a little easier next time.

Let's get to what you're all waiting for... the contest winner.  Drum roll please...

Congratulations The Lost Collector!  Email me your address and I'll get that 1996 Denny's Hologram set shipped out to you early next week.

Happy Friday and sayonara!


  1. well at least I got one of bonus questions right!! Thanks for the contest Fuji.
