30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Monday, January 6, 2014

Flea Market Finds #52: An Iconic Factory Set

When:  Thursday, January 2nd
Where:  Capitol Flea Market
What:  1989 Upper Deck Baseball Set
How Much?:  $15

I can't believe it's already been 25 years since Upper Deck released the premier baseball product.  It definitely makes me feel old.  It seems like yesterday that I'd go into my local card shop and watch people ripping into their unique foil packs... while I busted the more affordable Topps, Fleer, Donruss, Score, and Bowman packs (insert me shaking my head).

It didn't take long before 1989 Upper Deck was well out of my budget.  And by the time I could actually afford to buy myself a set, there were newer products out there that demanded my money.

However... good things come to those who wait and after all of these years, these sets are now very affordable. In the past year or so, I've seen several people selling their sets at the flea market in the $25 to $40 range.  But thankfully I waited just a little bit longer, because last Thursday I finally found a sealed set at a price I felt was very reasonable.

I was a little concerned at first, because it wasn't shrink wrapped.  In fact the only thing it has is a clear, circular seal in the middle of the set.

From what I gathered on the internet, it looks like these seals are legit.  But I guess I won't truly know unless I break it open.  Any one out there an expert on these factory sets?

Oh I almost forgot.  Last month, I went to the Capitol Flea Market and stumbled across this guy who had a bunch of posters for 50¢ each.  Unfortunately he didn't have many sports posters, but I was able to grab this Starline poster of Rickey Henderson from the early 90's.

Maybe one day I'll be able to have a man cave and when I do... I'll frame this and hang it up.  Until then, it'll be stored in the garage with a bunch of other stuff I don't have room for.

Happy Monday and sayonara!


  1. Wow, $15 for the '89 UD set? That's unreal! No pun intended, though, I hope it's legit but I wouldn't be surprised if it was. Nice Rickey poster, too.

    1. Part of me is afraid to open it... for just that reason.

  2. That's a great price for an iconic set! Just to get the Griffey RC for $15 is a steal.

  3. I loved the first Upper Deck set. I put it together by hand. Good times.

    The next year Upper Deck's BS Ben McDonald '"error" rookie drove me out of collecting cards.

    1. I totally bought into Mr. McDonald. And totally remember the variation too. Can't remember which one was rarer though.

  4. I think it is high time you just up and renamed this blog "The Infinite Flea Market" because I don't see any way you can consistently find such good stuff, month after month, without either A) magical trickery or B) some sort of space/time distortion device enabling you to access all possible versions of these flea markets from alternate dimensions.

    1. Sorry to disappoint... but no magical trickery or Tardis like machines. Just a keen eye, nice walking shoes, and about 2 hours in the morning on Saturdays and Sundays (and in this case on Thursday). I wish I found treasures every time I went out. The truth is... I hit up a lot of flea markets. During my two week break, I went to the flea market five times and only purchased things twice. But the three times I struck out didn't bother me... because at least it got me off my butt and out of my house.

  5. Nice. It pays to be patient sometimes. I should remember that.

  6. To find out if it's real you whisper, "Junior?" If he answers it's real. Or maybe you need to see a professional --- real soon.

    1. Yeah... I've been meaning to see my cardboard counselor for a few weeks now.

  7. great Rickey poster. i remember looking for that one as a kid and never finding it.
    amazing deal on the upper deck set, getting an untouched Griffey is well worth the wait and the cost. very nice trip, eh?

    1. Yeah... excited to add both to my collection. But it was actually two different days. Unfortunately, I can't remember the exact day I picked up the Rickey poster.

  8. Great deal on the set, I need to find me a So Cal flea market with cards. Speaking of feeling old, the year that UD set came out is the year I graduated from High School.

    Also digging the Rickey poster. Great pick ups!

    1. Looks like I'm one year behind you. As for So. Cal flea markets... last year my buddy and I took a trip down to San Diego and they had a really cool flea market. I had to go back to the post to find the name. It's called the Santee Flea Market. They had another one down there, but I forgot the name.

    2. The bigger one in San Diego is the Kobey Swap Meet, which is located next to the San Diego Sports Arena.

  9. Congrats on finding that set for so cheap. 15 bucks doesn't even buy me four packs over in these parts...and for the record, I had been out of high school for a few years in 89. That's even older.

    1. I'm pretty sure my LCS sells packs in the $4 to $5 range too.

  10. Can I follow you around and pick up your crumbs?

    1. There's actually a few guys I'm already competing with. One of them found two autographed mini helmets (Jim Brown and another guy... maybe Earl Campbell) for $10/each back in November. And two weeks ago, the guy who sold me the Nolan Ryan binder (with the Topps Gallery set) and the shoe box... sold a shoe box full of Griffey jersey cards and high end inserts for a little over $100. I was totally bummed that I showed up 15 minutes too late. So I guess I ended up getting that guy's crumbs ;-)

  11. Great find! I tried to hand collate a set of '89 Upper Deck and ended up five cards short. I could probably find those five (Dale Murphy was one of them, reversed photo, or not) if I was agressive enough, but for now, they're sitting in a binder in my closet.

    1. That set is so beautiful... it deserves to be in a binder. Leaves me with some decisions.

  12. Fuji,
    It really makes me feel old that "The kid" Ken Griffey Jr.'s kid Tre Griffey had 2 TD's in Arizona's Bowl football game hell I remember watching Ken Sr. and the big red machine play when I was a kid now his grand kid is 20! were does the time go!

    1. I didn't know his son played football. Very cool. I remember watching Griffey Sr. in the 80's... time is definitely going by faster and faster as I get older.

  13. Three words: Crack it open.

    If it's missing some cards or a few are damaged, you've still done well, sir. Shouldn't cost much to replace/add a few.

    Simply an iconic set that needs to be enjoyed and not locked in that coffin.

  14. Awesome find! I say open it...I couldn't deal with the possibility of Griffey Jr missing from the set!

  15. The factory sets are such a neat way to find vintage sets that means so much to us. Nice find!

  16. I'd rip it open just to see the Griffey.

  17. Dean, Jafronius, PATP - I'm very tempted to do that... but sort of nervous to see the results ;-)
